Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Hymns and sacred poems: Published by John Wesley, ... and Charles Wesley, ... London: printed by William Strahan; and sold by James Hutton; and at Mr. Bray's, 1739. x,[6],223,[1]p.; 12⁰. (ESTC T31323; OTA K034809.000)
- EUpolis's Hymn to the Creator Page 1
- Solitude. From the Latin 6
- The Mystery of Life 7
- Epitaph 9
- Virtue. Altered from Herbert ibid.
- Upon listning to the Vibrations of a Clock 10
- Doomsday. From Herbert ibid.
- Spritual Slumber. From the German 12
- Zeal 13
- On reading Mons. de Renty's Life 16
- Vanity. From Herbert ibid.
- Farewell to the World. From the French 17
- Giddiness. From Herbert 19
- To a Friend in Love 20
- She that liveth in Pleasure, &c. 23
- [Page]John xv. 18, 19. 24
- Hymn to Contempt 26
- The Agony. From Herbert 28
- The Thanksgiving. From the same 29
- The Reprizal. From the same 30
- Mattins. From the same 31
- Employment. From the same 32
- The Elixir. From the same 33
- Grace before Meat 34
- Another 35
- Grace after Meat 36
- On Clemens Alexandrinus's Description of a Perfect Christian 37
- Affliction. From Herbert 39
- The Frailty. From the same 41
- The Collar. From the same 42
- Grace. From the same 43
- Gratefulness. From the same 45
- The Method. From the same 46
- Grieve not the Holy Spirit. From the same 47
- The Sigh. From the same 48
- The Flower. From the same 49
- Desertion. From the same 51
- A True Hymn. From the same 52
- The Temper. From the same 53
- The same 54
- Bitter-sweet. From the same 55
- A Hymn for Midnight ibid
- After considering some of his Friends 57
- Religious-Discourse 58
- [Page]Man's Medley. From Herbert 63
- Misery. From the same 65
- The Sinner. From the same 67
- Repentance. From the same 68
- Complaining. From the same 69
- Home. From the same 70
- Longing. From the same 73
- The Search. From the same 75
- Discipline. From the same 77
- Divine Love. From the German 78
- Written in the Beginning of a Recovery from Sickness 80
- After a Recovery from Sickness 82
- A Prayer under Convictions 85
- The 53d Chapter of Isaiah 87
- Looking unto JESUS, &c. 91
- Gal. iii. 22. 92
- Hoping for Grace. From the German 94
- The Dawning. From Herbert 96
- Blessed are they that mourn 97
- The Change. From the German 99
- CHRIST the Friend of Sinners Page 101
- On the Conversion of a Common Harlot 103
- Rom. iv. 5. 105
- Acts i. 4. 106
- [Page]Hymn of Thanksgiving to the Father 107
- Hymn to the Son 108
- Hymn to the Holy Ghost 111
- Praise. From Herbert 113
- The Glance. From the same 115
- Desiring to praise worthily. From the German 116
- Free Grace 117
- The Call. From Herbert 119
- True Praise. From the same ibid
- The Dialogue. From the same 120
- Subjection to CHRIST. From the German 122
- Renouncing all for CHRIST. From the French 123
- The Invitation. From Herbert 125
- The Banquet. From the same 126
- Therefore with Angels, &c. 128
- Glory be to GOD on high, &c. ibid
- Hymn to CHRIST. Altered from Dr. Hickes 130
- On the Crucifixion 131
- Part of the lxiii Chapter of Isaiah. Altered from Mr. Norris 132
- The Magnificat 134
- Psalm xlvi. 135
- Psalm cxiii. 136
- Psalm cxvi. 138
- Psalm cxvii. 139
- Prayer. From Herbert 140
- Trust in Providence. From the German 141
- [Page]In Affliction 144
- In Affliction, or Pain. From the German 145
- Another. From the same 146
- In Desertion or Temptation 147
- Justified, but not sanctified 150
- Isaiah xliii. 1, 2, 3. 153
- The Believer's Support. From the German 154
- Living by CHRIST. From the same 156
- GOD's Love to Mankind. From the same 159
- GOD's Greatness. From the same 161
- Hymn on the Titles of CHRIST 165
- IId Hymn to CHRIST 168
- IIId Hymn to CHRIST 170
- Hymn to CHRIST the King 171
- IId Hymn to CHRIST the King 174
- The Saviour glorified by All. From the German 175
- A Morning Hymn 178
- A Morning Dedication of ourselves to CHRIST. From the German 179
- CHRIST protecting and sanctifying. From the same 181
- Supplication for Grace. From the same 182
- Hymn to the HOLY GHOST 184
- On the Descent of the HOLY GHOST at Pentecost. Altered from Dr. Henry More 185
- Publick Worship from the German 188
- [Page]Prayer to CHRIST before the Sacrament. From the same 189
- Hymn after the Sacrament 190
- Acts ii. 41, &c. 192
- To be sung at Work 193
- Another 194
- GOD with us. From the German 195
- GOD our Portion. From the Spanish 196
- Gratitude for our Conversion. From the German 198
- Boldness in the Gospel. From the same 200
- Acts iv. 29. 202
- Congratulation to a Friend, upon Believing in CHRIST 203
- Hymn for Christmas Day 206
- Hymn for the Epiphany 208
- Hymn for Easter Day 209
- Hymn for Ascension Day 211
- Hymn for Whitsunday 213
- Grace before Meat 215
- At Meals 216
- Grace after Meat 217
- Another 218
- John xvi. 24. 219
- Isaiah li. 9, &c. 222
- EUPOLIS' Hymn to the Creator. / Rev. Samuel Wesley
- SOLITUDE. From the Latin. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- The Mystery of Life. / Rev. John Gambold
- EPITAPH. / Rev. John Gambold
- VIRTUE. Altered from Herbert.
- Upon list'ning to the Vibrations of a Clock. / Rev. John Gambold
- DOOMSDAY. From Herbert.
- SPIRITUAL SLUMBER. From the German. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- ZEAL. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- On Reading Monsr. de RENTY's Life. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- VANITY. From Herbert.
- FAREWELL to the WORLD. From the French.
- GIDDINESS. From Herbert.
- To a FRIEND in LOVE. / Rev. John Gambold
- 1 TIM. v. 6. She that liveth in Pleasure, is Dead while She liveth. / Rev. John Gambold
- JOHN xv. 18, 19. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- HYMN to CONTEMPT. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- The AGONY. From Herbert.
- The THANKSGIVING. From the same.
- The REPRIZAL. From the same.
- MATTINS. From the same.
- EMPLOYMENT. From the same.
- The ELIXIR. From the same.
- GRACE before MEAT. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- Another. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- GRACE after MEAT. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- On CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS'S Description of a Perfect Christian. / Rev. John Gambold
- AFFLICTION. From Herbert.
- FRAILTY. From the same.
- The COLLAR. From the same.
- GRACE. From the same.
- GRATEFULNESS. From the same.
- The METHOD. From the same.
- Grieve not the HOLY SPIRIT. From the same.
- The SIGH. From the same.
- The FLOWER. From the same.
- DESERTION. From the same.
- A TRUE HYMN. From the same.
- The TEMPER. From the same.
- The same.
- BITTER-SWEET. From the same.
- A HYMN for MIDNIGHT. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- After considering some of his Friends. / Rev. John Gambold
- RELIGIOUS DISCOURSE. / Rev. John Gambold
- MAN'S MEDLEY. From Herbert.
- MISERY. From the same.
- The SINNER. From the same.
- REPENTANCE. From the same.
- COMPLAINING. From the same.
- HOME. From the same.
- LONGING. From the same.
- The SEARCH. From the same.
- DISCIPLINE. From the same.
- DIVINE LOVE. From the German. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- Written in the Beginning of a Recovery from Sickness. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- After a Recovery from Sickness. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- A PRAYER under Convictions. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- The 53d Chapter of ISAIAH. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- HEB. xii. 2. Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our Faith. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- GAL. iii. 22. The Scripture hath concluded all under Sin, that the Promise by Faith of JESUS CHRIST might be given to them that believe. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- Hoping for GRACE. From the German. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- The DAWNING. From Herbert.
- MATTH. V. 3. Blessed are they that mourn. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- The CHANGE. From the German. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- CHRIST the Friend of Sinners. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- On the Conversion of a Common Harlot. LUKE XV. 10. There is Joy in the Presence of the Angels of GOD over one Sinner that repenteth. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- ROM. iv. 5. To him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the Ungodly, his Faith is counted for Righteousness. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- ACTS i. 4. Wait for the Promise of the Father, which ye have heard of me. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- HYMN of THANKSGIVING to the FATHER. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- HYMN to the SON. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- HYMN to the HOLY GHOST. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- PRAISE. From Herbert.
- The GLANCE. From the same.
- Desiring to praise worthily. From the German. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- FREE GRACE. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- The CALL. From Herbert.
- TRUE PRAISE. From the same.
- The DIALOGUE. From the same.
- Subjection to CHRIST. From the German. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- Renouncing all for CHRIST. From the French. Antoinette Bourignon
- The INVITATION. From Herbert.
- The BANQUET. From the same.
- Therefore with Angels, &c. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- Glory be to GOD on high, &c. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- HYMN to CHRIST. Altered from Dr. Hickes's Reform'd Devotions.
- On the CRUCIFIXION. / Rev. Samuel Wesley
- Part of the LXIII Chapter of ISAIAH, Altered from Mr. Norris. John Norris
- The MAGNIFICAT. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- PSALM XLVI. / Henry Pitt
- PSALM CXIII. / Rev. Samuel Wesley
- PSALM CXVI. / Rev. Samuel Wesley
- PSALM CXVII. / Rev. Samuel Wesley
- PRAYER. From Herbert.
- TRUST in PROVIDENCE. From the German.
- In AFFLICTION. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- In AFFLICTION, or PAIN. From the German. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- Another. From the same. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- In DESERTION or TEMPTATION. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- JUSTIFIED, but not SANCTIFIED. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- ISAIAH xliii. 1, 2, 3. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- The BELIEVER's SUPPORT. From the German. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- Living by CHRIST. From the German.
- GOD's Love to Mankind. From the same.
- GOD's Greatness. From the same. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- HYMN on the Titles of CHRIST. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- IId HYMN to CHRIST. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- IIId HYMN to CHRIST. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- HYMN to CHRIST the King. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- IId HYMN to CHRIST the King. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- The SAVIOUR glorified by All. From the German.
- A MORNING HYMN. / Rev. Charles Wesley (translator)
- A Morning Dedication of ourselves to CHRIST. From the German. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- CHRIST protecting and sanctifying. From the same. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- Supplication for Grace. From the same. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- HYMN to the HOLY GHOST. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- On the Descent of the HOLY GHOST at Pentecost. Altered from Dr. H. More.
- Supplication for Grace. PUBLICK WORSHIP. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- Supplication for Grace. Prayer to CHRIST before the Sacrament. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- HYMN after the Sacrament. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- ACTS ii. 41, &c. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- To be sung at WORK. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- Another. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- GOD with us. From the German. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- GOD our Portion. From the Spanish. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- GRATITUDE for our CONVERSION. From the German.
- BOLDNESS in the GOSPEL. From the same. / Rev. John Wesley (translator)
- ACTS iv. 29. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- Congratulation to a Friend, upon Believing in CHRIST. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- HYMN for CHRISTMAS-DAY. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- HYMN for the EPIPHANY. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- HYMN for EASTER-DAY. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- HYMN for ASCENSION-DAY. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- HYMN for WHITSUNDAY. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- GRACE before MEAT. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- At MEALS. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- GRACE after MEAT. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- Another. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- JOHN xvi. 24. Ask, and ye shall receive, that your Joy may be full. / Rev. Charles Wesley
- ISA. li. 9, &c. / Rev. Charles Wesley
Published by JOHN WESLEY, M. A. Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford; AND CHARLES WESLEY, M. A. Student of Christ-Church, Oxford.
LONDON: Printed by WILLIAM STRAHAN; and sold by JAMES HUTTON, Bookseller, at the Bible and Sun, without Temple-Bar; and at Mr. BRAY's, a Brazier in Little-Britain.
1. SOME Verses, it may be observ'd, in the following Collection, were wrote upon the Scheme of the Mystick Divines. And these, 'tis own'd, we haa once in great Veneration, as the best Explainers of the Gospel of CHRIST. But we are now convinced that we therein greatly err'd: not knowing the Scriptures, neither the Power of GOD. And because this is an Error which many serious Minds are sooner or later exposed to, and which indeed most easily besets those, who seek the LORD JESUS in Sincerity; we believe ourselves indispensably obliged, in the Presence of GOD and Angels, and Men, to declare wherein[Page iv] we apprehend those Writers, Not to teach the Truth as it is in JESUS.
2. And first, we apprehend them to lay Another Foundation. They are carefull indeed to pull down our own Works, and to prove, that by the DEEDS of the Law shall no flesh be justified. But why is this? Only, to establish our own Righteousness in the place of our own Works. They speak largely and well, against expecting to be accepted of GOD for our Virtuous Actions: And then teach, That we are to be accepted, For our Virtuous Habits or Tempers. Still the Ground of our Acceptance is placed in ourselves. The Difference is only this: Common Writers suppose we are to be justified, for the Sake of our Outward Righteousness. These suppose we are to be justified, for the Sake of our Inward Righteousness: Whereas in truth, we are no more justified, for the sake of one than of the other. For neither our own Inward nor Outward Righteousness, is the Ground of our Justification. Holiness of Heart, as well as Holiness of Life, is not the Cause, but the Effect of[Page v] it. The Sole Cause of our Acceptance with GOD (or, That for the Sake of which on the Account of which we are accepted) is the Righteousness and the Death of CHRIST, who fulfilled GOD's Law, and died in our Stead. And even the Condition of it, is not (as they suppose) our Holiness either of Heart of Life: But our Faith Alone; Faith contradistinguish'd from Holiness as well as from Good Works. Other Foundation therefore can no Man lay, without being an Adversary to CHRIST and his Gospel, than Faith Alone, Faith, though necessarily producing both, yet not including either Good Works, or Holiness.
3. But supposing them to have laid the Foundation right, the Manner of building thereon which they advise, is quite opposite to that prescribed by CHRIST. He commands to build up one another. They advise, "To the Desert, to the Desert, and GOD will build you up." Numberless are the Commendations that occur in all their Writings, not of Retirement intermix'd with Conversation, but of an intire Seclusion from Men, (perhaps for[Page vi] Months or Years) in order to purify the Soul. Whereas, according to the Judgment of our Lord, and the Writings of his Apostles, it is only when we are knit together, that we have Nourishment from Him, and increase with the Increase of GOD. Neither is there any time, when the weakest Member can say to the strongest, or the strongest to the weakest, "I have no need of Thee." Accordingly our Blessed Lord, when his Disciples were in their weakest State, sent them forth, not alone, but Two by Two. When they were strengthen'd a little, not by Solitude, but by abiding with him and one another, he commanded them to wait, not separate but being assembled together, for the Promise of the Father. And they were all with one Accord in one Place, when they received the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Express mention is made in the same Chapter, that when there were added unto them Three Thousand Souls, all that believed were together, and continued stedfastly not only in the Apostles Doctrine but also in fellowship and in breaking of Bread and in praying with one Accord. Agreeable[Page vii] to which is the Account the Great Apostle gives, of the Manner which he had been taught of GOD, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the edifying of the Body of CHRIST, even to the end of the World. And according to St. Paul, all who will ever come, in the Unity of the Faith, unto a perfect Man, unto the Measure of the Stature of the Fulness of CHRIST, must together grow up into him. From whom the whole Body fitly join'd together and compacted (or strengthen'd) by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual Working in the Measure of every part, maketh Increase of the Body, unto the Edifying of itself in Love. Ephesians iv. 15, 16.
4. So widely distant is the Manner of Building up Souls in CHRIST taught by St. Paul, from that taught by the Mysticks! Nor do they differ as to the Foundation, or the Manner of Building thereon, more than they do with Regard to the Superstructure. For the Religion these Authors wou'd edify us in, is Solitary[Page viii] Religion. If Thou wilt be Perfect, say they, "trouble not thyself about Outward Works. It is better to work Virtues in the Will. He hath attain'd the True Resignation, who hath estranged himself from all Outward Works, that GOD may work inwardly in him, without any turning to Outward Things. These are the true Worshippers, who worship GOD, in Spirit and in Truth." For Contemplation is with them, the fulfilling of the Law, even a Contemplation that "consists in a Cessation of all Works."
5. Directly opposite to this is the Gospel of CHRIST. Solitary Religion is not to be found there. "Holy Solitaries" is a Phrase no more consistent with the Gospel than Holy Adulterers. The Gospel of CHRIST knows of no Religion, but Social; no Holiness but Social Holiness. Faith working by Love, is the length and breadth and depth and height of Christian Perfection. This Commandment have we from CHRIST, that he who love GOD, love his Brother also: And that we manifest our Love,[Page ix] by doing good unto all Men; especially to them that are of the Household of Faith. And in truth, whosoever loveth his Brethren not in Word only, but as CHRIST loved him, cannot but be zealous of Good Works. He feels in his Soul a burning, restless Desire, of spending and being spent for them. My Father, will he say, worketh hitherto and I work, And at all possible Opportunities, he is, like his Master, going about doing good.
6. This then is the Way: Walk Ye in it, whosoever Ye are that have believed in his Name. Ye know, Other Foundation can no Man lay, than that which is laid, even JESUS CHRIST. Ye feel that by Grace Ye are saved thro' Faith; saved from Sin, by CHRIST form'd in your Hearts, and from Fear, by his Spirit bearing Witness with your Spirit, that Ye are the Sons of GOD. Ye are taught of GOD, not to forsake the assembling of yourselves together, as the Manner of some is; but to instruct, admonish, exhort, reprove, comfort, confirm and every Way build up one another. Ye[Page x] have an Unction from the Holy One, that teacheth you to renounce any other or higher Perfection, than Faith working by Love, Faith zealous of Good Works, Faith as it hath opportunity doing good unto all Men. As Ye have therefore received JESUS CHRIST the LORD, so Walk ye in Him: Rooted and built up in Him, and stablish'd in the Faith and abounding therein more and more. Only, beware lest any Man spoil you thro' Philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of Men, after the rudiments of the World, and not after CHRIST. For Ye are complete in Him. He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. Only continue in Him, grounded and settled and be not moved away from the Hope of the Gospel: And when CHRIST, who is our Life, shall appear, then shall Ye also appear with him in Glory!