The historical map used in this visualization is Thomas Kitchin's A compleat map of the British Isles
(London: Robert Sayer, 1788). You can add or remove individual
map layers via the Layers-menu in the top right corner.
Poets are shown at their place of birth, unless it is unknown or
beyond the confines of the map, in which
case they are shown at the country's geographical centre. Images of the poets
have been sourced from Wikimedia
Commons among others.
You can use the filters below to adjust the window of reference,
and switch to the Poets-tab on the left for an alphabetical list of
poets (with filters applied).
Filter by years
Filter by gender
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Known issues
Regretfully, for navigational purposes,
some names and borders
used in the map navigation correspond to present-day denominations and
historical reality. We apologize for the resulting distortion
and historical inaccuracy, and hope to improve this over time with the
help of projects like
OpenHistoricalMap as they evolve and mature.
Please feedback any
comments or issues to the editor.