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The 53d Chapter of ISAIAH.

1 WHO hath believ'd the Tidings? Who?
2 Or felt the Joys our Words impart?
3 Gladly confess'd our Record true,
4 And found the Saviour in his Heart?
5 Planted in Nature's barren Ground,
6 And cherish'd by JEHOVAH's Care,
7 There shall th' Immortal Seed be found,
8 The Root Divine shall flourish there!
9 See the Desire of Nations comes;
10 Nor outward Pomp bespeaks Him near,
11 A Veil of Flesh the GOD assumes,
12 A Servant's Form he stoops to wear;
13 He lays his every Glory by;
14 Ignobly low, obscurely mean,
15 Of Beauty void, in Reason's Eye,
16 The Source of Loveliness is seen.
17 Rejected and despis'd of Men,
18 A Man of Griefs, inur'd to Woe;
19 His only Intimate is Pain,
20 And Grief is all his Life below.
21 We saw, and from the irksome Sight
22 Disdainfully our Faces turn'd;
23 Hell follow'd Him with fierce Despight,
24 And Earth the humble Object scorn'd.
25 Surely for Us He humbled was,
26 And griev'd with Sorrows not his own:
27 Of all his Woes were We the Cause,
28 We fill'd his Soul with Pangs unknown.
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29 Yet Him th' Offender we esteem'd,
30 Stricken by Heaven's vindictive Rod,
31 Afflicted for Himself we deem'd,
32 And punish'd by an Angry GOD.
33 But O! with our Transgressions stain'd,
34 For our Offence He wounded was;
35 Ours were the Sins that bruis'd and pain'd
36 And scourg'd, and nail'd Him to the Cross.
37 The Chastisement that bought our Peace,
38 To Sinners due, on him was laid:
39 Conscience be still! thy Terrors cease!
40 The Debt's discharg'd, the Ransom's paid.
41 What tho' we All as wandring Sheep
42 Have left our GOD, and lov'd to stray,
43 Refus'd his mild Commands to keep,
44 And madly urg'd the downward Way;
45 Father, on Him thy Bolt did fall,
46 The Mortal Law thy Son fulfill'd,
47 Thou laid'st on Him the Guilt of All,
48 And by his Stripes we All are heal'd.
49 Accus'd his Mouth He open'd not,
50 He answer'd not by Wrongs opprest;
51 Pure tho' He was from sinful Spot
52 What Guilt He Silently confest!
53 Meek as a Lamb to Slaughter led,
54 A Sheep before his Shearers dumb
55 To suffer in the Sinner's stead
56 Behold the Spotless Victim come!
57 Who could his Heavenly Birth declare
58 When bound by Man he silent stood,
59 When Worms arraign'd Him at their Bar,
60 And doom'd to Death th' Eternal GOD!
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61 Patient the Sufferings to sustain
62 The Vengeance to Transgressors due,
63 Guiltless He groan'd and died for Man:
64 Sinners rejoice, He died for you!
65 For your imputed Guilt he bled,
66 Made Sin a sinful World to save;
67 Meekly he sunk among the Dead:
68 The Rich supplied an Honour'd Grave?
69 For O! devoid of Sin, and free
70 From Actual or Intail'd Offence,
71 No Sinner in Himself was He,
72 But pure and perfect Innocence.
73 Yet Him th' Almighty Father's Will,
74 With bruising Chastisements pursu'd,
75 Doom'd Him the Weight of Sin to feel,
76 And sternly just requir'd his Blood.
77 But lo! the Mortal Debt is paid,
78 The costly Sacrifice is o'er,
79 His Soul for Sin an Offering made
80 Revives, and He shall die no more.
81 His numerous Seed He now shall see,
82 Scatter'd thro' all the Earth abroad,
83 Blest with His Immortality,
84 Begot by Him, and born of GOD.
85 Head to his Church o'er all below
86 Long shall He here his Sons sustain;
87 Their bounding Hearts his Power shall know,
88 And bless the lov'd Messiah's Reign.
89 'Twixt GOD and Them He still shall stand
90 The Children whom his Sire hath given,
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91 Their Cause shall prosper in his Hand
92 While RIGHTEOUSNESS looks down from Heaven.
93 While pleas'd He counts the Ransom'd Race.
94 And calls and draws them from above;
95 The Travail of his Soul surveys,
96 And rests in his Redeeming Love.
97 Tis done! my Justice asks no more,
98 The Satisfaction's fully made:
99 Their Sins He in his Body bore;
100 Their Surety all the Debt has paid.
101 My Righteous Servant and my Son
102 Shall each Believing Sinner clear,
103 And All, who stoop t'abjure their own,
104 Shall in His Righteousness appear.
105 Them shall He claim His just Desert,
106 Them His Inheritance receive,
107 And many a contrite humble Heart
108 Will I for his Possession give.
109 Satan He thence shall chase away,
110 Assert his Right, his Foes o'ercome;
111 Stronger than Hell, retrieve the Prey,
112 And bear the Spoil triumphant Home.
113 For charg'd with all their Guilt he stood,
114 Sinners from Suffering to redeem,
115 For Them He pour'd out all his Blood,
116 Their Substitute, He died for Them.
117 He died; and rose his Death to plead,
118 To testify Their Sins forgiven
119 And still I hear Him interceed,
120 And still He makes Their Claim to Heaven!


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): The 53d Chapter of ISAIAH.
Genres: hymn

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Source edition

Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Hymns and sacred poems: Published by John Wesley, ... and Charles Wesley, ... London: printed by William Strahan; and sold by James Hutton; and at Mr. Bray's, 1739, pp. 87-90. x,[6],223,[1]p.; 12⁰. (ESTC T31323; OTA K034809.000) (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [Vet. A4 f. 254].)

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The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Rev. Charles Wesley