[Page 195]
GOD with us.
From the German.
1 ETERNAL Depth of Love Divine
2 In JESU, GOD-with-Us, display'd,
3 How bright thy beaming Glories shine!
4 How wide thy healing Streams are spread?
5 With whom dost Thou delight to dwell?
6 Sinners, a vile, and thankless Race.
7 O GOD! what Tongue aright can tell
8 How vast thy Love, how great thy Grace!
[Page 196]9 The Dictates of thy Sov'reign Will
10 With Joy our grateful Hearts receive:
11 All thy Delight in us fulfill,
12 Lo! all we are to Thee we give.
13 To thy sure Love, thy tender Care,
14 Our Flesh, Soul, Spirit we resign;
15 O! fix thy sacred Presence there,
16 And seal th' Abode for ever Thine.
17 O King of Glory, thy rich Grace
18 Our short Desires surpasses far!
19 Yea, ev'n our Crimes, tho' numberless,
20 Less num'rous than thy Mercies are.
21 Still on Thee, Father, may we rest!
22 Still may we pant thy Son to know!
23 Thy Spirit still breath into our Breast,
24 Fountain of Peace and Joy below!
25 Oft have we seen thy mighty Pow'r
26 Since from the World Thou mad'st us free:
27 Still may we praise Thee more and more,
28 Our Hearts more firmly knit to Thee!
29 Still, LORD, thy saving Health display,
30 And arm our Souls with heav'nly Zeal:
31 So, fearless shall we urge our Way
32 Thro' all the Pow'rs of Earth and Hell!
About this text
Author: Rev. John Wesley (translator)
hymn; translation
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Source edition
Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Hymns and sacred poems: Published by John Wesley, ... and Charles Wesley, ... London: printed by William Strahan; and sold by James Hutton; and at Mr. Bray's, 1739, pp. 195-196. x,[6],223,[1]p.; 12⁰. (ESTC T31323; OTA K034809.000) (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [Vet. A4 f. 254].)
Editorial principles
The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.
Other works by Rev. John Wesley
- Another. From the same. ()
- The BELIEVER's SUPPORT. From the German. ()
- BOLDNESS in the GOSPEL. From the same. ()
- The CHANGE. From the German. ()
- CHRIST protecting and sanctifying. From the same. ()
- Desiring to praise worthily. From the German. ()
- DIVINE LOVE. From the German. ()
- GOD our Portion. From the Spanish. ()
- GOD's Greatness. From the same. ()
- Hoping for GRACE. From the German. ()
- In AFFLICTION, or PAIN. From the German. ()
- A Morning Dedication of ourselves to CHRIST. From the German. ()
- SPIRITUAL SLUMBER. From the German. ()
- Subjection to CHRIST. From the German. ()
- Supplication for Grace. From the same. ()
- Supplication for Grace. Prayer to CHRIST before the Sacrament. ()
- Supplication for Grace. PUBLICK WORSHIP. ()