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The Substance of the following Copy, and many of the Lines as they here stand were sent me by an Esteemed Friend Mr. W. Nokes, with a desire that I would form them into a Pindarick Ode; but I retain'd his Measures least I should too much alter his Sense.
A Sight of CHRIST.
1 ANgels of Light, your God and King surround
2 With Noble Songs; in his Exalted Flesh
3 He claims your Worship; while his Saints on Earth
4 Bless their Redeemer-God with humble Tongues.
5 Angels with lofty Honours crown his Head;
6 We bowing at his Feet, by Faith may feel
7 This distant Influence, and confess his Love.
8 Once I beheld his Face, when Beams Divine
9 Broke from his Eyelids, and unusual Light
10 Wrap't me at once in Glory and Surprize.
11 My Joyful Heart high leaping in my Breast
12 With Transport cry'd, This is the Christ of God;
13 Then threw my Arms around in sweet Embrace,
14 And clasp'd, and bow'd Adoring low, till I was lost in him.
15 While he appears no other Charms can hold
16 Or draw my Soul asham'd of former things,
17 Which no Remembrance now deserve or Name
18 Tho' with Contempt, best in Oblivion hid.
19 But the bright Shine and Presence soon withdrew;
20 I sought him whom I Love, but found him not;
21 I felt his Absence; and with strongest cries
22 Proclaim'd, Where Jesus is not, all is vain.
23 Whether I hold him with a full Delight,
24 Or seek him panting with Extream Desire,
25 'Tis He alone can please my Wondring Soul;
[Page 67]26 To hold or seek him is my only Choice.
27 If he refrain on me to cast his Eye
28 Down from his Palace, nor my longing Soul
29 With upward Look can spy my Dearest Lord
30 Thro' his Blue Pavement, I'll behold him still
31 With sweet reflection on the peaceful Cross,
32 All in his Blood and Anguish, groaning deep,
33 Gasping and dying there. —
34 This Sight I ne're can loose, by it I live:
35 A Quickning Vertue from his Death inspir'd
36 Is Life and Breath to me; His Flesh my Food;
37 His Vital Blood I drink, and hence my Strength.
38 I Live, I'm Strong, and now Eternal Life
39 Beats quick within my Breast; my Vigorous Mind
40 Spurns the dull Earth, and on her fiery Wings
41 Reaches the Mount of Purposes Divine,
42 Counsels of Peace betwixt th' Almighty Three
43 Conceiv'd at once, and Sign'd without Debate
44 In perfect Union of the Eternal Mind.
45 With vast Amaze I see the Unfathom'd Thoughts,
46 Infinite Schemes, and Infinite Designs
[Page 68]47 Of God's own Heart in which he ever rests.
48 Eternity lies open to my View;
49 Here the Beginning and the End of all
50 I can discover; Christ, the End of all,
51 And Christ the great Beginning; He my Head,
52 My God, my Glory, and my All in All.
53 O that the Day, the joyful Day were come
54 When the first Adam from his Ancient Dust
55 Crown'd with new Honours shall revive, and see
56 Jesus his Son and Lord; while shouting Saints
57 Surround their King, and God's Eternal Son
58 Shines in the midst but with Superior Beams,
59 And like himself; Then the Mysterious Word
60 Long hid behind the Letter shall appear
61 All Spirit and Life, and in the fullest Light
62 Stand forth to publick View, and there disclose
63 His Father's Sacred Works and wondrous Ways:
64 Then Wisdom, Righteousness and Grace Divine
65 Thro' all the Infinite Transactions past
66 Inwrought and shining shall with double blaze
[Page 69]67 Strike our astonish't Eyes, and ever reign
68 Admir'd and Glorious in Triumphant Light.
69 Death and the Tempter, and the Man of Sin
70 Now at the Bar arraign'd, in Judgment cast,
71 Shall vex the Saints no more, but perfect Love
72 And loudest Praises perfect Joy create,
73 While ever-circling Years maintain the blissful State.
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Source edition
Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748. Horæ lyricæ: Poems, chiefly of the lyric kind. In two books. ... By I. Watts. London: Printed by S. and D. Bridge, for John Lawrence at the Sign of the Angel in the Poultrey. MDCCVI., 1706, pp. 65-69. [20],267,[1]p.; 8⁰. (ESTC T82397; OTA K067329.000) (Page images digitized from a copy in the Princeton Theological Seminary Library.)
Editorial principles
The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.
Other works by Isaac Watts
- THE Absence of the Beloved. ()
- Against Tears. The beginning of Ode 23. Book 4. of Casimire Imitated. Si, quae flent mala, lugubres Auferrent Oculi, &c. ()
- BEWAILING My own Inconstancy. ()
- Breathing towards the Heavenly Country. Casimire. Book I. Od. 19. Imitated. Urit me Patriae Decor, &c. ()
- Brotherly Love. PSALM CXXXIII. ()
- Christ's Amazing Love AND My Amazing Coldness. ()
- Confession and Pardon. ()
- THE Day of Judgment. An ODE, Attempted in English Sapphick. ()
- DEATH A Welcome Messenger. ()
- THE Death of MOSES, Deut. xxxii. 49, 50. and xxxiv. 5, 6. ()
- THE Divine Sovereignty. ()
- Doubts and Fears SUPPRES'D. PSALM III. ()
- Duty to God and our Neighbour. ()
- AN ELEGY ON THE Reverend Mr. Tho. Gouge. ()
- AN EPITAPH ON King WILLIAM III. Of Glorious Memory, Who Died March 8th. 1701. ()
- Forsaken, yet Hoping. ()
- Free Philosophy. ()
- A Funeral POEM ON Thomas Gunston Esq ()
- THE GLORIES of GOD Exceed all Worship. ()
- GOD Appears most Glorious IN OUR Salvation by CHRIST. ()
- GOD Incomprehensible. ()
- GOD Sovereign and Gracious. ()
- GOD's Infinity. ()
- THE HAPPY SAINT AND Cursed Sinner. PSALM I. ()
- THE HAZARD OF Loving the Creatures. ()
- [Hymn I.] The Hosanna; or Salvation ascribed to CHRIST. ()
- [Hymn II.] GLORY to the FATHER and the SON, &c. ()
- AN Hymn of Praise TO The God of ENGLAND, FOR Three Great Salvations. (VIZ.) ()
- The Law and Gospel. ()
- LONGING FOR HEAVEN, OR, THE Song of Angels Above. ()
- LONGING FOR The Second Coming OF CHRIST. ()
- [MORAL SONG] II. Innocent Play. ()
- [MORAL SONG] V. The ANT or EMMET. ()
- [MORAL SONG] VI. Good Resolutions. ()
- ON The Sudden Death OF Mrs. Mary Peacock. ()
- Our Saviour's Golden Rule. ()
- THE PLEASURE OF Love to CHRIST Present or Absent. ()
- Praise to the LORD FROM All NATIONS. PSALM C. ()
- THE REVERSE; ON THE View of some of my Friends remaining Comforts. ()
- Sick of Love. Solom. Song, i. 3. ()
- Sincere Praise. ()
- Sitting in an Arbour. ()
- SONG I. A general Song of Praise to GOD. ()
- SONG II. Praise for Creation and Providence. ()
- SONG III. Praise to GOD for our Redemption. ()
- SONG IV. Praise for Mercies Spiritual and Temporal. ()
- A Song of Praise TO GOD. PSALM C. In Trissyllable Feet. ()
- SONG V. Praise for Birth and Education in a Christian Land. ()
- SONG VI. Praise for the Gospel. ()
- SONG VII. The Excellency of the BIBLE. ()
- SONG VIII. Praise to GOD for learning to Read. ()
- SONG IX. The All-seeing GOD. ()
- SONG X. Solemn Thoughts of GOD and Death. ()
- SONG XI. Heaven and Hell. ()
- SONG XII. The Advantages of early Religion. ()
- SONG XIII. The Danger of Delay. ()
- SONG XIV. Examples of early Piety. ()
- SONG XV. Against Lying. ()
- SONG XVI. Against Quarrelling and Fighting. ()
- SONG XVII. Love between Brothers and Sisters. ()
- SONG XVIII. Against Scoffing and calling Names. ()
- SONG XIX. Against Swearing, and Cursing, and taking God's Name in vain. ()
- SONG XX. Against Idleness and Mischief. ()
- SONG XXI. Against Evil Company. ()
- SONG XXII. Against Pride in Clothes. ()
- SONG XXIII. Obedience to Parents. ()
- SONG XXIV. The Child's Complaint. ()
- THE Sufferings and Glories OF CHRIST. A SONG In Trisyllable Feet. ()
- The TEN COMMANDMENTS, out of the Old Testament, put into short Rhyme for Children. ()
- TO David Polhill Esq ()
- TO David Polhill Esq ()
- TO Dr. JOHN SPEED of Southampton. ()
- TO Dr. Thomas Gibson. ()
- TO Her MAJESTY. ()
- TO John Hartopp Esq ()
- TO John Hartopp Esq ()
- TO Mr. A. S. and Mr. T. H. ()
- TO Mr. C. and S. Fleetwood. ()
- TO Mr. Henry Bendish. ()
- TO Mr. John Lock Retired from The World of Business. ()
- TO Mr. JOHN SHUTE ON Mr. LOCK's Dangerous Sickness sometime after he had retired to study the Scriptures. ()
- TO Mr. Nicholas Clark. ()
- TO Mr. Robert Atwood. ()
- TO Mr. William Blackbourn. ()
- TO My Brothers E. and T. W. ()
- TO My Sisters S. and M. W. ()
- TO Nathanael Gould Esq ()
- TO THE Discontented and Unquiet. ()
- TO THE Reverend Mr. B. Rowe. ()
- To the Reverend Mr. John Howe. ()
- To the Right Honourable JOHN Lord CUTTS. [At the Siege of Namure.] ()
- TO Thomas Gunston Esq ()
- THE Transcendent Glories OF THE DEITY. ()
- THE Universal Hallelujah, OR, PSALM 148. PARAPHRAS'D. ()
- UPON The Dismal Narrative OF THE Afflictions of a Friend. ()
- Wishing him ever with me. ()
- A Word of Warning, OR Few Happy Marriages. ()