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ON MR ****** ACTOR

1 GReat child of nature, well you play your part,
2 Yet nature sure would need a little art.
3 Excuse me ****** but I'm forc'd to tell,
4 In nought so much as bawling you excell.
5 And where there's no occasion for a storm,
6 Your head's too giddy, and your blood too warm.
7 For instance now, when men are making love,
8 They bill and coo, as gentle as the dove;
9 But you, all foaming like a savage bear,
10 Attempt with blust'ring cries to move the fair.
11 How inconsistent, vain unthinking boy,
12 To rage a tyrant, while you look a toy.
13 You gain applause good faith, I grant it true,
14 Nothing like roaring charms the vulgar crew.
15 But men, whose judgement's rather more acute,
16 Astonish'd stare, with indignation mute.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): ON MR ****** ACTOR
Genres: heroic couplet; address

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Source edition

Carmichael, Miss (Rebekah) (fl. 1790-1806). Poems. Edinburgh: Peter Hill, 1790, p. 71. 92p. (ESTC T104666) (Page images digitized from a copy at University of California Libraries — third-party rights apply.)

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