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1 A Fair one once upon a time,
2 Address'd a nymph that dealt in rhyme,
3 I pray on me make satire;
4 And plainly tell me, as a friend,
5 My faults, that I may strive to mend;
6 I hate to hear you flatter.
7 The nymph replied Give me my book,
8 And then assum'd the critic's look;
9 But stopt to pause a while:
10 The greatest fault in you I see,
11 Is asking such a thing of me;
12 Nor, Nancy, need you smile.
13 For, O! it was in vain to think,
14 At such an error I could wink;
15 Your meaning will not hide
16 Full well before I spake you knew,
17 Of faults you had so very few,
18 'Twas conscious female pride.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): A REQUEST
Genres: tale

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Source edition

Carmichael, Miss (Rebekah) (fl. 1790-1806). Poems. Edinburgh: Peter Hill, 1790, p. 61. 92p. (ESTC T104666) (Page images digitized from a copy at University of California Libraries — third-party rights apply.)

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