[Page 57]


1 Sweet lovely maid, what shall I say,
2 Or how describe thy charms;
3 Whose look, like Phoebus' cheering ray,
4 Each chilly bosom warms.
5 Can we behold that gentle face,
6 And no emotions feel?
7 Who coldly views such ease and grace
8 Must have a heart of steel.
9 In sickness see her sweetly smile,
10 To cheer each anxious friend;
11 O! bounteous heaven, our fears beguile,
12 And quick assistance lend.
13 In blooming charms, and youthful prime,
14 How calmly does she bear
15 A pain, which might embitter time,
16 And drive her to despair.
[Page 58]
17 There's angel meekness in her breast,
18 Or we could never find,
19 In one fair female, so distrest,
20 Such happy strength of mind.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): ON A YOUNG LADY
Genres: address

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Source edition

Carmichael, Miss (Rebekah) (fl. 1790-1806). Poems. Edinburgh: Peter Hill, 1790, pp. 57-58. 92p. (ESTC T104666) (Page images digitized from a copy at University of California Libraries — third-party rights apply.)

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