[Page 69]


1 It was at night his form divine,
2 Did with transplendent beauty shine,
3 And won my right good will;
4 The moon did cast a pleasing ray,
5 We thought it sweeter than the day,
6 And wander'd to the hill.
7 We seem'd to tread enchanted ground,
8 Where fairies keep their midnight round,
9 As I have oft been told;
10 We set us down upon a rock,
11 Where shepherds us'd to feed their flock,
12 In golden days of old.
13 My bosom thrill'd with pleasing pain,
14 He look'd so like that handsome swain,
15 Who charm'd the Grecian fair;
16 I swore by all yon lights above,
17 My heart, till then a foe to love,
18 Did yield like easy air.
[Page 70]
19 With envy all condemn my flame,
20 And Prudence says I am to blame,
21 For loving one so rare,
22 Yes, I confess I have been wrong,
23 For not Apollo, God of Song,
24 With Jamie can compare.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): A SONG
Genres: song

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Source edition

Carmichael, Miss (Rebekah) (fl. 1790-1806). Poems. Edinburgh: Peter Hill, 1790, pp. 69-70. 92p. (ESTC T104666) (Page images digitized from a copy at University of California Libraries — third-party rights apply.)

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