[Page 113]
The Shepherd and the Calm.
1 SOothing his Passions with a warb'ling Sound,
2 A Shepherd-Swain lay stretch'd upon the Ground;
3 Whilst all were mov'd, who their Attention lent,
4 Or with the Harmony in Chorus went,
5 To something less than Joy, yet more than dull Content.
6 (Between which two Extreams true Pleasure lies,
7 O'er-run by Fools, unreach'd-at by the Wise)
8 But yet, a fatal Prospect to the Sea
9 Wou'd often draw his greedy Sight away.
10 He saw the Barques unlading on the Shore,
11 And guess'd their Wealth, then scorn'd his little Store,
12 Then wou'd that Little lose, or else wou'd make it more
13 To Merchandize converted is the Fold,
14 The Bag, the Bottle, and the Hurdles sold;
15 The Dog was chang'd away, the pretty Skell
16 Whom he had fed, and taught, and lov'd so well.
[Page 114]17 In vain the Phillis wept, which heretofore
18 Receiv'd his Presents, and his Garlands wore.
19 False and upbraided, he forsakes the Downs,
20 Nor courts her Smiles, nor fears the Ocean's Frown
21 For smooth it lay, as if one single Wave
22 Made all the Sea, nor Winds that Sea cou'd heave;
23 Which blew no more than might his Sails supply
24 Clear was the Air below, and Phoebus laugh'd on high.
25 With this Advent'rer ev'ry thing combines,
26 And Gold to Gold his happy Voyage joins;
27 But not so prosp'rous was the next Essay,
28 For rugged Blasts encounter'd on the way,
29 Scarce cou'd the Men escape, the Deep had all their Prey.
30 Our broken Merchant in the Wreck was throw
31 Upon those Lands, which once had been his own
32 Where other Flocks now pastur'd on the Grass,
33 And other Corydons had woo'd his Lass.
34 A Servant, for small Profits, there he turns,
35 Yet thrives again, and less and less he mourns;
[Page 115]36 Re-purchases in time th'abandon'd Sheep,
37 Which sad Experience taught him now to keep.
38 When from that very Bank, one Halcyon Day,
39 On which he lean'd, when tempted to the Sea,
40 He notes a Calm; the Winds and Waves were still,
41 And promis'd what the Winds nor Waves fulfill,
42 A settl'd Quiet, and Conveyance sure,
43 To him that Wealth, by Traffick, wou'd procure.
44 But the rough part the Shepherd now performs,
45 Reviles the Cheat, and at the Flatt'ry storms.
46 Ev'n thus (quoth he) you seem'd all Rest and Ease,
47 You sleeping Tempests, you untroubl'd Seas,
48 That ne'er to be forgot, that luckless Hour,
49 In which I put my Fortunes in your Pow'r;
50 Quitting my slender, but secure Estate,
51 My undisturb'd Repose, my sweet Retreat,
52 For Treasures which you ravish'd in a Day,
53 But swept my Folly, with my Goods, away.
54 Then smile no more, nor these false Shews employ,
55 Thou momentary Calm, thou fleeting Joy;
[Page 116]56 No more on me shall these fair Signs prevail,
57 Some other Novice may be won to Sail,
58 Give me a certain Fate in the obscurest Vale.
About this text
retirement; happiness
heroic couplet
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Source edition
Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of, 1661-1720. Miscellany poems, on several occasions: Written by the Right Honble Anne, Countess of Winchilsea. London: printed for J. B. and sold by Benj. Tooke, William Taylor, and James Round, 1713, pp. 113-116. [8],390p. ; 8⁰. (ESTC T94539; Foxon pp. 274-5; OTA K076314.000) (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [Buxton 100].)
Editorial principles
The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.
Other works by Anne Finch (née Kingsmill), countess of Winchilsea
- ADAM Pos'd. ()
- All is Vanity. ()
- The ATHEIST and the ACORN. ()
- The Battle between the Rats and the Weazles. ()
- The Brass-Pot, and Stone-Jugg. A FABLE. ()
- The CHANGE. ()
- The Critick and the Writer of FABLE ()
- Cupid and Folly. Imitated from the FRENCH. ()
- The Decision of Fortune. A FABLE. ()
- Democritus and his Neighbours. Imitated from Fontaine. ()
- A Description of One of the Pieces of Tapistry at Long-Leat, made after the famous Cartons of Raphael; in which, Elymas the Sorcerer is miraculously struck Blind by St. Paul before Sergius Paulus, the Proconsul of Asia. Inscribed to the Honble HENRY THYNNE, under the Name of THEANOR. ()
- The DOG and his MASTER. ()
- The Eagle, the Sow, and the Cat. ()
- Enquiry after Peace. A Fragment. ()
- An EPISTLE from a Gentleman to Madam Deshouliers, returning Money she had lent him at Bassette, upon the first Day of their Acquaintance. Translated with Liberty from the French. ()
- An EPISTLE from Alexander to Hephaestion in his Sickness. ()
- The EQUIPAGE. Written Originally in FRENCH by L'Abbé Reigner. ()
- The EXECUTOR. ()
- Fanscomb Barn. In Imitation of MILTON. ()
- The following Lines occasion'd by the Marriage of Edward Herbert Esquire, and Mrs. Elizabeth Herbert. ()
- For the Better. Imitated from Sir Roger L'Estrange. ()
- Fragment at Tunbridge-Wells. ()
- Friendship between EPHELIA and ARDELIA. ()
- GLASS. ()
- The Hog, the Sheep, and Goat carrying to a FAIR. ()
- HOPE. ()
- The House of Socrates. ()
- The HYMN. ()
- Jupiter and the Farmer. ()
- The King and the Shepherd. Imitated from the French. ()
- La Passion Vaincue. Done into English with Liberty. ()
- A LETTER to the same Person. ()
- LIFE's Progress. ()
- The LORD and the BRAMBLE ()
- Love, Death, and Reputation. ()
- The LYON and the GNAT. ()
- The MAN and his HORSE. ()
- The Man bitten by Fleas. ()
- Man's Injustice towards Providence. ()
- MERCURY and the ELEPHANT. A Prefatory FABLE. ()
- A Miller, his Son, and their Ass. A FABLE Translated from Monsieur de la Fontaine. ()
- Moral SONG. ()
- THE Mussulman's Dream OF THE VIZIER and DERVIS. ()
- A Nocturnal Reverie. ()
- On the Death of the Honourable Mr. James Thynne, younger Son to the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Weymouth. ()
- The Owl Describing her Young Ones. ()
- Part of the Fifth Scene in the Second Act of Athalia, a Tragedy, written in French by Monsieur Racine. ()
- A Pastoral DIALOGUE between Two Shepherdesses. ()
- The Petition for an Absolute Retreat. Inscribed to the Right Honble CATHARINE Countess of THANET, mention'd in the Poem under the Name of ARMINDA. ()
- The Philosopher, the Young Man, and his Statue. ()
- A Pindarick Poem Upon the Hurricane in November 1703, referring to this Text in Psalm 148. ver. 8. Winds and Storms fulfilling his Word. ()
- A POEM for the Birth-day of the Right Honble the Lady CATHARINE TUFTON. Occasion'd by sight of some Verses upon that Subject for the preceding Year, compos'd by no Eminent Hand. ()
- The Poor Man's Lamb: OR, Nathan's Parable to David after the Murder of Uriah, and his Marriage with Bathsheba. Turn'd into Verse and Paraphras'd. ()
- The Prevalence of Custom. ()
- PSALM the 137th, Paraphras'd to the 7th Verse. ()
- The Shepherd Piping to the Fishes. ()
- A SONG. ()
- A SONG. ()
- A SONG. ()
- A SONG. ()
- The SPLEEN. A Pindarick Poem. ()
- A Tale of the Miser, and the Poet. Written about the Year 1709. ()
- [Tasso, Aminta:] AMINTOR, being ask'd by THIRSIS Who is the Object of his Love? speaks as follows. ()
- [Tasso, Aminta:] Daphne's Answer to Sylvia, declaring she should esteem all as Enemies, who should talk to her of LOVE. ()
- [Tasso, Aminta:] From the AMINTA of TASSO. ()
- [Tasso, Aminta:] From the AMINTA of TASSO. Part of the Description of the Golden Age. ()
- [Tasso, Aminta:] THIRSIS persuades AMINTOR not to despair upon the Predictions of Mopsus discov'ring him to be an Impostor. ()
- There's No To-Morrow, A FABLE imitated from Sir Roger L'Estrange. ()
- To a Friend, in Praise of the Invention of Writing Letters. ()
- To DEATH. ()
- To Edward Jenkinson, Esq a very young Gentleman, who writ a Poem on PEACE. ()
- To Mr. F. now Earl of W. Who going abroad, had desired ARDELIA to write some Verses upon whatever Subject she thought fit, against his Return in the Evening. ()
- To the NIGHTINGALE. ()
- To the Painter of an ill-drawn Picture of CLEONE, the Honorable Mrs. Thynne. ()
- The Tradesman and the Scholar. ()
- The TREE. ()
- VERSES Written under the King of Sweden's Picture. ()
- The Wit and the Beau. ()
- The Young RAT and his DAM, the COCK and the CAT. ()