[Page [124]]



Genius, the offspring of Judgement and Wit, is attended at his birth by the Power who instills virtuous dispositions, and by the liberal endowments of Nature: also by the Sciences, who enrich him with their gifts. As he advances in life, he is instructed in the proper use of them. A preceptor becoming necessary, Pleasure and Assiduity offer themselves. The mother prefers the first, the father the second. The mother, though defeated in her intention, contrives to place her son under the influence of Pleasure; in consequence of which, he is lost for a time to every good purpose; but on the repentance of the parents, the justice of the Divine Being restores their son, who, placed under the care of Assiduity, arrives at the excellence of his nature.

1 GENIUS and learning tho' we gain,
2 Genius and learning bless in vain;
3 How shared with error and with woe,
4 The progress of my tale would shew,
5 Till application call'd them forth,
6 And virtue gives its labours worth.
[Page 125]
7 A pair of heavenly origin,
8 O'er empire once were born to shine;
9 The king received from Jove's high hand,
10 His skill profound, his just command;
11 And from a ray of ether's flame,
12 The queen deriv'd her dazzling frame.
13 One child they had alone to bless,
14 With hopes of an extended race.
15 To hail the stranger's dawning hours,
16 Assembled all the gifted powers:
17 As rank prescrib'd they now resort,
18 And first, Carmenta paid her court.
19 I come, she said, oh! most rever'd,
20 Accept the offering I've prepar'd;
21 The brilliant presents others give
22 From mine shall higher worth receive.
23 Behold! this phial's limpid juice,
24 In every scene of sovereign use.
25 From the pure lily's virgin breast,
26 I charm'd the chrystal dew,
27 The beam which first Aurora drest,
28 As faithfully I drew.
29 With these a zephyr's breath infus'd,
30 Then pierc'd the briny wave;
31 And thence this beauteous pearl produc'd,
32 From Ocean's richest cave.
[Page 126]
33 While thus to form and more refine,
34 I heavenly fire impell'd,
35 Within my essence I confine,
36 Hermetically seal'd.
37 This essence still from chance secure,
38 No time or use shall waste;
39 And prayers shall best extract it pure,
40 And leave its fountain chaste.
41 As other graces issue forth,
42 To raise the prince's name,
43 My gift conveys them richer worth,
44 And yields them pure to fame.
45 The next the prince's birth had drawn,
46 To hail with gifts his early dawn;
47 Advanced with step of easy grace,
48 And half unveil'd her lovely face;
49 While beauteous flowers adorn'd her head,
50 A sun was on her breast display'd.
51 A cabinet and key she bore,
52 And thus set forth her offer'd store:
53 While freely all the gifted train,
54 Adorn your offspring, bless your reign,
55 My works which have for ages been,
56 And yet, alas! but dimly seen,
[Page 127]
57 And careless view'd by common sight,
58 My works, this key displays to light:
59 And if applied with skilful hand,
60 By these five doors my stores command.
61 This door unfolded, charms the sight.
62 From this the powers of sound delight.
63 Here Flora has her perfumes drest.
64 And here Pomona meets the taste.
65 But ah! the fifth essay with care,
66 Angels, or fiends inhabit there.
67 From this my works their worth receive:
68 Here it expires, or here shall live.
69 Here lives offence! here high reward!
70 Carmenta's phial is your guard!
71 The next an endless scroll had brought.
72 The next a vase with wonder wrought,
73 Form'd to receive and to produce,
74 Amazing stores to instant use.
75 These gifts insured the royal pair.
76 A joy disdaining fear to share;
77 They scarcely call'd in Hope to see,
78 The honours of their progeny.
79 E'en now around his infant frame,
80 The beams of future glory flame;
81 Yet of the fates they wish'd to know,
82 The happy future sanction'd now.
[Page 128]
83 Sanguine, they strike their magic rod,
84 To draw them from their dark abode;
85 Where far removed from mortal ken,
86 Decrees of gods they write for men:
87 Their brazen pens, their juices lave,
88 From Cocytus's inky wave;
89 And straight th' irrevocable word,
90 On adamantine leaves record.
91 With wond'rous skill the distaff's wound,
92 And soon the wheel of life goes round;
93 The sheers suspend, the thread is spun,
94 Tis cut and mortal life is done.
95 The royal pair these prayers repeat,
96 To draw them from their awful seat;
97 Dread sisters of the rosy hours,
98 Daughters of Jove! relentless powers!
99 Who write with an eternal pen,
100 The firm decree of gods on men,
101 Sisters three, enrob'd in white,
102 Appear, and sanction our delight.
103 Ascend, and from your dark abodes,
104 Shew us the bright decrees of Gods:
105 And lo! dark clouds obscure the light,
106 With semblance premature of night.
107 Tempest succeeds the Zephyr's breeze,
108 And troubled waves to glassy seas:
109 Confusion thunders thro' the skies,
110 And stern the destinies arise.
[Page 129]
111 Earth cleaves, and, at their near approach,
112 Fair Order shudders from their touch.
113 Tell us, they cry, why we must rise,
114 To trouble earth and vex the skies;
115 While we by partial call are staid,
116 The work of worlds remains delay'd;
117 Summon'd by you we yet are come,
118 Then hear our words, for they are doom:
119 The Prince, from many potent pow'rs,
120 Has brilliant gifts to gild his hours;
121 But all is vain they might display,
122 If shorten'd life forbid their stay;
123 And ah! his wheel of life appears
124 Inclin'd to stop at eighteen years;
125 But ere our work decisive prove,
126 Still we must join in hate and love;
127 If firm the thread of life shall keep,
128 The wheel may stop, death is but sleep,
129 And even from that sleep to free,
130 Admits of possibility;
131 But circumstance will so obtain,
132 That scarce a ray from hope we gain,
133 One hint observe and well receive,
134 (All alas that we can give;)
135 Virtuous pursuits wait glorious ends,
136 And much depends on choice of friends.
[Page 130]
137 Hastening th' attendant shades away,
138 This said, they quit the glare of day;
139 Ghastly they smiled, their torch they fir'd,
140 And with the jar of elements retir'd.
141 For shades, shines Phoebus 'radiant beam,
142 And what the niggard fates scarce deem,
143 As possible to human skill,
144 Hope enters ready to fulfil.
145 A thousand schemes their minds prepare,
146 Sanguine in each to shun the snare.
147 Their orders issue thro' the land,
148 And all the wise before them stand;
149 The mystic presents to explain,
150 That nought might be bestow'd in vain;
151 These give Carmenta's gift it's force,
152 And shew religion virtue's source:
153 All other means prove insecure,
154 To leave it safe and draw it pure.
155 The Cabinet they next explore,
156 Of various charms, a wondrous store;
157 From the first door to vision rise,
158 What nature's curious hand supplies;
159 Expanding all the wond'ring sense,
160 To beauty and benevolence;
161 And here the masters skill'd to teach,
162 Explain what human pow'rs can reach.
[Page 131]
163 The fine gradations far they see,
164 Till lost in vast infinity.
165 Immense, till distance shades their light,
166 Minute, they lessen from the sight;
167 The second door unfolds to cheer
168 With pleasing sounds th' enraptur'd ear;
169 Here intercourse, its bliss receives,
170 And heav'nly conversation lives;
171 Nor here the master's skill is less,
172 The force of language to impress;
173 Than wake the sounds that touch the heart,
174 And all their power to charm impart.
175 The two succeeding doors display,
176 What lib'ral nature can convey.
177 Our pleasures with our wants can sort,
178 And lure us to our own support;
179 And ever faithful to her rights,
180 From harm repels, to good incites.
181 The masters shew the prudent care,
182 That ought these bounteous gifts to share;
183 And punishment she will exert,
184 O'er those who waste or who pervert.
185 The skilful masters next unroll
186 The windings of the awful scroll,
187 And teach, tho' earth her dust will claim,
188 Deeds shall retain their place in fame,
[Page 132]
189 And actions, vicious or sublime,
190 Shall live accurs'd, or blest, thro' time.
191 Next, the internal world they view,
192 And there their pupils 'wonder drew,
193 And more minutely to explore,
194 Open the last, th' important door;
195 It they approach with sacred awe,
196 And first Carmenta's phial draw,
197 Whose sacred essence can refine,
198 All mortal gift by aid divine;
199 Then, straight they touch those springs to wake,
200 From which all deeds their merit take,
201 Above cold maxims, there they shew,
202 The generous act exalted glow;
203 Here precept takes its force to warm,
204 And virtues wear a living charm;
205 For faint assent, here faith has given,
206 To ardent hope her absent heaven;
207 For forms here warm devotions
Devotion, that can bind th' Almighty's arm,
And of its thunder his right hand disarm,
She passes quick Heav'ns lofty chrystal walls,
And the high gates fly open when she calls;
Her voice did once the sun's swift chariot stay,
And on the verge of Heav'n held back the day.
208 To wrest the blessing from the skies;
[Page 133]
209 Here justice melts at mercy's charms,
210 And guilt by penitence disarms;
211 For tardy alms cold duties guide,
212 Here nameless charities reside;
213 Here tenderest sympathies are found,
214 And nature seals her firmest bond;
215 By these, impell'd to deeds of fame,
216 The hero spreads his awful name,
217 The sacred guardians of the land,
218 'Tis here that patriot minds expand;
219 Where human laws are weak to bind,
220 Here sense of honour leads the mind,
221 'Tis Liberty, 'tis nature's school,
222 Where virtue's unconfin'd to rule;
223 And here arise those arts with grace,
224 Which learning is so proud to dress;
225 Beyond the critic line she draws,
226 Here warm imagination glows;
227 Her rules may harmony impart,
228 Here rise the sounds that warm the heart.
229 Sweet poetry! the charms are thine,
230 That here the sister arts combine;
231 And here deserve thy tripple wreathe,
232 Where music speaks, and paintings breathe;
233 And let th' according chaplet be,
234 Inscrib'd to heav'nly harmony;
[Page 134]
235 For Liberty and Nature's school,
236 Teach graces unattain'd by rule.
237 The prince was quickly skill'd to reach,
238 Th' extent of all that art could teach;
239 To each he gave a master's claim,
240 And for a trophy sign'd his name;
241 And soon their easy task was o'er,
242 For Learning could inform no more.
243 The parents, with exulting strains,
244 Declare a friend alone remains;
245 And early there their care shall be,
246 And well observ'd their far decree,
247 That all who can adorn a court,
248 From earth's far peopl'd climes resort,
249 That for their son with high reward,
250 They choose a friend his youth to guard;
251 The oracle they thus pursu'd,
252 And hop'd their evil fate subdu'd,
253 Among the first resorting there,
254 Two equally divide their care;
255 Tutor'd by fashion and by art,
256 One won the queen's consenting heart;
257 The other, veil'd by modesty,
258 Yet gain'd the king's approving eye;
259 The first, with self-assuring mein,
260 Gaily approach'd the brilliant queen;
[Page 135]
261 No modest doubts her claims prevent,
262 No aukward fears produced restraint;
263 By art, with lilies vied her neck,
264 And borrow'd roses stain'd her cheek,
265 With soften'd voice, and studied smiles,
266 She thus the easy queen beguiles
267 You spoke your wishes, charming queen,
268 And lo! th' accomplish'd world are seen.
269 So with the first my claims are brought,
270 And more than all, with justice fraught;
271 The hours of joy bright queen are mine,
272 And I with youth and beauty shine;
273 No drudging labour can oppress,
274 Whenever I am call'd to bless;
275 Perhaps your Lord, by means severe,
276 Will try to shun the fate you fear;
277 With joy repelling eye will blast,
278 The time of pleasure youth should taste.
279 If there thou yield, thy son with grief,
280 Will court his fate as wish'd relief;
281 Steady, a kindred pow'r defend,
282 In me fair queen protect a friend.
283 Her polish'd grace the queen approv'd,
284 And thought a kindred pow'r she lov'd,
285 One that could fortune's gifts employ,
286 To brighten every hour with joy.
[Page 136]
287 Vainly the king she would ensnare,
288 For him, her words dissolv'd in air;
289 His modest suppliant he view'd,
290 Who silent yet before him stood;
291 An hour-glass in her hand she bore,
292 An amaranth in her hair she wore;
293 But doubtful by her dress display'd,
294 Its folds were form'd of light and shade;
295 She stood thus dubious in her worth,
296 Waiting till Judgment call'd her forth;
297 Nor, till a favouring look she caught,
298 Own'd the pretensions she had brought;
299 And then in words of simple frame,
300 She thus advanc'd her modest claim
301 I have no brilliant parts to boast,
302 Nor was I train'd with art or cost;
303 I seldom with the gay am seen,
304 The great dislike my humble mien;
305 But those who have me most carest;
306 Will say I grateful am at least;
307 And own thro' me it was they shone,
308 And tell of wonders I have done;
309 By you directed, mighty lord,
310 Wonders again they shall record;
311 No lazy spell infests the ground,
312 Where I am lov'd and I am found;
[Page 137]
313 If your protection I may ask,
314 To guard from evil be my task.
315 Friendship unchang'd resides above,
316 And there alone dwells equal love;
317 While other blessings strew our road,
318 Faith points to these as promis'd good;
319 E'en wedlock may this evil share,
320 And Wit and Judgment sometimes jar.
321 Our monarchs, tho' of heav'nly birth,
322 Must here partake the lot of earth;
323 Their different tastes opinion guides,
324 An interest dear their heart divides;
325 Their counsels each themselves obey,
326 And leave disputes to vulgar clay.
327 Invested with supreme command,
328 Which open force could ne'er withstand,
329 The king with public honours grac'd,
330 And near his son his favorite plac'd;
331 To her confided all his stores,
332 And named her guardian of his hours.
333 The queen these counsels did not share,
334 And opposition would not dare;
335 In wiles she trusted for her cause,
336 To render vain the monarch's laws;
[Page 138]
337 To give persuasion to her tongue,
338 She tun'd her favorite's syren song;
339 If flattering praise could not secure,
340 She dazzling interest gave to lure;
341 Luxuriant charms around her spread,
342 With her own roses crown'd her head,
343 And all seducing to command,
344 With honour's palms she grac'd her hand;
345 In each some lurking spell there lay,
346 Potent to charm and to betray;
347 The first alluring as she draws,
348 She baited with the world's applause;
349 Then specious as the theme she sung,
350 The syren song flow'd from her tongue;
351 Virtue she sung a cheating dream;
352 High sounding honours were her theme;
353 She sung, that names thro' time rever'd,
354 Thro' toils and death had madly err'd;
355 Her grateful palms she then display'd,
356 A meed for favorites fortune made;
357 These too enchanting snares she spread,
358 Her soft temptations artful laid,
359 To draw the Prince to leave the bound,
360 Which Judgment fix'd to safety's ground,
361 No orisons now pierce the skies,
362 For aught Carmenta's gift supplies;
363 Its gay exterior all its merit,
364 Its form alone without its spirit.
[Page 139]
365 And now the pride of all his store,
366 The prince but as a bauble wore;
367 A trinket, taking reputation,
368 As pearls of price were gems of fashion;
369 And led by that capricious guide,
370 Thrown by the changing mode aside.
371 Often the prince now pass'd the bound,
372 His father gave to safety's ground;
373 Lost to the pow'r which should defend,
374 His guardian is no more a friend;
375 Nor doubtful longer she appears,
376 All sable is the robe she wears.
377 'Twere endless here to name the train,
378 That took from hence a mortal stain;
379 Grant them the boon, forgot to lie,
380 Remember'd, it were infamy.
381 Needful supply for luxury's food,
382 The charms of interest next subdu'd;
383 The hoards of avarice stood display'd,
384 Gaily the golden stores were spread:
385 There cheerless nature sunk in gloom,
386 'Twas virtue and affection's tomb;
387 There nought of value now remains,
388 In aught the cabinet contains;
[Page 140]
389 For sordid interest's transient claim,
390 He sold the glories of his name.
391 Oh avarice! were thy deeds forgot,
392 'Twould save humanity a blot;
393 Peru nor Mexico should tell,
394 India or Africa reveal;
395 Hide in the silence of the grave;
396 Passions which nature never gave.
397 The injurer and the injur'd sleep,
398 Let memory then no vigils keep;
399 Oblivion! their foul deeds receive,
400 But ah! condemn'd by fame they live;
401 History unsparing tells thro' time,
402 The savage wonders of their crime.
403 By pleasure's fascinating pow'r,
404 The rosy garland next he wore;
405 No more he visits safety's ground,
406 No guardian for his hours is found;
407 His mother's favorite takes the reins,
408 And binds him in her pleasing chains;
409 Silky and soft, and ting'd with gold,
410 But there was magic in their mold;
411 Than adamantine bonds more strong,
412 To hold the hapless captive long;
413 Their pow'r resistless they impart,
414 The mind to crush and bind the heart;
[Page 141]
415 Furies that into storms awake,
416 For influence dread dominion take;
417 Chaos of elemental strife!
418 Here work your tragedies of life.
419 If to that fatal scene she lead,
420 I would not with my favorite tread;
421 Let darkness veil its kindred scene,
422 Unseen the horrors wrought within;
423 Dread gulfs are hid in fairy bowers,
424 And poisons lurk in beauteous flowers;
425 Who near their precincts dare to stray,
426 Contagions meet, or wild dismay.
427 There nothing curious be my choice,
428 To shun the daring forms of vice;
429 But some unaw'd your haunts shall view,
430 And mark that vengeance dwells with you;
431 With gifts most meet for actions foul,
432 Her worms of conscience for the soul;
433 If error's labyrinth I must show,
434 Thro' scenes less guilty let me go;
435 Not interest fell, nor vain applause,
436 Nor where tempestuous passion draws,
437 But rather where the drowsy sense,
438 Is lull'd by pamper'd indolence;
439 There sunk in unaspiring ease,
440 I mourn my favorite lost to please;
[Page 142]
441 No good or ill incites his powers,
442 Lost to the guardian of his hours;
443 He festive wreathes alone desires,
444 Whose magic, damps his nobler fires;
445 Their sweets his senses all compose,
446 While music its soft aid bestows;
447 The goblet fair and downy couch,
448 Thus with his threaten'd fate approach;
449 Languid scarce moves life's lazy thread,
450 It ceases now, the wheel is staid,
451 Unbroken firm, the thread to keep,
452 The wheel is stay'd, and death is sleep.
453 Reclin'd upon an ebon throne,
454 The drowzy god whom poppies crown,
455 Receives him in his silent shade,
456 With hanging juniper o'erspread;
457 The lizard and the dormouse there,
458 Forget the rigour of the year;
459 Around them lulling vapours rise,
460 From incense, mortals 'sacrifice,
461 Attracting vapours to renew,
462 The cowslip and the mandrake's dew;
463 Clouds wrought in twilight's doubtful doom,
464 Inclose the borders of the gloom;
465 Nor moon's calm beam, nor sun's bright ray,
466 There draw the herald of the day;
[Page 143]
467 But oft the beetle wheels around,
468 And there the moping owl is found.
469 The royal pair here weeping turn,
470 And past divisions deeply mourn;
471 They own the justice of their fate,
472 And mercy thus they supplicate
473 As error and distress are ours,
474 Be pardon yours Almighty powers;
475 And while our humble prayers we pour,
476 And all your Providence adore,
477 If past offence we may repair,
478 To our repentance, oh! declare!
479 Mercy remitting sorrow's date,
480 Thus answers by relenting fate
481 For crimes be true repentance yours,
482 And for repentance pardon ours.
483 Tho' won by penitential tears,
484 She melts the sternness which he wears;
485 Mercy thus potent to subdue,
486 Were weak not join'd by justice too;
487 Attend the mandate of the skies,
488 So may your humbled hopes arise;
489 For you bright queen to heaven allied,
490 Be duty to your Lord your guide;
[Page 144]
491 Where those would lead who should obey,
492 Disorders rule for equal sway;
493 You sire who boast celestial birth,
494 Jove's mighty attribute on earth,
495 'Tis yours to clear the misty way,
496 And lead your son to life and day;
497 Directed by your mighty powers,
498 Recall the guardian of his hours:
499 To execute th' important scheme,
500 Her labor lightly she shall deem;
501 Tis yours to seal her doubtful worth,
502 And well instructed send her forth;
503 For ere the wheel of life goes round,
504 Some worthy offering must be found.
505 He ceas'd, and well his words imprest,
506 An ardour in the monarch's breast;
507 His hasten'd step he instant bent,
508 To trace the path his favorite went;
509 He saw her on a rock reclin'd,
510 Where persevering ivy twin'd;
511 And as an hour-glass now she turn'd,
512 Its wasting sands she deeply mourn'd.
513 Soon as the king appear'd in view,
514 Her garments lost their sable hue:
515 For as the shades dispell'd by light,
516 The black dissolv'd in spotless white.
[Page 145]
517 Soon as the king her eye had caught,
518 A sprig of amaranth she brought;
519 And wav'd it with triumphant air,
520 And plac'd it in her flowing hair;
521 Whilst prostrate at his feet she fell,
522 Her artless words her raptures tell;
523 Prostrate she says hail mighty Lord!
524 By you neglected I have err'd,
525 Oh guide me that I may restore,
526 The Prince whose loss we all deplore;
527 The creeping ivy climbs to height,
528 And insects lofty trees invite.
529 Deeds impossible to thought,
530 Are by application wrought;
531 By you directed mighty Lord,
532 Wonders again they shall record.
533 Her worth neglected touch'd his heart,
534 Relenting thoughts these words impart.
535 Thy pardon give and mine receive,
536 Cherish'd by me in future live;
537 Me to decree the gods inspire,
538 Thee they endow with active fire;
539 With winged feet then speed thy skill
540 To gain the summit of the hill.
541 Twelve sisters, sent on high import,
542 (The shining nymphs of Phoebus 'court;)
[Page 146]
543 Move in swift succession there,
544 Swift as they move, oh! watch with care;
545 Ardent the aid of each implore,
546 For ah! they will return no more.
547 The monarch ceas'd, and while the sound
548 Yet vibrates in the air around,
549 She flew with more than mortal speed,
550 Over the intervening mead.
551 And soon she gains th' important hill,
552 Chosen her trials to fulfil;
553 No more, she says, my weaken'd sense
554 Is lull'd by charms of indolence,
555 Nor driv'n by guilt to misery;
556 Yet worse than useless shall I be,
557 For judgment now decides my worth,
558 And leads me to call genius forth.
559 Essaying then the rising ground,
560 Twelve nymphs of heav'nly form she found;
561 And fair they were, of heav'nly show,
562 And locks of gold stray'd o'er their brow.
563 Their locks of gold, they wav'd in air,
564 And tears bedew'd their faces fair;
565 With varied hues each garment shines,
566 Their girdles shew'd the circling signs;
567 And short their dress, and fleet their course,
568 Not stay'd by courtesy or force.
[Page 147]
569 Oh nymphs divine! our heroine cry'd;
570 That heed me not but onward glide,
571 To mortals sure your errands be,
572 And each some treasure has for me.
573 Mortal attend, they quick return'd,
574 For not unsought our gifts are earn'd:
575 Let every trifling thought give place,
576 And strive to conquer, in thy race.
577 They said, and bid the fair pursue,
578 In swift succession as they flew,
579 Then Application quick pursued;
580 Temptations nobly she subdued;
581 Tho' indolence her downy bed,
582 And pleasure, flaunting roses spread.
583 The steady nymph disdainful ey'd
584 Their tempting sweets, and thus replied,
585 I see the stings thro' pleasure's snare,
586 And quick she pass'd each heavenly fair.
587 With wonder working influence fraught,
588 Some fair occasion still she caught,
589 From the wing'd speed of HOURS to take,
590 Spells that Genius might awake;
591 With some the path of glory treads,
592 And there collects his shining deeds;
593 While some Carmenta's gift supplies,
594 With song to charm the destinies;
[Page 148]
595 From some she takes and learns to wield,
596 Virtue's secure protecting shield.
597 Thus, arm'd to conquer, on she sped,
598 By Virtue guarded, Judgment led;
599 She soon the dusky borders found,
600 Where Genius in soft chains was bound;
601 And soon her burnish'd shield she shew'd,
602 Quick thro' the gloom its radiance glow'd;
603 The gloom receiv'd its influence bright,
604 And shade dissolv'd in radiant light;
605 She pure Carmenta's phial draws;
606 On high the meek petition rose;
607 And to appease the destinies,
608 To Genius all its aids supplies;
609 To softest notes she tun'd her tongue,
610 And thus she sung Carmenta's song:
611 Ye nymphs of Pluto's dark domain
612 Receive your drowzy God;
613 With gifts from Phoebus 'brilliant train,
614 I visit this abode.
615 If man, by selfish passion sway'd,
616 Can pity, hear and spare;
617 With power and mercy Gods array'd,
618 Accept an ardent prayer.
[Page 149]
619 Warm from the heart these words shall rise,
620 That must conclude my song;
621 The Gods will own the sacrifice,
622 And their own gifts prolong.
623 Your gifts shall ever speak your praise,
624 Bright attributes of power,
625 And the rich bounties of your grace
626 To your own glory soar.
627 Wake Prince, she said, I call thee forth,
628 Decided is my dubious worth;
629 My labours with thy presence crown,
630 Labours that would be all thy own.
631 Thy energy must spread the use,
632 Of this fair phial's limpid juice;
633 My labours with thy presence crown,
634 Labours that would be all thy own.
635 Fancy would droop without thy aid,
636 And all its op'ning flowers would fade;
637 If fates are sooth'd, to thee belong
638 The notes that raise the heavenly song.
639 Let deeds of glory thee inspire;
640 Without thee, deeds of fame expire;
[Page 150]
641 He rose, his presence nature warms,
642 For him extended all her charms.
643 He cull'd her gaily op'ning flowers,
644 And with them dress'd his beauteous bowers;
645 'Twas he inspir'd the poet's dream,
646 On northern hills, by Mulla's stream;
647 Or where the silver waters glide,
648 Of Thames's deep majestic tide,
649 When Spencer wrote and Sidney smil'd,
650 And generous friendship care beguil'd;
651 Time them on Avon's banks receives,
652 And amaranthine wreathes he gives;
653 There fairies frisk beneath the moon,
654 In darkness witching spells are done.
655 He touch'd with skill the awful band,
656 And charmed there the Passions stand.
657 He tun'd to harmony his tongue,
658 And thro' the seasons Thomson sung.
659 Scenes the sublimest thought could find,
660 He open'd to a Milton's mind;
661 And oft by contemplation led,
662 With pensive Grey he sought the shade;
663 Thro' many an age and many a clime,
664 These flourish thro' enduring time;
[Page 151]
665 He drew the phial's purest store,
666 And gave to it a living pow'r;
667 Thence shone the patriot and the sage,
668 Examples for the moral page;
669 Those with its lustre fame supplies,
670 The rest, perennials of the skies;
671 Such worth may still Britannia boast,
672 Tho' she has mourn'd her Howard lost;
673 Whate'er the favour'd spot of earth
674 That gave exalted merit birth;
675 And, as its different lots were cast,
676 In milder graces it surpass'd;
677 Or shone with aspect more severe,
678 Still worth shall kindred worth revere.
679 Immortal laurels to entwine,
680 Virtue with Genius must combine;
681 And Application's active aid
682 Perform the plan by Judgment laid;
683 Recorded wonders they can shew,
684 And means of glorious heights bestow;
685 They different natures nearly join,
686 And human make almost divine.
687 For these to save, thro' wrecks of time belong,
688 Th' historians faithful page, the muses 'heavenly song.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): THE BIRTH OF GENIUS.
Author: Eliza Day
Genres: ode

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Source edition

Daye, Eliza, b. ca. 1734. Poems, on Various Subjects. Liverpool: Printed by J. M'Creery, 1798, pp. [124]-151. [2],x,[4],258p.; 8° (ESTC T132359) (Page images digitized by University of California Libraries.)

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Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Eliza Day