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1 MY strong support, my sov'reign king,
2 Oh, deign to hear my evening vows;
3 Submission to thy will I bring,
4 In humble trust my spirit bows.
5 Let ceaseless thanks my heart employ,
6 For life, thy loving kindness gave;
7 And health, and powers to make it joy,
8 And friends my heedless youth to save.
9 My life I fondly have review'd,
10 Thy love in ev'ry stage to see;
11 And now for all departed good,
12 My heavenly friend shall be to me.
[Page 250]
13 Thro' all the sorrows I have felt,
14 A parent's tender care appears;
15 To know they were in mercy dealt,
16 Subdues my doubts, dispels my fears.
17 Now let my slumbering conscience wake,
18 I'll bid my cherish'd sins depart;
19 Patient each bitter portion take,
20 And let it purify my heart.
21 I'll humbly seek my father's love,
22 There pardon dwells, there rich reward:
23 My contrite prayers his mercies move,
24 To be my safety and my guard.
25 In all my wants he's rich to give,
26 In all my weakness strong to save;
27 His conquering son has bid me live,
28 And brighten'd sickness and the grave.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): AN EVENING HYMN, IN SICKNESS.
Author: Eliza Day
Genres: hymn

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Source edition

Daye, Eliza, b. ca. 1734. Poems, on Various Subjects. Liverpool: Printed by J. M'Creery, 1798, pp. [249]-250. [2],x,[4],258p.; 8° (ESTC T132359) (Page images digitized by University of California Libraries.)

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Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Eliza Day