[Page 108]
Amor Sepulchralis.
1 IN a Large stately Cave (of old the Court
2 Of Rurall Gods as neighbring Swains report)
3 Interr'd the dear Remains of Damon lay,
4 Converted now to their Originall clay.
5 Each wishing Nymph the living Swain approv'd,
6 The Shepherd fair Emmoria only Lov'd.
7 Their mutuall Passion's Kindling Flame was more
8 Then ere Inspir'd Consenting Hearts before;
9 But was with time Improv'd to that Degree,
10 That now 'twas Love no more, but Extasie.
11 Their linkt Affections Fate cou'd not divorce,
12 Nor Rig'rous Death restrain their Entercourse:
13 The Nymph to living Swains did still preferr
14 Her Damon's Dust, and ev'n that Dust Lov'd Her.
15 At Damon's Tomb the Chast Emmoria kept
16 Perpetual Watch, and ore his Ashes wept;
[Page 109]17 (Fitt emblem of her grief) a sprigg of Yew
18 She planted there, the Branch took Root and grew.
19 This Cave to the Suns Rays Access deny'd,
20 No Rain or Dew the thirsting Plant Supply'd,
21 Yet still it sprang, by Love's Miracu'lous Pow'r,
22 For th' Ashes still Glow'd with their Old Amour
23 Emmoria's Eyes wept a nere-Ceasing Shower;
24 This Heat and Moysture kept the Plant Alive,
25 And Tempring still each other, made it Thrive.
Source edition
Tate, Nahum, c. 1652-1715. Poems by N. Tate. London: Printed by T.M. for Benj. Tooke ..., 1677, pp. 108-109. [15],133p. (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [Harding C 2953].)
Editorial principles
Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.
Other works by Nahum Tate
- Advice to a Friend, designing to Publish his Poems. ()
- The Amorist. ()
- The Amusement. ()
- The Banquet. ()
- The Beldam's Song. ()
- The Challenge. ()
- The Choice. ()
- The Confinement. ()
- The Counter-Turn. ()
- The Cure. A Dialogue. ()
- Dialogue. Alexis and Laura. ()
- Disappointed. ()
- The Disconsolate. ()
- The Discovery. ()
- Disswasion of an Aged Friend from Leaving his Retirement. ()
- The Dream. ()
- The Escape. ()
- The Gold-hater. ()
- The Gratefull Shepheard. ()
- The Hurricane. ()
- The Ignorant. ()
- The Inconstant. A Paraphrase on the XV. Epod of Horace. ()
- The Indispos'd. ()
- The Ingrates. ()
- The Installment. ()
- Laura's Walk. ()
- The Male Content. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 1. Epigr. CX. De Issa Catellâ Publij. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 1. Epigr. IX. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 1. Epigr. XIV. De Arriâ & Paeto. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 9. Epigr: VI. ()
- [Martial] Lib. XI. Epigr. XCV. Translated in Dialogue. ()
- [Martial] Lib. XI. Epigr. XLIII. ()
- The Match. ()
- Melancholy. ()
- The Mid-Night Thought. ()
- ODE. To my Ingenious Friend Mr. Flatman. ()
- Of the Ape and the Fox. A Paraphrase on one of the Centum Fabulae. ()
- Of the Few Adherers to Virtue. ()
- On a deform'd Old Baw'd designing to have her Picture drawn. ()
- On a Diseased Old Man, who Wept at thought of leaving the World. ()
- On a Grave Sir retiring to Write in Order to undeceive the World. ()
- On an Old Miser that Hoarded his Treasure in a Steel Chest, and bury'd it. ()
- On Sight of some Martyr's Sepulchres. ()
- On Snow fall'n in Autumn, and dissolv'd by the Sun. ()
- ON THE Present Corrupted State OF POETRY. ()
- The Parting. ()
- The Pennance. ()
- The Politicians. ()
- The Prospect. ()
- Recovering from a Fit of Sickness. ()
- The Request. ()
- The Requitall. ()
- The Restitution. ()
- The Round. ()
- The Search. ()
- Sliding on Skates in very hard Frost. ()
- Strephon's Complaint on quitting his Retirement. ()
- The Surprizal. ()
- The Tear. ()
- The three First Verses of the 46th Psalm Paraphras'd. ()
- To a Desponding Friend. ()
- The Unconfin'd. ()
- The Usurpers. ()
- The Vision, Written in a dangerous fit of Sickness. ()
- The Vow-Breaker. ()
- The Voyagers. ()