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1 STrange Magick of thy Wit and Stile
2 Which to their griefs mankind can Reconcile!
3 Whilst thy Philander's tuneful Voice we hear,
4 Condoling our Disastrous state,
5 Toucht with a sense of our hard Fate,
6 We sigh perhaps, or drop a Tear;
7 But he the mournful Song so sweetly sings,
8 That more of Pleasure than Regret it brings,
9 With such becoming Grief
10 The Trojan Chief
11 Troy's Conflagration did relate,
12 Whil'st ev'n the Suff'rers in the Fire drew near,
13 And with a greedy Ear
14 Devour'd the story of their own subverted state.
[Page 10]15 Kind Heav'n (as to her darling Son) to Thee
16 A double Portion did impart,
17 A Gift of Painting and of Poesie:
18 But for thy Rivals in the Painters Art,
19 If well they Represent, thy can effect
20 No more, nor can we more expect.
21 But more than this Thy happy Pencils give;
22 Thy Drafts are more than Representative;
23 For, if we'l credit our own eyes, they Live!
24 Ah! Worthy Friend, cou'dst Thou maintain the State
25 Of what with so much Ease thou do'st Create,
26 We might reflect on Death with Scorn!
27 But Pictures like th'Originals decay!
28 Of Colours Those consist, and These of Clay;
29 A like Compos'd of Dust, to Dust alike Return!
[Page 11]30 Yet 'tis our Happiness to see
31 Oblivion, Death, and adverse Destiny
32 Encounter'd, Vanquish'd, and Disarm'd by thee.
33 For if thy Pencils fail,
34 Change thy Artillery,
35 And Thou'rt secure of Victory;
36 Employ thy Quill, and thou shalt still prevail.
37 The grand Destroyer greedy Time reveres
38 Thy Fancy's Imag'ry, and spares
39 The meanest things that bear
40 Th' Impression of thy Pen:
41 Tho' course and cheap their Natural Mettal were,
42 Stampt with thy Verse, he knows th'are sacred, then.
43 He knows them by that Character to be
44 Predestinate, and set a part for Immortality.
45 If native Lustre in thy Theams appear,
46 Improv'd by thee, it shines more clear:
47 Or if thy Subject's void of native Light,
48 Thy Fancy need but dart a Beam
49 To guild thy Theam,
50 And make the rude Mass beautiful and bright.
51 Thou vary'st oft thy Strains, but still
52 Success attends each Strain:
53 Thy Verse is alwayes lofty as the Hill,
54 Or pleasant as the Plain.
55 How well thy Muse the Pastoral Song improves!
56 Whose Nymphs and Swains are in their Loves,
57 As Innocent, and yet as Kind as Doves.
58 But most She moves our Wonder and Delight,
59 When She performs her loose Pindarick Flight;
[Page 12]60 Oft to their outmost reach She will extend
61 Her towring Wings to soar on high,
62 And then by just Degrees descend:
63 Oft in a swift strait Course she glides,
64 Obliquely oft the air divides,
65 And oft with wanton Play hangs hov'ring in the sky.
66 Whilst sense of Duty into my artless Muse,
67 Th' ambition wou'd infuse
68 To mingle with those Nymphs that Homage pay,
69 And wait on Thine in her tryumphant Way;
70 Defect of Merit checks her forward Pride,
71 And makes her dread t'approach thy Chariot side;
72 For 'twere at least a rude Indecency
73 (If not Prophane) t'appear
74 At this Solemnity,
75 Crown'd with no Lawrel Wreath (when others are.)
[Page 13]76 But this she will presume to do,
77 At distance to attend the show,
78 Officiously to gather up
79 The scatter'd Bayes, if any drop
80 From others Temples; and with those,
81 A plain Plebeian Coronet compose.
82 This, as your Livery, she'd wear, to hide
83 Her Nakedness, not gratifie her Pride!
84 Such was the Verdant dress,
85 Which the offending Pair did frame
86 Of platted Leaves, not to express
87 Their Pride i'th' Novel-garb, but to conceal their Shame.
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Source edition
Tate, Nahum, c. 1652-1715. Poems by N. Tate. London: Printed by T.M. for Benj. Tooke ..., 1677, pp. 8-13. [15],133p. (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [Harding C 2953].)
Editorial principles
Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.
Other works by Nahum Tate
- Advice to a Friend, designing to Publish his Poems. ()
- Amor Sepulchralis. ()
- The Amorist. ()
- The Amusement. ()
- The Banquet. ()
- The Beldam's Song. ()
- The Challenge. ()
- The Choice. ()
- The Confinement. ()
- The Counter-Turn. ()
- The Cure. A Dialogue. ()
- Dialogue. Alexis and Laura. ()
- Disappointed. ()
- The Disconsolate. ()
- The Discovery. ()
- Disswasion of an Aged Friend from Leaving his Retirement. ()
- The Dream. ()
- The Escape. ()
- The Gold-hater. ()
- The Gratefull Shepheard. ()
- The Hurricane. ()
- The Ignorant. ()
- The Inconstant. A Paraphrase on the XV. Epod of Horace. ()
- The Indispos'd. ()
- The Ingrates. ()
- The Installment. ()
- Laura's Walk. ()
- The Male Content. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 1. Epigr. CX. De Issa Catellâ Publij. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 1. Epigr. IX. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 1. Epigr. XIV. De Arriâ & Paeto. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 9. Epigr: VI. ()
- [Martial] Lib. XI. Epigr. XCV. Translated in Dialogue. ()
- [Martial] Lib. XI. Epigr. XLIII. ()
- The Match. ()
- Melancholy. ()
- The Mid-Night Thought. ()
- ODE. To my Ingenious Friend Mr. Flatman. ()
- Of the Ape and the Fox. A Paraphrase on one of the Centum Fabulae. ()
- Of the Few Adherers to Virtue. ()
- On a deform'd Old Baw'd designing to have her Picture drawn. ()
- On a Diseased Old Man, who Wept at thought of leaving the World. ()
- On a Grave Sir retiring to Write in Order to undeceive the World. ()
- On an Old Miser that Hoarded his Treasure in a Steel Chest, and bury'd it. ()
- On Sight of some Martyr's Sepulchres. ()
- On Snow fall'n in Autumn, and dissolv'd by the Sun. ()
- ON THE Present Corrupted State OF POETRY. ()
- The Parting. ()
- The Pennance. ()
- The Politicians. ()
- The Prospect. ()
- Recovering from a Fit of Sickness. ()
- The Request. ()
- The Requitall. ()
- The Restitution. ()
- The Round. ()
- The Search. ()
- Sliding on Skates in very hard Frost. ()
- Strephon's Complaint on quitting his Retirement. ()
- The Surprizal. ()
- The Tear. ()
- The three First Verses of the 46th Psalm Paraphras'd. ()
- To a Desponding Friend. ()
- The Unconfin'd. ()
- The Usurpers. ()
- The Vision, Written in a dangerous fit of Sickness. ()
- The Vow-Breaker. ()
- The Voyagers. ()