[Page 19]
The Search.
1 COnfess Ingenuously O Man,
2 The Upshot of thy Toyl and Pain,
3 The Product of thy Brain;
4 Since first thy buisie Race began.
[Page 20]5 Canst thou produce one Evidence,
6 Or plausible Pretence,
7 Thy boasted Reason to Evince?
8 Yes — Gradually each Age has been Refin'd
9 By the important Labours of Man-kind;
10 The Labours of their Hand, and of their Mind,
11 Ev'n Wilye Nature, with her Protean Shapes,
12 Rarely from their Inquisitive Search escapes;
13 Long she Resists; but strictly prest,
14 Resigns th' Arcanas of her Brest.
15 Bold Mortals Rob with Ease
16 Her Richest Cossers, be they laid
17 Deep i'th' Recesses of profoundest Seas,
18 Or to the Caverns of the Earth convey'd;
19 For rather than live Poor,
20 They'l dive in quest of Gemms that sleep
21 On Beds of Rock beneath the Deep,
22 And Travel Under-ground for Golden-Oar.
[Page 22]23 Enough! — If we'l lay claim,
[Page 21]24 From these Performances, to Fame,
25 Where will the Catalogue of our Praises end?
26 For, thousand Instances beside
27 Will vindicate our Pride,
28 And still the Tryumphs of our Wit extend.
29 Such are the Conquests which we daily gain
30 On Learnings Undiscover'd Parts:
31 Our active Fancies still Create New Arts;
32 Or, what is more,
33 Ev'n from the Dead Restore
34 Arts, that in Ages Past have buri'd lain.
35 And yet 'tis fear'd, there's Reason to suspect
36 Our Glorie's Weight will fail,
37 And Vanity prove the Heavier Scale:
38 Impartially if we Reflect,
39 We shall perceive there's wanting yet
40 The Richest Crown our Tirumphs to Compleat;
41 In vain we boast Discoveries,
42 Whil'st we Return without the Master Prize;
43 The Art of Happiness still Undiscover'd lyes.
44 Oh Happiness! (if Happiness be ought
45 Beside a wild Chimaera in the Thought)
46 To what close Nook ar't Thou confin'd?
47 What distant Continent or Isle,
48 That thou canst still beguile
49 The restless Scrutiny of all Man-kind!
50 Ev'n in this Vale of Misery,
51 Some Rivulets of Bliss we tast;
52 But Riv'lets almost Dry,
53 And tainted with th'Unsavory Grounds through which they past.
54 Ah! that some friendly Seraph wou'd convey,
55 Or point me out the Way
56 To those glad Lands, where Happiness slows pure;
57 Where I might drink secure
58 At Pleasure's Fountain-Head;
59 No Surfeit wou'd I dread,
60 But quaff the Cordial Flood;
61 Till mingling with my Blood,
62 And circ'ling through each Part,
[Page 23]63 It should like Balsom ease my Smart;
64 Like Nectar, Cherish my dejected Heart!
65 In various Wayes deluded Mortals Toil,
66 All busi'd I'th' Discovery of Content:
67 This is the Game we All pursue,
68 But Hunt it still on a cold Scent;
69 The wary Prey nere comes in view,
70 But sculks Aloof, and leaves us at a Foil.
71 Yet where's the disappointed Man will say,
72 He now dispairs of being Blest;
73 For tho at present unpossest
74 Of his dear Hope, He's yet in a fair Way:
75 And now his Project wants but carrying on as 'tis Begun,
76 And then th'important Task is done:
77 Done, say'st thou Credulous Man?
78 Yes! So the Babel Builders heretofore,
79 Raising to Heav'n their proud Tow'r, lackt no more
80 Than carrying on the Work as they Began.
[Page 24]81 But, grant thy Years of Drudgery were past,
82 'Tis odds but thou'rt impos'd upon at last:
83 Thou like the Syrian Husband-man of Old,
84 Conceiv'st thy self to hold
85 The Beautious Rachell fast in thy Embrace,
86 Yet (tho th'Imposture last a Night)
87 Be sure the next returning Light
88 Shall fight thee with an unexpected Face,
89 When thou behold'st a Blear-Ey'd Leah in thy Rachell's Place.
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Source edition
Tate, Nahum, c. 1652-1715. Poems by N. Tate. London: Printed by T.M. for Benj. Tooke ..., 1677, pp. 19-24. [15],133p. (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [Harding C 2953].)
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Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.
Other works by Nahum Tate
- Advice to a Friend, designing to Publish his Poems. ()
- Amor Sepulchralis. ()
- The Amorist. ()
- The Amusement. ()
- The Banquet. ()
- The Beldam's Song. ()
- The Challenge. ()
- The Choice. ()
- The Confinement. ()
- The Counter-Turn. ()
- The Cure. A Dialogue. ()
- Dialogue. Alexis and Laura. ()
- Disappointed. ()
- The Disconsolate. ()
- The Discovery. ()
- Disswasion of an Aged Friend from Leaving his Retirement. ()
- The Dream. ()
- The Escape. ()
- The Gold-hater. ()
- The Gratefull Shepheard. ()
- The Hurricane. ()
- The Ignorant. ()
- The Inconstant. A Paraphrase on the XV. Epod of Horace. ()
- The Indispos'd. ()
- The Ingrates. ()
- The Installment. ()
- Laura's Walk. ()
- The Male Content. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 1. Epigr. CX. De Issa Catellâ Publij. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 1. Epigr. IX. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 1. Epigr. XIV. De Arriâ & Paeto. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 9. Epigr: VI. ()
- [Martial] Lib. XI. Epigr. XCV. Translated in Dialogue. ()
- [Martial] Lib. XI. Epigr. XLIII. ()
- The Match. ()
- Melancholy. ()
- The Mid-Night Thought. ()
- ODE. To my Ingenious Friend Mr. Flatman. ()
- Of the Ape and the Fox. A Paraphrase on one of the Centum Fabulae. ()
- Of the Few Adherers to Virtue. ()
- On a deform'd Old Baw'd designing to have her Picture drawn. ()
- On a Diseased Old Man, who Wept at thought of leaving the World. ()
- On a Grave Sir retiring to Write in Order to undeceive the World. ()
- On an Old Miser that Hoarded his Treasure in a Steel Chest, and bury'd it. ()
- On Sight of some Martyr's Sepulchres. ()
- On Snow fall'n in Autumn, and dissolv'd by the Sun. ()
- ON THE Present Corrupted State OF POETRY. ()
- The Parting. ()
- The Pennance. ()
- The Politicians. ()
- The Prospect. ()
- Recovering from a Fit of Sickness. ()
- The Request. ()
- The Requitall. ()
- The Restitution. ()
- The Round. ()
- Sliding on Skates in very hard Frost. ()
- Strephon's Complaint on quitting his Retirement. ()
- The Surprizal. ()
- The Tear. ()
- The three First Verses of the 46th Psalm Paraphras'd. ()
- To a Desponding Friend. ()
- The Unconfin'd. ()
- The Usurpers. ()
- The Vision, Written in a dangerous fit of Sickness. ()
- The Vow-Breaker. ()
- The Voyagers. ()