[Page 89]
1 MAlignant Humour, Poyson to my Blood!
2 Bane of those active Spirits that glide
3 And sport within the circling Tide,
4 As Fish Expire in an infected Flood.
5 When all th' Horizon of my Soul is clear,
6 And I suspect no change of Weather near,
7 Strait like a suddain Storm I find
8 Thy black Fumes gath'ring in my Mind,
9 Transforming All t'Egyptian Darkness there;
10 Darkness where nought occurs to Sight
[Page 90]11 But Flashes, more amazing than the Night;
12 And fiery Spectres gliding through the troubled Air.
[Page 91]13 Sleep that in other Maladies brings Ease,
14 Feeds and enrages this Disease;
15 For when my weary Lidds I close
16 And slumber, 'tis without Repose.
17 This Fury still into my Dreams will creep
18 To Hagg my tim'rous Fancy while I sleep;
19 Through Charnel Houses then I'm led,
20 Those gloomy Mansions of the Dead,
21 Where pensive Ghosts by their lov'd Reliques stay,
22 And Curse th'approaching Day.
23 By Merc'less Foes pursu'd and tane;
24 Oft ship-wreckt on the Main,
25 Beneath the Floods I seem to Dive;
26 Oft in Wild Sarra's Desert forc't t'engage
27 Some Savage Monster's Rage.
28 Oft (Typhon-like) beneath a Mountain's weight I strive!
29 Might I the Book of Fate peruse,
30 To Read the Lot for me design'd,
31 I should perhaps auspicious find
32 Those Planets I accuse;
33 But whilst for Information I
34 Consult the false Astrology
35 Of Melancholy Fear,
36 Dark and ore-cast my future Dayes appear:
37 All possible Misfortunes while I dread,
38 I draw all possible Misfortunes on my Head;
39 Whilst this solicitous Fear of Future Ill
40 My credulous Thought employs,
41 (Tho false its Augury, yet) it destroys
42 My present Rest, and still
43 Diverts me from pursuit of certain Joyes.
44 Who seeks for Happiness with nicest Care
45 Must watch its Seasons, and frequent its Haunt.
46 Delight is a Rich tender Plant
47 That Springs not in all Soils, and all the Year:
[Page 92]48 'Tis like the Manna which in plenty lay,
49 If early sought, around
50 Each Hebrews Tent, but if till Heat of Day
51 Their Search they did delay.
52 Th' Ambrosial Food was no where to be found.
Source edition
Tate, Nahum, c. 1652-1715. Poems by N. Tate. London: Printed by T.M. for Benj. Tooke ..., 1677, pp. 89-92. [15],133p. (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [Harding C 2953].)
Editorial principles
Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.
Other works by Nahum Tate
- Advice to a Friend, designing to Publish his Poems. ()
- Amor Sepulchralis. ()
- The Amorist. ()
- The Amusement. ()
- The Banquet. ()
- The Beldam's Song. ()
- The Challenge. ()
- The Choice. ()
- The Confinement. ()
- The Counter-Turn. ()
- The Cure. A Dialogue. ()
- Dialogue. Alexis and Laura. ()
- Disappointed. ()
- The Disconsolate. ()
- The Discovery. ()
- Disswasion of an Aged Friend from Leaving his Retirement. ()
- The Dream. ()
- The Escape. ()
- The Gold-hater. ()
- The Gratefull Shepheard. ()
- The Hurricane. ()
- The Ignorant. ()
- The Inconstant. A Paraphrase on the XV. Epod of Horace. ()
- The Indispos'd. ()
- The Ingrates. ()
- The Installment. ()
- Laura's Walk. ()
- The Male Content. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 1. Epigr. CX. De Issa Catellâ Publij. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 1. Epigr. IX. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 1. Epigr. XIV. De Arriâ & Paeto. ()
- [Martial] Lib. 9. Epigr: VI. ()
- [Martial] Lib. XI. Epigr. XCV. Translated in Dialogue. ()
- [Martial] Lib. XI. Epigr. XLIII. ()
- The Match. ()
- The Mid-Night Thought. ()
- ODE. To my Ingenious Friend Mr. Flatman. ()
- Of the Ape and the Fox. A Paraphrase on one of the Centum Fabulae. ()
- Of the Few Adherers to Virtue. ()
- On a deform'd Old Baw'd designing to have her Picture drawn. ()
- On a Diseased Old Man, who Wept at thought of leaving the World. ()
- On a Grave Sir retiring to Write in Order to undeceive the World. ()
- On an Old Miser that Hoarded his Treasure in a Steel Chest, and bury'd it. ()
- On Sight of some Martyr's Sepulchres. ()
- On Snow fall'n in Autumn, and dissolv'd by the Sun. ()
- ON THE Present Corrupted State OF POETRY. ()
- The Parting. ()
- The Pennance. ()
- The Politicians. ()
- The Prospect. ()
- Recovering from a Fit of Sickness. ()
- The Request. ()
- The Requitall. ()
- The Restitution. ()
- The Round. ()
- The Search. ()
- Sliding on Skates in very hard Frost. ()
- Strephon's Complaint on quitting his Retirement. ()
- The Surprizal. ()
- The Tear. ()
- The three First Verses of the 46th Psalm Paraphras'd. ()
- To a Desponding Friend. ()
- The Unconfin'd. ()
- The Usurpers. ()
- The Vision, Written in a dangerous fit of Sickness. ()
- The Vow-Breaker. ()
- The Voyagers. ()