[Page 201]


1 CELIA and I, to share the vernal Gales,
2 One Ev'ning wander'd o'er the dewy Vales;
3 Still was the Soul, and ev'ry Sense was pleas'd,
4 And the cool Heart from Care and Business eas'd:
5 Arm lock'd in Arm with heedless Steps we rove,
6 Round the fair Borders of a blooming Grove;
7 Reclin'd at ease within the secret Shades,
8 A lovely Bower held two fairer Maids,
9 Soft Flavia one, with Cheeks of rosy Dye,
10 And Sylvia famous for her star-like Eye.
11 Sylvia, whose Wit was vers'd in charming Wiles,
12 Who often varied her Discourse with Smiles:
13 Love-tales she told, some fictious and some true,
14 The Subject various and her Stories new;
15 Of Innocence oppress'd by mightier Wrong,
16 And many Proofs she drew from sacred Song:
17 When Flavia thus behold the ling'ring Day
18 Still paints you Heavens with a silver Gray;
[Page 202]
19 And slothful Night with gentler Pace comes on,
20 As if she listen'd to thy charming Tongue:
21 The Rival Brothers, let my Sylvia tell,
22 How cross they lov'd, and who untimely fell:
23 Her Friend reply'd, You shall not ask in vain,
24 Although the Story gives thy Sylvia Pain:
25 Then on her Cheek her iv'ry Hand she laid,
26 And with a Sigh began the lovely Maid.
27 Long time before our Fathers Lives began,
28 There liv'd an ancient and a worthy Man,
29 Was long the Fav'rite of indulgent Fame;
30 For Wretches knew and bless'd Clytiphon's Name,
31 Just without Pride, without Reluctance kind;
32 For inborn Goodness with soft Pity join'd,
33 To form the Basis of his godlike Mind.
34 His temp'rate Soul was ne'er disturb'd with Rage,
35 But graceful bore the rev'rend Weight of Age:
36 All bounteous Heav'n had to his share consign'd:
37 A moderate Fortune with a peaceful Mind:
38 His Dwelling seated on a rising Hill,
39 Was water'd round with many a crystal Rill:
[Page 203]
40 Gardens and Groves the smother'd Buildings screen,
41 Which look'd the Seat of some retir'd Queen.
42 Cythania tost of the admiring Land,
43 The fairest Virgin of the shining Band,
44 Did to Clytiphon's Honour trust her Charms,
45 And gave her Beauties to his faithful Arms:
46 But cruel Death, whose Business is to rend
47 The pale-ey'd Matron from her weeping Friend,
48 Had torn Cythania from his widow'd Side,
49 And left her Spouse to wail his constant Bride:
50 Heav'n spar'd one Child to crown his feeble Age,
51 To chear his Spirits and his Grief asswage:
52 Sophinia precious to her Father's Mind,
53 To her alone was ev'ry Wish confin'd:
54 Nor did the Virgin less deserve his Care,
55 Her guiltless Soul was like her Person fair;
56 For Heav'n to form this matchless Beauty join'd
57 Her Mother's Features to her Father's Mind;
58 Not op'ning Roses nor the bashful Day,
59 Blush'd half so sweetly as Sophinia gay:
60 Her Eyes were dazzling and her Temples fair,
61 And ev'ry Feature wore a smiling Air;
[Page 204]
62 For Wit and Learning she out-strip'd her Kind,
63 Nor cou'd her Sex debase her noble Mind;
64 In search of Knowledge she wou'd spend the Day,
65 And Judgment walk'd before her guiltless Way.
66 Not many Furlongs from those blissful Plains,
67 Where good Clytiphon rul'd the happy Swains,
68 There liv'd a wealthy and a worthy Peer,
69 Lov'd by his Friends and to his Country dear;
70 Laon the great in Valour justly fam'd,
71 His Sons Lycander and Polyphon nam'd,
72 Both noble Youths and by their Friends admir'd,
73 And Thirst of Glory both their Hearts inspir'd:
74 Lycander's Form was fairer than his Mind;
75 His Shape was faultless and his Brow sublime,
76 His jetty Locks in mazy Ringlets run,
77 And his bright Eyes were like a Morning Sun:
78 Rays quick and fierce their subtle Light'nings fling,
79 His Cheeks were fresher than the dawning Spring;
80 But then as Tempests o'er the Ocean roll,
81 Continual Passion tore his boiling Soul;
82 Disdainful, proud, with an imperious Will,
83 Headlong he rush'd on unsuspected Ill:
[Page 205]
84 Reason in vain oppos'd her sacred Shield,
85 And Virtue's self must to the Whirlwind yield:
86 Polyphon's Soul was of a gentler Kind,
87 No rugged Storms cou'd shake his easy Mind,
88 Still calm and pleasant as the Ev'ning Skies:
89 When not a Breeze through the still Region flies,
90 No gloomy Frowns a sullen Heart betray,
91 His Brow was thoughtless and his Air was gay:
92 These to Clytiphon's did their Sire attend,
93 The pleasing Mansion of their Father's Friend,
94 With Lovers Eyes they both Sophinia view,
95 As with her Years her rising Beauty grew,
96 With airy Hopes they nurs'd the rival Flame,
97 And sought with Gifts to win the smiling Dame;
98 But she too cautious to be soon betray'd,
99 Their Merit balanc'd, and their Tempers weigh'd:
100 Lycander's Fortune pleas'd the lovely Dame,
101 His Power, Titles and his rising Fame;
102 And the gay Maid beheld with early Pride,
103 Laon's bright Heir attending at her Side:
104 That way wou'd oft her Vanity incline,
105 But then her Reason fear'd his base Design:
[Page 206]
106 Still at her Heart the sullen Doubt remains,
107 And put a Period to the golden Dreams:
108 Polyphon's Image on her Fancy stole
109 With thousand Beauties in his taintless Soul;
110 Clear as his Face and sprightly as his Mien;
111 Soft as his Voice, and like his Brow serene.
112 Polyphon now the wavering Nymph admires,
113 Nor thinks of Castles, Towns, and shining Spires;
114 Her changing Thoughts prefer an easy Home,
115 And dwell with Patience on a younger Son.
116 Lycander once her Fav'rite was, but now
117 He meets Resentment and a frozen Brow:
118 In vain to move the scornful Nymph he tries,
119 With sprightly Oaths and well dissembl'd Lies:
120 His Form no more can please Sophinia's Eyes.
121 Without Concern he met the Fair's Disdain,
122 Nor cou'd her Frown disturb the haughty Swain:
123 Conscious of Merit he pursu'd her still,
124 And only thought her Tongue bely'd her Will:
125 For Impudence, to Vice a trusty Squire,
126 Who bears her Arms and fans her purple Fire,
[Page 207]
127 Had taught Lycander, that Affairs of Love
128 Are not regarded in the Realms above;
129 That Oaths are licens'd to address th' Fair,
130 And Vows to Virgins but the Sport of Air;
131 That Maids are Merchandise, and may be sold
132 For charming Eloquence and mighty Gold.
133 A Grove there was, a venerable Shade,
134 No hostile Iron durst her Boughs invade,
135 Whose lofty Pines for sev'ral Ages grew,
136 And rev'rend Oaks a hundred Winters knew:
137 A crystal River wander'd half-way round,
138 The rest defended with a hasel Mound;
139 'Twas here to shun Lycander's jealous Eye,
140 When Sol departed to the western Sky;
141 The sly Sophinia us'd to leave her Maids,
142 And meet Polyphon in the balmy Shades;
143 While the proud Youth who found himself despis'd,
144 His Person slighted and Polyphon priz'd;
145 Grew wild with Love and desp'rate with Despair,
146 And vow'd Destruction to the gentle Pair:
[Page 208]
147 No quiet Hour his surly Spirit knows,
148 Nor Rest by Day-light or at Night Repose:
149 Cold to his Friends, and if they ask his Care,
150 He only answers with a fullen Glare.
151 One Ev'ning when the sparkling Sun withdrew,
152 And thirsty Flowers sip'd the grateful Dew;
153 When this fair Grove had put on all her Charms,
154 And Zephyrs play'd amidst her curling Arms;
155 Sophinia weary of the sultry Day,
156 To the cool Forest took her lonely Way,
157 Attentive only to the Linnets Song,
158 No ill she thought of, and she fear'd no Wrong:
159 Pleas'd with the Glories of the smiling Year,
160 For guilty Minds are only taught to fear.
161 The well-known Path her willing Feet pursue
162 Through the brown Shade, where in the Centre grew
163 A Row of Laurels crown'd with lasting Green,
164 And softer Beech and flow'ring Rose between:
165 Here in a fatal Hour Sophinia came;
166 For proud Lycander watch'd the lovely Dame:
167 Revenge and Love at once his Bosom fire;
168 His broad Eyes flash with more than mortal Fire:
[Page 209]
169 Then to his Friends the raging Hero flew,
170 His Friends a thoughtless and a wanton Crew,
171 Whose slothful Hands were backward, as their Will,
172 In Virtue's Cause, but resolute in Ill:
173 To these the Youth disclos'd his rash Design,
174 His glad Companions in th' Adventure join,
175 That some well practis'd in the Ruffians Trade
176 Shou'd bear Sophinia from the silent Shade:
177 The Mischief pleas'd, yet none propos'd the Way,
178 Tho' short the Time and dang'rous the Delay:
179 In still suspense the list'ning Heroes stand,
180 Till with rude Voice Miranthus thus began:
181 'A Castle has for many Centries stood,
182 'Within the Confines of the neigh'bring Wood,
183 'Whose gloomy Arches seem dispos'd to hide
184 'Offended Subjects from a Tyrant's Pride.
185 'And often she has lent her hostile Towers,
186 'The guilty Refuge of rebellious Powers:
187 'Here let your Friends this peevish Girl convey,
188 'And keep her secret from the Face of Day.
189 'Those Doors with iron Eloquence shall plead
190 'Your mighty Passion to the scornful Maid:
[Page 210]
191 'You have what my unready Thought design'd,
192 'The hasty Dictates of a rustick Mind,
193 'A Mind inur'd to Wars and rude Alarms,
194 'Unskill'd in Love and Beauty's softer Charms:
195 He ceas'd Applause was seen in ev'ry Eye,
196 And Peals of Laughter rent the troubl'd Sky;
197 Two fav'rite Heroes singl'd from the Crew,
198 With hostile Feet that sacred Path pursue;
199 Whose winding Maze betray'd the smiling Bower,
200 That held Sophinia in a baneful Hour:
201 The heedless Virgin on a Bank they found,
202 Where the faint Primrose spreads her Odours round,
203 And nodding Poppies seem'd to kiss the Ground.
204 With frighted Eyes the trembling fair One sees
205 Their surly Figures through the parting Trees;
206 But yet she rose collected in her Fear,
207 'Twas vain to call and no Assistance near:
208 Then from the Ground she rais'd her beauteous Eyes,
209 And weeping turn'd them on the pitying Skies:
210 Assist me Heaven and heavenly Pow'r, she cries.
[Page 211]
211 You Saints that hover round celestial Springs:
212 O take and wrap me in your sacred Wings,
213 I see black Violence come frowning on;
214 But may Lycander mourn the dear-bought Wrong;
215 Ah hear, Sophinia, in this fearful Hour;
216 And save, O save me from a Villain's Pow'r.
217 But now a Slave whom Beauty ne'er cou'd charm,
218 Drew nigh and seiz'd her by the ivory Arm:
219 Through untrod Paths they bore the struggling Maid
220 To those rude Towers where Lycander stay'd,
221 A dismal Dwelling hid by waving Trees;
222 So thick they scarce admit the healthy Breeze,
223 On whose black Walls condensing Vapours hung,
224 Whose lofty Spires hardly knew the Sun:
225 His Beams ne'er enter'd here, but in the Room
226 Perpetual Coldness and eternal Gloom:
227 Here the pleas'd Youth his charming Prey secures,
228 And round his Pris'ner shut the plated Doors;
229 Then left the Virgin to herself, nor stay'd
230 To bear Reproaches from the injur'd Maid:
231 Fierce as he was he, like a Coward, flies
232 The Rage that sparkl'd in her glowing Eyes;
[Page 212]
233 But when he thought the dang'rous Storm was o'er,
234 Again he sought those Eyes he fled before,
235 Like some pale Wretch impatient for his Doom,
236 His fearful Steps approach'd the hallow'd Room:
237 For rising Conscience now her Task began,
238 And guilty Blushes through his Features ran:
239 Unusual Horrors o'er his Passage hung,
240 At ev'ry Step the sounding Portals rung:
241 Before the Door he took a silent Stand,
242 And the pale Taper trembl'd in his Hand:
243 A hollow Voice Lycander seem'd to call,
244 And Shadows danc'd along the gloomy Wall:
245 His haughty Spirit was at this dismay'd,
246 Lycander trembl'd, and was once afraid:
247 Why beats my Heart, my coward Heart, he cries;
248 And why this Mist before my dazzl'd Eyes?
249 Sophinia's mine, and I will seize my Store,
250 If thousand Spectres guard the awful Door:
251 Then rushing in, the lovely Dame he found
252 In fullen Posture and in Thought profound;
253 The wonted Roses from her Cheeks were fled,
254 On her fair Hand reclin'd her beauteous Head:
[Page 213]
255 With Flatt'ry first he tip'd his artful Tongue,
256 And strove to palliate and excuse the Wrong:
257 Let not Sophinia, with a Smile he cries,
258 Think we have seiz'd her as a hostile Prize;
259 The Fault we owe to this unconquer'd Flame,
260 Love was the Aggressor and be his the blame:
261 Trust not thy Reason to a haughty Guide,
262 Nor call that Honour which is only Pride:
263 Honour a pageant Mistress of the vain,
264 The Virgin's Tyrant and the Hero's Chain;
265 If sparkling Wealth can please thy brighter Eyes,
266 The Mines of Persia at thy Feet shall rise;
267 And when thy Chariot marks the dusty Fields,
268 Full thirty Slaves shall grace the shining Wheels:
269 For thee the East shall yield her spicy Bowers,
270 And sweeter Baths distil from weeping Flowers;
271 Then smile my fair One and be timely wise;
272 The Maid reply'd, and roll'd her scornful Eyes.
273 Hence, fawning Traitor, why wouldst thou be told,
274 How much I hate thy Person and thy Gold?
275 Mistaken Nature with too nice a Care,
276 In vain has shap'd thee in a Mold so fair:
[Page 214]
277 Vice will be Vice howe'er 'tis polish'd o'er,
278 Thou Villain, dare to meet my Eyes no more.
279 Those gloomy Birds that love the midnight Air,
280 And hover round the Mansions of Despair;
281 When to their Shrieks the hollow Roofs rebound,
282 And the hoarse Raven aids the dreadful Sound;
283 Tho' howling Wolves shou'd with their Voices join,
284 Are less offensive to my Ears than thine:
285 Beyond my Hate, if yet a Thought remain,
286 To make thy Spirit curse the galling Chain;
287 If with those Thorns that Love's soft Empire bounds,
288 Successful Rivals give the deepest Wounds:
289 I love thy Brother, and, if that can be,
290 With Passion equal to my Hate for thee.
291 She said And Rage possest Lycander's Soul,
292 His pale Lips tremble and his Eye-balls roll:
293 Three times he rais'd a Dagger to her Breast,
294 But mighty Love his daring Hand suppress'd;
295 And now shrill Cries invade his wond'ring Ears,
296 The noise of Battle and the clash of Spears;
297 Starting he turn'd, nor staid to make reply,
298 Tho' Fury sparkl'd in his threat'ning Eye:
[Page 215]
299 To Arms his Friends in mingled Voices call,
300 And Danger hover'd o'er the frowning Wall.
301 In that sad Hour, when the frighted Maid
302 Was drawn by Villains from the mourning Shade,
303 Polyphon to th' appointed Forest came;
304 He reach'd the Bower, but he miss'd the Dame;
305 Through balmy Paths with infant Roses bound,
306 Where blushing Daisies strew the painted Ground;
307 He rov'd, impatient of the Nymph's Delay,
308 And often doubted to return or stay:
309 By chance he turn'd his mournful Eye, and sees
310 His Friend Acanthus through the parting Trees:
311 The Youth drew nearer with an eager Pace
312 Amazement hover'd on his boding Face;
313 And thus impatient to Polyphon said,
314 Where is Sophinia, where thy darling Maid,
315 This Ev'ning restless, tho' I know not why,
316 When setting Phoebus stain'd the western Sky:
317 To these sweet Shades I took my heedless Way,
318 To share the Fragrance of declining Day:
[Page 216]
319 Alone and pensive as I wander'd here,
320 A Woman's Voice surpris'd my list'ning Ear;
321 To yon rude Tow'rs I trac'd the sinking Sound,
322 Till the still'd Out-cries were in distance drown'd:
323 What think you now? I fear some threat'ning Ill
324 From headstrong Passion and imperious Will:
325 I fear Sophinia and yourself betray'd,
326 I know your Brother loves the beauteous Maid;
327 Then hear my Vow, the frantick Lover cries,
328 And turn'd his Eye-balls on the glimm'ring Skies:
329 Hear me, ye Pow'rs whose sacred Hands sustain
330 These Worlds of Nature in a mighty Chain;
331 If my fierce Brother has presum'd to bear,
332 And from her Bowers force my injur'd Fair,
333 These wakeful Eye-lids shall no more be clos'd:
334 This Spirit rested, nor these Limbs repos'd;
335 This vengeful Rapier shall be sheath'd no more,
336 Till the rude Traitor shall his Prize restore:
337 He said, and raging left the gloomy Shade,
338 Full of Resentment for his injur'd Maid:
339 Acanthus summon'd to a neighb'ring Plain
340 Their Friends a little, but a martial Train:
[Page 217]
341 Twice twenty Youths their Gen'ral's Voice attend,
342 And share the Quarrel of their injur'd Friend.
343 Polyphon pleas'd to see the assembl'd Pow'rs,
344 Led his small Squadron to the hostile Towers:
345 The frowning Portals well secur'd they found,
346 The gloomy Court with Centries guarded round;
347 Who spite of Reason and their Country's Laws,
348 Were drawn to combat in a guilty Cause:
349 The first of these Cyrenus, fair and young,
350 Whose curling Locks below his Shoulders hung,
351 Too rashly bold encounter'd hand to hand,
352 Fierce Polyarchus of Polyphon's Band:
353 The pointed Jav'lin sped beneath his Chin,
354 And streaming Purple stain'd his beauteous Skin:
355 His very Cheeks are wash'd with deeper Dyes,
356 And lasting Slumber seals his swimming Eyes:
357 This piteous Sight enrag'd the vicious Train,
358 But mostly Iphis Brother of the slain;
359 Revenge, he cry'd, and hurl'd his deathful Dart:
360 It hiss'd along, but miss'd the Hero's Heart,
361 Despairing, raging, on the Youth he flew,
362 While down his Forehead roll'd the sultry Dew:
[Page 218]
363 Blows answer Blows, and round their Temples sing
364 The glancing Weapons, and the Bucklers ring:
365 Aloof they fight, or now in Circles wheel'd,
366 Each thought to conquer; both disdain to yield,
367 Till Polyarchus with a side-way Blow
368 Transpierc'd the Liver of his heedless Foe:
369 He drew the Weapon from his tortur'd Side,
370 The gaping Wound disgorg'd a purple Tide:
371 His Eyes turn'd upward with a ghastly Roll,
372 Headlong he fell and sob'd away his Soul:
373 Now Joy transported the victorious Throng,
374 With Polyarchus all the Welkin rung:
375 Applause and Clamour shook the trembling Ground,
376 Lycander heard and curs'd the hated Sound:
377 Griev'd for his Friend he with the foremost press'd,
378 And all their Lances glitter round his Breast:
379 But the strong Shield their Points at distance holds,
380 Where two fair Eagles spread their Wings in Gold;
381 A weighty Spear his better Hand supplies,
382 And livid Light'nings sparkle in his Eyes.
383 Vinario first sustain'd the Warrior's Rage,
384 The beauteous Darling of his Father's Age;
[Page 219]
385 His tender Arm the deadly Spear arrests,
386 And tore his Shoulder from his ivory Breast:
387 Too late his Friends to his Assistance run,
388 For his black Eyes no more behold the Sun.
389 Miranthus next did his bright Lance extend,
390 A blust'ring Soldier and Lycander's Friend:
391 Him Merias met, old Meriander's Heir,
392 The youthful Husband of Lycosia fair:
393 Now born untimely from his Father's Side,
394 His smiling Fortunes and his lovely Bride:
395 Just at his Hip the Steel an Entrance found,
396 And tore his Bowels with a ghastly Wound:
397 Back fell the Youth, his tinkling Arms reply;
398 Loud Shrieks and Clamours rend the frighted Sky:
399 Polyphon now with deadly Anguish stung,
400 His ready Jav'lin at the Victor flung:
401 The erring Weapon with a whistling Sound
402 Flew o'er his Head, and plough'd the distant Ground:
403 Enrag'd to see the bloodless Point descend,
404 And miss the Vengeance for his bleeding Friend;
405 His shining Eyes that did with Fury glow,
406 He turn'd, and thus defy'd the stronger Foe:
[Page 220]
407 Hope not for Conquest, mighty Clown, he cries,
408 From thy stern Visage and gigantick Size:
409 A little Arm, if Heav'n direct the Blow,
410 May send thee howling to the Shades below:
411 Slave, cries Miranthus with a stormy Glare,
412 Go, wash thy Face, and curl thy waving Hair,
413 Thy coward Heart belies thy daring Tongue;
414 He spoke and drove his weighty Spear along,
415 The failing Mischief on the Buckler sung:
416 Not so Polyphon sent his faithful Dart,
417 The speedy Vengeance reach'd the Hero's Heart;
418 Down fell the Knight, his clanging Arms rebound,
419 And his proud Soul came rushing thro' the Wound.
420 Lycander saw, but turn'd his Eyes away,
421 Where in the Dust the mighty Soldier lay;
422 Then like a Whirlwind rush'd the Youth along,
423 And sought his Brother in the hostile Throng:
424 Polyphon's Spear his frantick Hand arrests,
425 And hurl'd the Weapon at its Owner's Breast;
426 The missive Death deceiv'd his bloody Hand,
427 Its thirsty Point lay shiver'd in the Sand:
[Page 221]
428 Suspence and Horror held the martial Crew,
429 And the sick Moon receiv'd a paler Hue:
430 The Stars retir'd from the hated Sight,
431 And wrap'd their Glories in the Clouds of Night.
432 Polyphon cry'd, O stay thy hostile Arm,
433 The Name of Brother wears a potent Charm:
434 Our Mother did in Youth's fair Bloom expire,
435 And left us Infants to our tender Sire;
436 And till Sophinia blew this deadly Flame,
437 Our Fears were equal and our Hopes the same;
438 The same our Pleasures and the like our Woes;
439 We slept together and as fondly rose,
440 Then let, O let not murd'rous Rage divide
441 Our Hearts, but lay those threat'ning Arms aside:
442 Let ranc'rous Hate possess our Souls no more,
443 Thou to her Friends the beauteous Maid restore;
444 Then let her Voice our rival Cause decide,
445 And him she favours wed the smiling Bride:
446 He said; but Rage had stop'd Lycander's Ears;
447 Base Slave, he cry'd, thou Child of puny Fears,
448 Not Laon's Son thy Soul disclaim her Race,
449 My Mother ne'er produc'd a Thing so base,
[Page 222]
450 Some fairy Elf or treach'rous Nurse beguil'd
451 My sleeping Parents of their lawful Child:
452 Then in his Place her dunghil Offspring laid,
453 And my young Brother to her Hut convey'd:
454 This was thy Mother coarser than her Fate,
455 And thou the Son of her plebeian Mate:
456 Here ceas'd the Youth; for Actions spoke the rest,
457 And hurl'd a Jav'lin at Polyphon's Breast:
458 His Shield receiv'd it with a smart Rebound,
459 The missive Weapon trembl'd on the Ground;
460 Now hand to hand the rival Youths engage,
461 Lycander burn'd with more than mortal Rage:
462 Black Fury roll'd in each relentless Eye,
463 Both fought to conquer or resolv'd to die;
464 But now Lycander, tho' with Hate inspir'd,
465 By fits was fainting and by fits respir'd;
466 Polyphon's Sword a fatal Passage found,
467 Beneath his Arm a deep and ghastly Wound;
468 Stagg'ring he drop'd and grasp'd the bloody Ground.
469 Yet as he liv'd, without a Groan he fell,
470 Nor drew a Sigh, but only cry'd, 'Tis well;
[Page 223]
471 'Tis well, my Fury with my Life shall end:
472 Farewel, my Brother and at last my Friend;
473 By our dear Parent see me quickly laid,
474 Be thine the Conquest, thine the beauteous Maid;
475 He paus'd, and then with feebler Accent cries,
476 My Friends, Farewel, and clos'd his swimming Eyes:
477 The mourning Victor bending o'er the slain,
478 Essay'd to raise him, but essay'd in vain:
479 His failing Arms resign'd their feeble Hold,
480 And Drops of Horror from his Temples roll'd:
481 From each cold Cheek the blushing Beauty flies,
482 And the Ground danc'd before his dazzl'd Eyes;
483 The weeping Youth, with friendly Force, divide
484 The gentle Mourner from his Brother's Side;
485 Then Friends and Foes united gather round,
486 And lift the bleeding Body from the Ground;
487 Some raise the drooping Head, and others press'd
488 Their careful Arms around his manly Breast;
489 Tho' with black Dust and hostile Crimson stain'd,
490 Its native Fierceness still the Face retain'd;
491 Back on his Shoulders fell his graceful Hair,
492 And the grand Features wore a scornful Air.
[Page 224]
493 Now all too late the rash Adventure blame,
494 Pale Conquest sigh'd and loath'd her hated Name;
495 From the black Tow'rs their solemn Steps return,
496 And both the Victors and the Vanquish'd mourn.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): The RIVAL BROTHERS.
Author: Mary Leapor
Themes: sex; relations between the sexes; love; virtue; vice; fighting; conflict
Genres: heroic couplet; narrative verse
References: DMI 25339

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Source edition

Leapor, Mrs. (Mary), 1722-1746. Poems upon several occasions: By Mrs. Leapor of Brackley in Northamptonshire. London: printed: and sold by J. Roberts, 1748, pp. 201-224. 15,[5],282p. ; 8⁰. (ESTC T127827; Foxon p. 413; OTA K101776.000) (Page images digitized from a copy at University of California Libraries.)

Editorial principles

The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Mary Leapor