[Page 65]


1 TYRANNICK Winter's Iron Reign was done,
2 And the soft Twins receiv'd the radiant Sun;
3 The chearful Earth appear'd in vernal Pride,
4 And the clear Waves did more serenely glide:
5 Kind Zephyrs play'd around the waving Trees,
6 While op'ning Roses caught the welcome Breeze.
7 Amid these Scenes beneath a Maple Shade,
8 Sat careless Mira on her Elbow laid,
[Page 66]
9 While frolick Fancy led the usual Train
10 Of gaudy Phantoms through her cheated Brain:
11 Till Slumber seiz'd upon her thoughtful Breast,
12 And the still Spirits sunk in balmy Rest:
13 But while her Eyes had bid the World farewel,
14 Thus Mira dream'd, and thus her Dreams we tell;
15 A seeming Nymph, like those of Dian's Train,
16 Came swiftly tripping o'er the flow'ry Plain,
17 Whose smiling Face was as the Morning fair,
18 A silver Fillet ty'd her flaxen Hair,
19 A golden Zone her lovely Bosom bound,
20 And her green Robe hung careless on the Ground.
21 Sleep, happy Mortal, with a Smile she cries,
22 And turn'd on Mira her far-beaming Eyes.
23 Still o'er thy own aerial Mountains stray,
24 And in bright Visions slumber out the Day;
25 With gaudy Scenes delude thy dazzl'd Mind,
26 Yet thou must wake and leave 'em all behind:
27 Yes, thou shalt drop from that enchanted Sky,
28 And wake to Wisdom with a weeping Eye,
29 While in a Mist the shining Prospects end;
30 Then hear, O Mira, thy immortal Friend.
[Page 67]
31 Recall thy wand'ring Thoughts, and make 'em dwell
32 In the small Limits of their native Cell.
33 To thine own Heart confine thy chiefest Care,
34 For Mira, know, thy Joys are planted there:
35 And as you manage and improve the Soil,
36 'Twill punish your Neglect, or pay your Toil;
37 Here let your Views and your Ambition rest,
38 To reign the Queen of a well-govern'd Breast,
39 This Point secur'd, let Heav'n dispose the rest.
40 Yet you may ask for what your State requires,
41 But not the Gewgaws your Caprice desires:
42 As thus, 'O keep me from the reach of Pain,
43 'From meagre Famine and her mournful Train:
44 'Let not Reproach assault my wounded Ears,
45 'Nor let my Soul behold a Friend in Tears:
46 'Secure from Noise, let my still Moments run,
47 'And still be chearful as the rising Sun:
48 'Or if a Gloom my trembling Heart invades,
49 'Ah! may it vanish with the nightly Shades
50 'Through the craz'd Walls: O may not Reason fly?
51 'But if it does then let its Mansion die:
[Page 68]
52 'Let not Remorse of Guilt the certain Pay,
53 'Blot my clear Sun nor stain its parting Ray:
54 'Give me a lively but a guiltless Mind,
55 'A Body healthful and a Soul resign'd.
56 Thus far, O Mira, thou mayst ask of Heav'n,
57 How bless'd the Mortal to whom these are giv'n:
58 If such thy Lot, let Kings enjoy their Crowns,
59 Their pageant State and arbitrary Frowns:
60 Who, tho' encircl'd by their shining Slaves,
61 Intriguing Friends and well dissembl'd Knaves,
62 Are only wretched Idols plac'd on high,
63 To bear the Rage of a tempestuous Sky:
64 And while the Storms around his Temples blow,
65 His fawning Servants safely sneer below:
66 But now the Sun brings on the Noon of Day,
67 Rise, Mira, rise and shun the scorching Ray:
68 This said, no more appear'd the beauteous Maid,
69 And Mira waking found a lonely Shade.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): The MORAL VISION.
Author: Mary Leapor
Genres: heroic couplet

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Source edition

Leapor, Mrs. (Mary), 1722-1746. Poems upon several occasions: By Mrs. Leapor of Brackley in Northamptonshire. London: printed: and sold by J. Roberts, 1748, pp. 65-68. 15,[5],282p. ; 8⁰. (ESTC T127827; Foxon p. 413; OTA K101776.000) (Page images digitized from a copy at University of California Libraries.)

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The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Mary Leapor