[Page 161]


1 ON thy carved sides, where many a vivid dye
2 In easy progress leads the wandering eye,
3 A distant nation's manners we behold,
4 To the quick fancy whimsically told.
5 The small-eyed beauty with her Mandarin,
6 Who o'er the rail of garden arbour lean,
7 In listless ease; and rocks of arid brown,
8 On whose sharp crags, in gay profusion blown,
9 The ample loose-leaved rose appears to grace
10 The skilful culture of the wonderous place;
11 The little verdant plat, where with his mate
12 The golden pheasant holds his gorgeous state,
[Page 162]
13 With gaily crested pate and twisted neck,
14 Turned jantily his glossy wings to peck;
15 The smooth-streaked water of a paly gray,
16 O'er which the checkered bridge lends ready way,
17 While, by its margin moored, the little boat
18 Doth with its oars and netted awning float:
19 A scene in short all soft delights to take in,
20 A paradise for grave Grandee of Pekin.
21 With straight small spout, that from thy body fair,
22 Diverges with a smart vivacious air,
23 And round, arched handle with gold tracery bound,
24 And dome-shaped lid with bud or button crowned,
25 Thou standest complete, fair subject of my rhymes,
26 A goodly vessel of the olden times.
27 But far less pleasure yields this fair display
28 Than that enjoyed upon thy natal day,
29 When round the potter's wheel, their chins raising,
30 An urchin group in silent wonder gazing,
31 Stood and beheld, as, touched with magic skill,
32 The whirling clay swift fashioned to his will,
[Page 163]
33 Saw mazy motion stopped, and then the toy
34 Complete before their eyes, and grinned for joy;
35 Clapping their naked sides with blythe halloo,
36 And curtailed words of praise, like ting, tung, too!
37 The brown-skinned artist, with his unclothed waist
38 And girded loins, who, slow and patient, traced,
39 Beneath his humble shed, this fair array
40 Of pictured forms upon thy surface gay,
41 I will not stop in fancy's sight to place,
42 But speed me on my way with quickened pace.
43 Packed in a chest with others of thy kind,
44 The sport of waves and every shifting wind,
45 The Ocean thou hast crossed, and thou mayest claim
46 The passing of the Line to swell thy fame,
47 With as good observation of the thing
48 As some of those who in a hammock swing.
49 And now thou 'rt seen in Britain's polished land,
50 Held up to public view in waving hand
51 Of boastful auctioneer, whilst dames of pride
52 In morning farthingals, scarce two yards wide,
[Page 164]
53 With collared lap-dogs snarling in their arms,
54 Contend in rival keenness for thy charms.
55 And certes well they might, for there they found thee
56 With all thy train of vassal cups around thee,
57 A prize which thoughts by day, and dreams by night,
58 Could dwell on for a week with fresh delight.
59 Our pleased imagination now pourtrays
60 The glory of thy high official days,
61 When thou on board of rich japan wert set,
62 Round whose supporting table gaily met
63 At close of eve, the young, the learned, the fair,
64 And even philosophy and wit were there.
65 Midst basons, cream-pots, cups and saucers small,
66 Thou stood'st the ruling chieftain of them all;
67 And even the kettle of Potosi's ore,
68 Whose ample cell supplied thy liquid store,
69 Beneath whose base the sapphire flame was burning,
70 Above whose lid the wreathy smoke was turning,
[Page 165]
71 Though richly chased and burnished it might be,
72 Was yet, confessed, subordinate to thee.
73 But O! when beauty's hand thy weight sustained,
74 The climax of thy glory was attained!
75 Back from her elevated elbow fell
76 Its three-tired ruffle, and displayed the swell
77 And gentle rounding of her lily arm,
78 The eyes of wistful sage or beau to charm
79 A sight at other times but dimly seen
80 Through veiling folds of point or colberteen.
81 With pleasing toil, red glowed her dimpled cheek,
82 Bright glanced her eyes beneath her forehead sleek,
83 And as she poured the beverage, through the room
84 Was spread its fleeting, delicate perfume.
85 Then did bright wit and cheerful fancy play
86 With all the passing topics of the day.
87 So delicate, so varied and so free
88 Was the heart's pastime, then inspired by thee,
89 That goblet, bowl or flask could boast no power
90 Of high excitement, in their reigning hour,
91 Compared to thine; red wildfire of the fen,
92 To summer moonshine of some fairy glen.
[Page 166]
93 But now the honours of thy course are past,
94 For what of earthly happiness may last!
95 Although in modern drawing-room, a board
96 May fragrant tea from menial hands afford,
97 Which, poured in dull obscurity hath been,
98 From pot of vulgar ware, in nook unseen,
99 And pass in hasty rounds our eyes before,
100 Thou in thy graceful state art seen no more.
101 And what the changeful fleeting crowd, who sip
102 The unhonoured beverage with contemptuous lip,
103 Enjoy amidst the tangled, giddy maze,
104 Their languid eye their listless air betrays.
105 What though at times we see a youthful fair
106 By white clothed board her watery drug prepare,
107 At further corner of a noisy room,
108 Where only casual stragglers deign to come,
109 Like tavern's busy bar-maid; still I say,
110 The honours of thy course are passed away.
111 Again hath auctioneer thy value praised,
112 Again have rival bidders on thee gazed,
[Page 167]
113 But not the gay, the young, the fair, I trow!
114 No; sober connoisseurs, with wrinkled brow
115 And spectacles on nose, thy parts inspect,
116 And by grave rules approve thee or reject.
117 For all the bliss which china charms afford,
118 My lady now has ceded to her lord.
119 And wisely too does she forego the prize,
120 Since modern pin-money will scarce suffice
121 For all the trimmings, flounces, beads and lace,
122 The thousand needful things that needs must grace
123 Her daily changed attire. And now on shelf
124 Of china closet placed, a cheerless elf,
125 Like moody statesman in his rural den,
126 From power dismissed like prosperous citizen,
127 From shop or change set free untoward bliss!
128 Thou rest'st in most ignoble uselessness.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): LINES TO A TEAPOT.
Genres: address

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Source edition

Baillie, Joanna, 1762-1851. Fugitive Verses. By Joanna Baillie, author of “Dramas on the Passions,“ etc. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street. MDCCCXL., 1840, pp. 161-167.  (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [40.17].)

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Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Joanna Baillie