Dodsley, Robert, 1703-1764. A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes. By Several Hands. Vol. III. London: printed by J. Hughs, for R. and J. Dodsley, 1763 [1st ed. 1758]. 6v.: music; 8⁰. (ESTC T131163; OTA K104099.003)
- halftitle
- ON A GROTTO near the THAMES, at TWICKENHAM, Composed of Marbles, Spars, and Minerals. / Alexander Pope
- HYMN on SOLITUDE. / James Thomson
- An ODE ON AEOLUS's HARP. / James Thomson
- On the Report of a WOODEN BRIDGE to be built at Westminster. / James Thomson
- The CHOICE of HERCULES. A POEM. / Robert Lowth
- An ODE. TO THE People of GREAT BRITAIN. In Imitation of the Sixth ODE of the Third Book of HORACE. Written in 1746. / Robert Lowth
- PSYCHE: or the GREAT METAMORPHOSIS. A POEM, written in Imitation of SPENSER, / Glocester Ridley
- JOVI ELEUTHERIO. Or, an OFFERING to LIBERTY. / Glocester Ridley
- AN EPISTLE FROM A SWISS Officer to his Friend at Rome. / Joseph Spence
- LIFE burthensome, because we know not how to use it. An EPISTLE. / Edward Rolle
- The Duty of Employing one's Self. An EPISTLE. / Edward Rolle
- On SCRIBLING against GENIUS. An EPISTLE. / Edward Rolle
- The MIMICK. / Christopher Pitt
- An EPISTLE from FLORENCE. To T. A. Esq; Tutor to the Earl of P—. Written in the Year 1740. / Horace Walpole
- The BEAUTIES. An EPISTLE to Mr. ECKARDT the PAINTER. / Horace Walpole
- EPILOGUE to TAMERLANE. On the Suppression of the REBELLION. Spoken by Mrs. Pritchard, in the Character of the COMICK MUSE, Nov. 4, 1746. / Horace Walpole
- ODE to FANCY. / Joseph Warton
- STANZAS written on taking the Air after a long Illness. / Joseph Warton
- The Two Beavers. A FABLE. / Stephen Duck
- CONTENTMENT. / Stephen Duck
- The EDUCATION of ACHILLES. / Robert Bedingfield
- An EPISTLE from S. J. Esq; in the Country, to the Right Hon. the Lord LOVELACE in Town. Written in the Year 1735. / Soame Jenyns
- To a LADY in Town, soon after her leaving the Country. / Soame Jenyns
- To the Right Hon. the Lady MARGARET CAVENDISH HARLEY, presented with a Collection of POEMS. / Soame Jenyns
- CHLOE to STREPHON. A SONG. / Soame Jenyns
- To the Right Honourable the EARL of CHESTERFIELD, on his being installed Knight of the GARTER. / Soame Jenyns
- To a LADY, sent with a Present of Shells and Stones design'd for a GROTTO. / Soame Jenyns
- To a LADY, in answer to a LETTER wrote in a very fine Hand. / Soame Jenyns
- The ART of DANCING. A POEM. Inscribed to the Rt. Hon. the Lady FANNY FIELDING. Written in the Year 1730. / Soame Jenyns
- THE MODERN FINE GENTLEMAN. Written in the Year 1746. / Soame Jenyns
- THE MODERN FINE LADY. / Soame Jenyns
- AN ESSAY on VIRTUE. To the Honourable PHILIP YORKE, Esq; / Soame Jenyns
- The FEMALE DRUM: Or, The Origin of CARDS. A Tale. Address'd to the Honourable Miss CARPENTER. / Henry Hervey Aston
- To Mr. FOX, written at FLORENCE. In Imitation of HORACE, Ode 4. Book 2. / John Hervey, Baron of Ickworth
- To the Same. From Hampton-Court, 1731. / John Hervey, Baron of Ickworth
- The POET'S PRAYER. / William Dunkin
- An EPISTLE to a LADY. / John Hervey, Baron of Ickworth
- GENIUS, VIRTUE, and REPUTATION. A FABLE. From Mons. DE LA MOTTE, Book v. Fable 6. / Nicholas Herbert
- MARRIAGE A-LA-MODE. OR THE TWO SPARROWS. A FABLE. From Mons. DE LA MOTTE, Book iv. Fable 21. / Nicholas Herbert
- An INSCRIPTION. Quercus loquitur. O YE! / Nicholas Herbert
- ODE to WISDOM. / Elizabeth Carter
- To a GENTLEMAN, On his intending to cut down a GROVE to enlarge his Prospect. / Elizabeth Carter
- The PLEASURE of POETRY. An ODE. / Robert Vansittart
- The POWER of POETRY. / Edward Rolle
- To a Young Lady with FONTENELLE'S Plurality of Worlds. / Edward Rolle
- SONG. To SYLVIA. / David Garrick
- To the Author of the Farmer's Letters, which were written in IRELAND in the Year of the Rebellion, by HENRY BROOKE, Esq; 1745. / David Garrick
- VERSES written in a Book called, Fables for the Female Sex. / David Garrick
- VERSES written in SYLVIA'S PRIOR. / David Garrick
- Upon a LADY'S EMBROIDERY. / David Garrick
- DEATH and the DOCTOR. Occasioned by a Physician's lampooning a Friend of the AUTHOR. / David Garrick
- INSCRIPTIONS on a Monument to the Memory of a Lady's favourite Bullfinch. / David Garrick
- The TRIAL of SELIM the PERSIAN For divers High Crimes and Misdemeanours. / Edward Moore
- The TROPHY, BEING SIX CANTATAS To the Honour of his ROYAL HIGHNESS WILLLIAM, Duke of CUMBERLAND; Expressing the just Sense of a grateful Nation, in the several Characters of The VOLUNTEER, The POET, The PAINTER, The MUSICIAN, The SHEPHERD, The RELIGIOUS. / Benjamin Hoadly
- The Marriage of the MYRTLE and the YEW. A FABLE. To DELIA, about to marry beneath herself. 1744. / Benjamin Hoadly
- On a BAY-LEAF, pluck'd from VIRGIL'S Tomb near Naples. 1736. / Benjamin Hoadly
- To CHLOE. Written on my Birth-Day, 1734. / Benjamin Hoadly
- A SONG. / Benjamin Hoadly
- FASHION: A SATIRE. / Joseph Warton
- NATURE and FORTUNE. To the Earl of CHESTERFIELD. / Philip Fletcher
- The EXCEPTION. / Anonymous
- To the Earl of CHESTERFIELD. / Anonymous
- HONOUR. A POEM. / John Brown
- ODE to a WATER NYMPH. / William Mason
- illustration
- MUSAEUS: A MONODY TO THE MEMORY of Mr. POPE. In Imitation of MILTON'S Lycidas. / William Mason
- AN ESSAY on SATIRE. / John Brown
- A Character of Mr. POPE'S WRITINGS. BEING An Episode from the Poem call'd SICKNESS, Book II. / William Thompson
- The Cave of POPE. A Prophecy. / Robert Dodsley
- INDEX to the Third Volume.
- ON a Grotto near the Thames, at Twickenham Page 1
- Hymn on Solitude 2
- An Ode on Aeolus's harp 4
- On the Report of a Wooden Bridge to be built at Westminster 6
- The choice of Hercules. A Poem 7
- An Ode to the People of Great Britain, in Imitation of the Sixth Ode of the Third Book of Horace 18
- Psyche: or the great Metamorphosis, a Poem, written in Imitation of Spenser 23
- Jovi Eleutherio: Or, an Offering to Liberty 45
- An Epistle from a Swiss Officer to his Friend at Rome 58
- Life burthensome, because we know not how to use it, an Epistle 61
- The Duty of employing One's Self, an Epistle 64
- On Scribling against Genius, an Epistle 67
- The Mimick 71
- An Epistle from Florence, to T. A. Tutor to the Earl of P— 75
- The Beauties, an Epistle to Mr. Eckardt, the Painter 90
- Epilogue to Tamerlane, on the Suppression of the Rebellion 96
- The Enthusiast, or the Lover of Nature, a Poem 99
- An Ode to Fancy 109
- Stanzas written on taking the Air after a long Illness 115
- The two Beavers, a Fable 116
- Contentment 119
- The Education of Achilles 121
- An Epistle from S. J. Esq in the Country, to the Right Hon. the Lord Lovelace in Town, written in the Year 1735 127
- To a Lady in Town soon after her leaving the Country 134
- [Page 350]To the Right Hon. the Lady Margaret Cavendish Harley, presented with a Collection of Poems 138
- Chloe to Strephon. A Poem 140
- To the Right Hon. the Earl of Chesterfield, on his being installed Knight of the Garter 141
- To a Lady, sent with a Present of Shells and Stones design'd for a Grotto 142
- To a Lady, in Answer to a Letter wrote in a very fine Hand 144
- The Art of Dancing. A Poem 146
- The modern fine Gentleman, written in the Year 1746 167
- The modern fine Lady 171
- An Essay on Virtue, to the Hon. Philip Yorke, Esq 175
- The Female Drum: or the Origin of Cards. A Tale. Address'd to the Hon. Miss Carpenter 183
- To Mr. Fox, written at Florence. In Imitation of Horace, Ode 4. Book 2. 187
- To the Same, from Hampton-Court, 1731 189
- The Poet's Prayer 197
- An Epistle to a Lady 199
- Genius, Virtue, and Reputation: A Fable 202
- Marriage A-la-Mode, or the two Sparrows: A Fable 205
- An Inscription 208
- Ode to Wisdom 209
- To a Gentleman on his intending to cut down a Grove to enlarge his Prospect 213
- The Estimate of Life, a Poem, in three Parts 215
- The Pleasure of Poetry. An Ode 226
- The Power of Poetry 231
- To a young Lady, with Fontenelle's Plurality of Worlds 233
- Song, To Sylvia 235
- To the Author of the Farmer's Letters 236
- Verses written in a Book called Fables for the Female Sex 237
- Verses written in Sylvia's Prior 238
- Upon a Lady's Embroidery ibid.
- Death and the Doctor. Occasion'd by a Physician's lampooning a Friend of the Author 239
- Inscriptions on a Monument to the Memory of a Lady's favourite Bulfinch 240
- [Page 351]The Trial of Selim the Persian, for divers High Crimes and Misdemeanours 242
- The Trophy, being six Cantatas to the Honour of his Royal Highness William Duke of Cumberland 255
- The Marriage of the Myrtle and Yew. A Fable 265
- On a Bay-leaf, pluck'd from Virgil's Tomb, near Naples, 1736 268
- To Chloe 270
- A Song 271
- Fashion: a Satire 274
- Nature and Fortune. To the Earl of Chesterfield 281
- The Exception 283
- To the Earl of Chesterfield 284
- Honour. A Poem. Inscribed to the Right Hon. the Lord Visc. Lonsdale 285
- Ode to a Water-Nymph 297
- Musaeus: A Monody to the Memory of Mr. Pope, in Imitation of Milton's Lycidas 303
- An Essay on Satire: occasioned by the Death of Mr. Pope 315
- A Character of Mr. Pope's Writings 339
- The Cave of Pope. A Prophecy 346
- The END of VOL. III.
LONDON: Printed by J. HUGHS, For R. and J. DODSLEY, at Tully's-Head in Pall-Mall.
INDEX to the Third Volume.
The END of VOL. III.