[Page 31]


1 While from the Skies the ruddy Sun descends;
2 And rising Night the Ev'ning Shade extends:
3 While pearly Dews o'erspread the fruitful Field;
4 And closing Flowers reviving Odors yield;
5 Let Us, beneath these spreading Trees, recite
6 What from our Hearts our Muses may indite.
[Page 32]
7 Nor need We, in this close Retirement, fear,
8 Lest any Swain our am'rous Secrets hear.
9 To ev'ry Shepherd I would Mine proclaim;
10 Since fair Aminta is my softest Theme:
11 A Stranger to the loose Delights of Love,
12 My Thoughts the nobler Warmth of Friendship prove:
13 And while it's pure and sacred Fire I sing;
14 Chast Goddess of the Groves, Thy Succour bring.
15 Propitious God of Love, my Breast inspire
16 With all Thy Charms, with all Thy pleasing Fire:
17 Propitious God of Love, Thy Succour bring;
18 Whilst I Thy Darling, Thy Alexis sing;
19 Alexis, as the ope'ning Blossoms fair,
20 Lovely as Light, and soft as yielding Air.
21 For Him each Virgin sighs; and on the Plains
22 The happy Youth above each Rival reigns.
23 Nor to the Ecchoing Groves, and whisp'ring Spring,
24 In sweeter Strains does artful Conon sing;
25 When loud Applauses fill the crowded Groves;
26 And Phoebus the superior Song approves.
27 Beauteous Aminta is as early Light,
28 Breaking the melancholy Shades of Night.
29 When She is near, all anxious Trouble flies;
30 And our reviving Hearts confess her Eyes.
31 Young Love, and blooming Joy, and gay Desires,
32 In ev'ry Breast the beauteous Nymph inspires:
[Page 33]
33 And on the Plain when She no more appears;
34 The Plain a dark and gloomy Prospect wears.
35 In vain the Streams roll on: the Eastern Breeze
36 Dances in vain among the trembling Trees.
37 In vain the Birds begin their Ev'ning Song,
38 And to the silent Night their Notes prolong:
39 Nor Groves, nor chrystal Streams, nor verdant Field
40 Does wonted Pleasure in Her Absence yield.
41 And in His Absence, all the pensive Day,
42 In some obscure Retreat I lonely stray;
43 All Day to the repeating Caves complain,
44 In mournful Accents, and a dying Strain.
45 Dear lovely Youth! I cry to all around:
46 Dear lovely Youth! the flatt'ring Vales resound.
47 On flow'ry Banks, by ev'ry murm'ring Stream,
48 Aminta is my Muse's softest Theme:
49 'Tis She that does my artful Notes refine:
50 With fair Aminta's Name my noblest Verse shall shine.
51 I'll twine fresh Garlands for Alexis' Brows,
52 And consecrate to Him eternal Vows:
53 The charming Youth shall my Apollo prove:
54 He shall adorn my Songs, and tune my Voice to Love.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): LOVE and FRIENDSHIP: A PASTORAL.
Genres: pastoral

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Source edition

Prior, Matthew, 1664-1721. Poems on Several Occasions [English poems only]. London: Printed for JACOB TONSON at Shakespear's-Head over against Katharine-Street in the Strand, and JOHN BARBER upon Lambeth-Hill. MDCCXVIII., 1718, pp. 31-33. [42],506,[6]p.: ill.; 2°. (ESTC T075639) (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [H 6.8 Art.].)

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Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Elizabeth Rowe (née Singer)