Rowe, Elizabeth Singer, 1674-1737. Poems on several occasions. Written by Philomela. London: Printed for John Dunton at the Raven in Jewen-street, 1696. [24],72,69,[11]p.; 8⁰ (ESTC R7317; OTA A57734)
- frontispiece
- Preface TO THE READER.
- To The AUTHOR Of these POEMS, Known only by Report, and by Her WORKS.
- THE Contents.
- Platonick Love
- Page 1
- Humane Love, by a Countrey Gentleman, in Answer to Platonick Love
- 3
- To Mr. — on his Poem
- 5
- To Mrs. Mary Friend, knowing her but by Report
- 7
- Paraphrase on John 3. 16. For God so loved the World, that he gave his only Begotten Son, &c.
- 8
- The Expostulation
- 12
- To my Lady Carteret
- 14
- And though after my Skin, Worms destroy this Body, yet in my Flesh shall I see God, Iob 19. 26.
- 15
- To Sir Charles Sedley
- 16
- To the Honourable Mrs. E. Stretchy
- 17
- A Pindarick Poem on Habbakuk
- 18
- The Athenians to the Compiler of the Pindarick now Recited
- 21
- A Poetical Question concerning the Jacobites, sent to the Athenians
- 27
- The Athenians Answer
- 28
- Upon King William's passing the Boyn, &c.
- 30
- The Vanity of the World, in a Poem to the Athenians
- 33
- The Athenians Answer
- 35
- The Rapture
- ibid.
- A Paraphrase on the CANTICLES, Chap. I.
- 36
- Chap. II.
- 39
- Chap. III.
- 42
- Chap. IV.
- 44
- Chap. V.
- 47
- Chap. VI.
- 52
- The Fable of Phaeron Paraphrased from Ovid's Metamorphosis
- 56
- The Wish, in a Poem to the Athenians, 2d Alphabet
- 1
- The Athenians Answer
- 3
- To one that perswades me to leave the Muses
- 6
- A Poem occasion'd by the Report of the Queen's Death
- 9
- Paraphrase on John 21. 17.
- 10
- Paraphrase on Cant. 5,6, &c.
- 13
- A Pindarick to the Athenian Society
- 15
- Paraphrase on Revel. Chap. 1. from v. 13. to v. 18.
- 19
- To a very Young Gentleman at a Dancing-School
- 22
- To the same Gentleman
- 23
- A Pastoral
- 24
- To Celinda
- 27
- Thoughts on Death
- 28
- The Female Passion
- 30
- To Strephon
- 31
- Paraphrase on Malachy 3, 14.
- 32
- On Mrs. Rebekah
- 34
- By Dispair
- 35
- To Orestes
- 37
- The Athenians Answer to the foregoing Poem
- 39
- Paraphrase on Canticles, 7, 11
- 40
- Paraphrase on Micah, 6. 6, 7.
- 41
- The Reflection
- 43
- A Song
- 44
- To Madam S. — at the Court
- 46
- The Vision. — To Theron
- 49
- A Pastoral Elegy
- 51
- Parthenia, an Elegy
- 57
- The Reply to Mr. —
- 59
- A Pastoral on the Queen
- 62
- A Farewel to Love
- 65
- Platonick Love.
- To Mr. — — on his POEM.
- TO Mrs. MARY FRIEND; Knowing her but by Report.
- THE Expostulation.
- To my Lady CARTERET.
- And, though after my Skin, Worms destroy this Body, yet in my Flesh shall I see God, Job 19. 26.
- To the Honourable Mrs. E— Stretchy.
- A Pindarick POEM on HABBAKUK.
- A Poetical Question concerning the Jacobites, sent to the Athenians.
- The Athenians Answer.
- Upon King William's passing the Boyn, &c.
- The Vanity of the World, In a Poem to the Athenians.
- The Athenians Answer.
- A Paraphrase on the CANTICLES.
- The Athenians Answer.
- To one that perswades me to leave the Muses.
- A POEM Occasioned by the report of the Queens Death.
- Pharaphrase on John 21. 17.
- Paraphrase on Cant. 5. 6. &c.
- A Pindarick, to the Athenian Society.
- Paraphrase on Revel. chap. 1. from v. 13. to v. 18.
- To a very Young Gentleman at a Dancing-School.
- To the same Gentleman.
- Thoughts on Death.
- THE Female Passion,
- Paraphrase on Malachy 3. 14.
- On Mrs. Rebecka.
- By Dispair.
- The Athenians Answer, to the Foregoing Poem.
- Paraphrase on Canticles, 7. 11.
- Paraphrase on Micha. 6. 6, 7.
- The Reflection.
- To Madam S— at the Court.
- The Vision. To Theron.
- A Pastoral Elegy.
- Parthenea, an ELEGY.
- The Reply to Mr. —
- A Pastoral on the QUEEN.
- A Farewel to LOVE.
- BOOKS lately Printed for John Dunton.
- BOOKS now in the Press, and Design'd for it; Printed for IOHN DUNTON.
Written by Philomela.
LONDON: Printed for Iohn Dunton at the Raven in Iewen-street. 1696.
THE occasion of this Preface is, to give the World some account of the Author of these Poems, as far as I'm permitted to do it: An Employment I the more willingly chuse, because our Sex has some Excuse for a little Vanity, when they have so good Reason for't, and such a Champion among themselves, as not many of the other can[Page] boast of. We are not unwilling to allow Mankind the Brutal Advantages of Strength, they are Superior to ours in Force, they have Custom of their side, and have Ruled, and are like to do so, and may freely do it without Disturbance or Envy; at least they should have none from us, if they cou'd but keep quiet among themselves. But when they wou'd Monopolize Sence too, when neither that, nor Learning, nor so much as Wit must be allow'd us, but all over-rul'd by the Tyranny of the Prouder Sex; nay, when some of 'em won't let us say our Souls are our own, but wou'd perswade us we are no more Reasonable Creatures then themselves, or their Fellow-Animals; we then[Page] must ask their Pardons if we are not yet so Compleatly possive as to bear all without so much as a murmur: We complain, and we think with reason, that our Fundamental Constitutions are destroyed; that here's a plain and an open design to render us meer Slaves, perfect Turkish Wives, without Properties, or Sense, or Souls; and are forc'd to Protest against it, and appeal to all the World, whether these are not notorious Violations on the Liberties of Free-born English Women? This makes the Meekest Worm amongst us all, ready to turn agen when we are thus trampled on; But alas! What can we do to Right our selves? stingless and harmless as we are, we can only Kiss the[Page] Foot that hurts us. However, sometimes it pleases Heaven to raise up some Brighter. Genius then ordinary to Succour a Distressed People —; an Epaminondas in Thebes; a Timoleon for Corinth; (for you must know we Read Plutarch now 'tis Translated) and a Nassaw for all the World: Nor is our Defenceless Sex forgotten — we have not only Bunduca's and Zenobia's, but Sappho's, and Behn's and Schurman's, and Orinda's, who have humbled. the most haughty of our Antagonists, and made 'em do Homage to our Wit, as well as our Beauty. 'Tis true, their Mischievous and Envious sex have made it their utmost endeavours to deal with us, as Hannibal[Page] was serv'd at Capua, and to Corrupt that Virtue which they can no otherwise overcome: and sometimes they prevail'd: But, if some Angels fell, others remain'd in their Innocence and Perfection, if there were not also some addition made to their Happiness and Glory, by their continuing stedfast. Angels Love, but they love Virtuously and Reasonably, and neither err in the Object, nor the Manner: And if all our Poetesses had done the same, I wonder what our Enemies cou'd have found out to have objected against us: However, here they are silenc'd; and I dare be bold to say, that whoever does not come extreamly prejudic'd[Page] to these Poems, will find in 'em that vivacity of Thought, that purity of Language, that softness and delicacy in the Love-part, that strength and Majesty of Numbers almost every where, especially on Heroical Subjects, and that clear and unaffected Love to Virtue; that heighth of Piety and warmth of Devotion in the Canticles, and other Religious Pieces; which they will hardly find exceeded in the best Authors on those Different Kinds of Writing, much less equall'd by any single Writer.
And now I have nothing more, I think, lies upon my Hands, but to assure the[Page] Reader, that they were actually Writ by a young Lady, (all, but some of the Answers, as is well-known to some Persons of Quality and Worth) whose NAME had been prefix'd, had not her own Modesty absolutely forbidden it.
The way of Thinking and Writing is all along the same, only varying with the Subject; and the Whole so very agreeable a mixture, that unless Philaret and my Self, who have the Honour to be her Friends, and who perswaded her to Publish this First Volume, are very partial, 'tis more than probable, they will meet with so favourable a Reception with the[Page] Pious and Ingenious Reader, that we may e're long prevail with Her to oblige the World with a Second Part, no way inferior to the former.
To The AUTHOR Of these POEMS, Known only by Report, and by Her WORKS.
THE Contents.THE Contents.
TO the Author of these Poems, known only by Report, and by her Works.
THe Young Lady, who is the Author of this BOOK, Living at a Great Distance from London, 'twas Impossible She shou'd see the Sheets as they came from the PRESS; and is therefore no ways Accountable for the Printer's Errata's.
BOOKS lately Printed for John Dunton.
POEMS on several Occasions, Written by Philomela.
The first and second Volumes of the French Book of Martyrs, published in English with Her Majesties Royal Priviledge, pri. 20 s.
The Tigurine Liturgy, publish'd with the Approbation of six Reverend Bishops.
Dr. Burthogg's Essay upon Reason, and the Nature of Spirits; dedicated to Mr. Lock. p. 2s. 6d.
The Works of the Right Honourable Henry late Lord Delamere, and Earl of Warrington, containing his Lordships Advice to his Children, several Speeches in Parliament, &c. with many other Occasional Discourses on the Affairs of the two last Reigns, being Original Manuscripts written with his Lordships own hand, never before Printed. Price bound 5 s.
Malbranch's Search after Truth, compleat, in 2 Vol. 8 — To the 2d part of this Work is added the Author's defence against the Accusations of Monsieur de la Ville also the Life of F. Malbranch, of the Oratory at Paris; with an Account of his Works, and several particulars of his controversie with Monsieur Arnaud, Dr. of Sorbon, and Monsieur Regis, Professor in Philosophy at Paris. Written by Monsieur Le Vassor, lately come over from Paris; both Volumes done out of French, from the last Edition, by Mr. Sault, Author[Page] of the New Treatise of Algebra; both Volumes 10 s.
Bp. Barlow's Genuine Remains, containing near 100 distinct Subjects, Theological, Philosophical, Historical, &c. Publish'd from his Lordship's Original Papers, by Sir Peter Pet, Kt. Advocate General for the Kingdom of Ireland. Price bound 6 s.
Dr. Becker's Examination of the common Opinions concerning Spirits, Apparitions, their Nature, Powers, Administration and Operations, as also the Effects Men are able to produce by their Communication.
Casuistical Morning-Exercises, the 4th Volume; by several Reverend Divines in and about London, price bound 6 s.
The Life of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Brand, written by Dr. Annesly, price 1 s.
Heads of Agreement assented to by the United Ministers, price 4 d.
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Tho General History of the Quakers, both Men and Women, from the first Rise of that Sect, down to this present time. Collected from Manuscripts, &c. A Work never attempted before in English, being Written Originally in Latin, by the Learned Crosius, price bound 5 s.
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A COLLECTION of the Funeral Orations pronounc'd by publick Authority in Holland, upon the Death of the most serene and potent Princess Mary II. Queen of Great Britain, &c. By Dr. Iames Perizonius, Professor of Eloquence, History, and the Greek Tongue in Leyden, Dr. George Grevius, Professor of Theology in Utrecht; and several other Learned Men — wherein is given a very particular Account of the QUEEN's LIFE, during her Residence in HOLLAND, &c. Done into English from the Latin Original.
Some Remarkable Passages in the Life and Death of her late Majesty, not hitherto made publick, as they were delivered in a Funeral Oration, pronounc'd by publick Authority, in the Hall of the[Page] most Illustrious States, upon the day of the Royal Obsequies, March 5. 1695. by Francis Spanheimius, F. F. Chief Professor of the Academy of Leyden. Done into English from the Latin Original; and Printed in 4to, to bind up with the forementioned Orations.
A Sermon upon the Death of the Queen of England, Preached in the Walloon-Church at the Hague, Feb. 6, 1695. Upon these Words, Acts 9. v. 36, 37. There was at Joppa a certain Disciple whose name was Tabitha, which signifies Dorcas, who was full of Good Works and the Almsdeeds which she did. It happen'd in those days that she fell sick and dy'd. By Isaac Claude, Minister of the Walloon-Church. Done into English from the Second Edition Printed in French.
Lachrymoe Sacerdotis. A Pindarick Poem occasion'd by the Death of that most Excellent Princess, our late Gracious Soveraign Lady, Mary II. of Glorious Memory. By Henry Park, Curate of Wentworth in Yorkshire.
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