[Page 65]
A Farewel to LOVE.
1 WEll, since in spight of all that Love can do,
2 The dangerous steps of Honour thoul't pursue,
3 I'll just grow Wise and Philosophick too:
4 I'll bid these tender silly things Farewel;
5 And Love, with thy great Antidote, expel:
6 I'll tread the same Ambitious Paths with thee,
7 And Glory too shall be my Deity.
8 And now I'll once release my Train of Fools,
9 In Sheer good Nature to the Loving Souls;
10 For Pity's-sake at last I'll set at rights
11 The vain conceits of the presumptuous Wights:
[Page 66]12 For tho' I shake off Therons Chains, yet he
13 Is all that e'er deserv'd a Smile from me.
14 But he's unjust, and false; and I a part
15 Would not accept, tho' of a MONARCH's heart.
16 And therefore flattering hopes, and wishes too,
17 With all Loves soft Concomitants, adieu:
18 No more to its Imperious Yoke I'll bow;
19 Pride and Resentment fortify me now.
20 My Inclinations are reverst; nor can
21 I but abhor the Slavery of Man,
22 How e'er the empty Lords of Nature boast
23 O're me, their Fond Prerogative is lost:
24 For, Uncontroul'd, I thus resolve to rove,
25 And hear no more of Hymen, or of Love:
26 No more such Wild Fantastick things shall Charm:
27 My Breast; nor these Serener Thoughts Alarm.
[Page 67]28 No more for Farce; I'll make a Lover Creep,
29 And look as Scurvy as if he had bit a Sheep.
30 Nor with Dissembled Smiles indulge the Fops,
31 In pure Revenge to their Audacious hopes;
32 Tho' at my Feet a thousand Victims lay,
33 I'd proudly spurn the Whining Slaves away.
34 Deaf, as the Winds, or Theron, would I prove,
35 And hear no more of Hymen, or of Love.
36 Like bright Diana now I'll range the Woods,
37 And haunt the silent Shades and silver Floods
38 I'll find out the Remotest Paths I can,
39 To shun th' Offensive, Hated Face of Man.
40 Where I'll Indulge my Liberty and Bliss,
41 And no Endimyon shall obtain a Kiss.
42 Now, Cupid, Mourn; the inlargement of my fate
43 Thou'st lost a Politician in thy State:
44 I could have taught thee, hadst thou lost thy Arms,
45 To fool the World with more delusive Charms:
[Page 68]46 I could have made thy Taper burn more bright,
47 And wing thy Shafts with an unerring flight:
48 'Twas I directed that successful dart,
49 That found its way to the Great —'s heart:
50 'Twas I that made the lovely Fl—n bow,
51 A proud contemner of thy Laws, till now;
52 I Sung thy Power, and Inspir'd the Swains,
53 Or thou hadst been no Deity on the Plains,
54 Yet think no more my freedom to surprize,
55 Which nothing can controul but Theron's eyes;
56 And every flattering Smile, and every Grace,
57 With all the Air of that Bewitching Face,
58 My Pride and Resolutions may deface:
59 For from those eyes for ever I'll remove,
60 To shun the Sight of what I would not love:
61 And then, tho every Cyclop stretcht his Art,
62 To form the little angry God a dart,
63 I'll yet defy his rage to touch my Heart:
[Page 69]64 For tho my years compel me to disdain,
65 Of the false Charmer meanly to complain;
66 'Tis yet some satisfaction to my Mind,
67 I for his sake abandon all Mankind.
68 My Prouder Muse, to love no more a slave,
69 Shall Sing the Gust, the Fortunate and Brave,
70 And twine her Promis'd Wreaths for Theron's Brow,
71 The Hero, not the faithless Lover now.
72 More Blooming Glories mayst thou still acquire,
73 And urge my Breast with a more active fire.
74 May New Successes wait upon thy Sword,
75 And deathless Honour all thy Acts record.
76 May all thou dost thy Character compleat;
77 And, like thy self, be loyal still and great:
78 Whilst in an equal Orb as free I move,
79 And think no more of Hymen, or of Love.
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About this text
Author: Elizabeth Rowe (née Singer)
hopelessness; love; sadness; melancholy
heroic couplet; occasional poem
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Source edition
Rowe, Elizabeth Singer, 1674-1737. Poems on several occasions. Written by Philomela. London: Printed for John Dunton at the Raven in Jewen-street, 1696, pp. 65-69. [24],72,69,[11]p.; 8⁰ (ESTC R7317; OTA A57734)
Editorial principles
The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.
Other works by Elizabeth Rowe (née Singer)
- And, though after my Skin, Worms destroy this Body, yet in my Flesh shall I see God, Job 19. 26. ()
- The Athenians Answer, to the Foregoing Poem. ()
- The Athenians Answer. ()
- The Athenians Answer. ()
- The Athenians Answer. ()
- By Dispair. ()
- THE Expostulation. ()
- THE Female Passion, ()
- On Mrs. Rebecka. ()
- Paraphrase on Cant. 5. 6. &c. ()
- Paraphrase on Canticles, 7. 11. ()
- Paraphrase on Malachy 3. 14. ()
- Paraphrase on Micha. 6. 6, 7. ()
- Paraphrase on Revel. chap. 1. from v. 13. to v. 18. ()
- A Paraphrase on the CANTICLES. ()
- Parthenea, an ELEGY. ()
- A Pastoral Elegy. ()
- A Pastoral on the QUEEN. ()
- Pharaphrase on John 21. 17. ()
- A Pindarick POEM on HABBAKUK. ()
- A Pindarick, to the Athenian Society. ()
- Platonick Love. ()
- A POEM Occasioned by the report of the Queens Death. ()
- A Poetical Question concerning the Jacobites, sent to the Athenians. ()
- The RAPTURE. ()
- The Reflection. ()
- The Reply to Mr. — ()
- A SONG. ()
- Thoughts on Death. ()
- To a very Young Gentleman at a Dancing-School. ()
- To Madam S— at the Court. ()
- To Mr. — — on his POEM. ()
- TO Mrs. MARY FRIEND; Knowing her but by Report. ()
- To my Lady CARTERET. ()
- To one that perswades me to leave the Muses. ()
- To the Honourable Mrs. E— Stretchy. ()
- To the same Gentleman. ()
- Upon King William's passing the Boyn, &c. ()
- The Vanity of the World, In a Poem to the Athenians. ()
- Verses written by Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe, on her drawing the Lord Boyle's Picture. ()
- The Vision. To Theron. ()