
THE Female Advocate, OR, An Answer to a late Satyr against the Pride, Lust and Inconstancy, &c. of Woman.

1 BLasphemous Wretch, [thou] who canst think or say
2 Some Curst or Banisht Fiend usurp't the way
3 When Eve was form'd; for then's deny'd by you
4 Gods Omniscience and Omnipresence too:
5 Without which Attributes he could not be,
6 The greatest and supreamest Deity:
7 Nor can Heaven sleep, tho' it may mourn to see
8 Degenerate Man utter Blasphemy.
9 When from dark Chaos Heav'n the World did make,
10 Made all things glorious it did undertake;
11 Then it in Eden's Garden freely plac'd
12 All things pleasant to the Sight or Taste,
13 Fill'd it with Beasts & Birds, Trees hung with Fruit,
14 That might with Man's Celestial Nature suit:
15 The World being made thus spacious and compleat,
16 Then Man was form'd, who seemed nobly great.
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17 When Heaven survey'd the Works that it had done,
18 Saw Male and Female, but found Man alone,
19 A barren Sex, and insignificant;
20 So Heaven made Woman to supply the want,
21 And to make perfect what before was scant:
22 Then surely she a Noble Creature is,
23 Whom Heaven thus made to consummate all Bliss.
24 Though Man had Being first, yet methinks She
25 In Nature should have the Supremacy;
26 For Man was form'd out of dull senceless Earth;
27 But Woman she had a far nobler Birth:
28 For when the Dust was purify'd by Heaven,
29 Made into Man, and Life unto it given,
30 Then the Almighty and All-wise God said,
31 That Woman of that Species should be made:
32 Which was no sooner said, but it was done,
33 'Cause 'twas not fit for Man to be alone.
34 Thus have I prov'd Womans Creation good,
35 And not inferior, when right understood:
36 To that of Man's; for both one Maker had,
37 Which made all good; then how could Eve be bad?
38 But then you'l say, though she at first was pure,
39 Yet in that State she did not long endure.
40 'Tis true; but if her Fall's examin'd right,
41 We find most Men have banish'd Truth for spight:
42 Nor is she quite so guilty as some make;
43 For Adam did most of the Guilt partake:
44 For he from God's own Mouth had the Command;
45 But Woman she had it at second hand:
[Page 3]
46 The Devil's Strength weak Woman might deceive,
47 But Adam tempted only was by Eve.
48 Eve had the strongest Tempter, and least Charge;
49 Man's knowing most, doth his Sin make most large.
50 But though Woman Man to Sin did lead?
51 Yet since her Seed hath bruis'd the Serpent's Head:
52 Why should she be made a publick scorn,
53 Of whom the great Almighty God was born?
54 Surely to speak one slighting Word, must be
55 A kind of murmuring Impiety:
56 But still their greatest haters do prove such
57 Who formerly have loved them too much:
58 And from the Proverb they are not exempt;
59 Too much Familiarity has bred Contempt;
60 For they associate themselves with none,
61 But such whose Virtues like their own, are gone;
62 And with all those, and only those who be
63 Most boldly vers'd in their Debauchery:
64 And as in Adam all Mankind did die,
65 They make all base for ones Immodesty;
66 Nay, make the Name a kind of Magick Spell,
67 As if 'twould censure married Men to Hell.
68 Woman, ye Powers! the very Name's a Charm,
69 And will my Verse against all Criticks arm.
70 The Muses or Apollo doth inspire
71 Heroick Poets; but your's is a Fire,
72 Pluto from Hell did send by Incubus,
73 Because we make their Hell less populous;
74 Or else you ne'er had damn'd the Females thus:
[Page 4]
75 But if so universally they are
76 Dispos'd to Mischief, what need you declare
77 Peculiar Faults, when all the World might see
78 With each approaching Morn a Prodigy:
79 Man curse dead woman; I could hear as well
80 The black infernal Devils curse their Hell:
81 When there had been no such place we know,
82 If they themselves had not first made it so.
83 In Lust perhaps you others have excell'd,
84 And made all Whores that possibly would yield;
85 And courted all the Females in your way,
86 Then did design at last to make a Prey
87 Of some pure Virgins; or what's almost worse,
88 Make some chaste Wives to merit a Divorce.
89 But 'cause they hated your insatiate Mind,
90 Therefore you call what's Virtuous, Unkind:
91 And Disappointments did your Soul perplex;
92 So in meer spight you curse the Female Sex.
93 I would not judge you thus, only I find
94 You would adulterate all Womankind,
95 Not only with your Pen; you higher soar;
96 You'd exclude Marriage, make the World a Whore.
97 But if all Men should of your Humor be
98 And should rob Hymen of his Deity,
99 They soon would find the Inconveniency.
100 Then hostile Spirits would be forc'd to Peace,
101 Because the World so slowly would increase.
102 They would be glad to keep their Men at home,
103 And each want more to attend his Throne:
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104 Nay, should an English Prince resolve that he
105 would keep the number of of's Nobility:
106 And this dull custom some few years maintain'd,
107 There would be none less than a Peer oth' land.
108 And I do fancy 'twould be pretty sport
109 To see a Kingdom cramb'd into a Court.
110 Sure a strange world, when one should nothing see,
111 unless a Baudy House or Nunnery.
112 Or should this Act ere pass, woman would fly
113 With unthought swiftness, to each Monastry
114 And in dark Caves secure her Chastity.
115 She only in a Marriage-Bed delights;
116 The very Name of Whore her Soul affrights.
117 And when that sacred Ceremony's gone,
118 Woman I am sure will chuse to live alone.
119 There's none can number all those vertuous Dames
120 Which chose cold death before their lovers flames.
121 The chast Lucretia whom proud Tarquin lov'd,
122 Her he slew, her chastity she prov'd.
123 But I've gone further than I need have done,
124 Since we have got examples nearer home.
125 Witness those Saxon Ladies who did fear
126 The loss of Honour when the Danes were here:
127 And cut their Lips and Noses that they might
128 Not pleasing seem, or give the Danes delight.
129 Thus having done what they could justly do,
130 At last they fell their sacrifices too.
131 Thus when curst Osbright courted Beon's wife,
132 She him refus'd with hazard of her life.
[Page 6]
133 And some which I do know but will not name,
134 Have thus refus'd and hazarded the same.
135 I could say more, but History will tell
136 Many more things that do these excel.
137 In Constancy they men excell as far
138 A heavens bright lamp doth a dull twinckling star.
139 Tho' man is alwaies altering of his mind,
140 Inconstancy is only in womankind.
141 'Tis something strange, no hold, it isn't because
142 The men have had the power of making Laws;
143 For where is there that man that ever dy'd,
144 Or ere expired with his loving Bride.
145 But numerous trains of chast wives expire
146 With their dear Husbands, tho in flames of fire:
147 We'd do the same if custom did require.
148 But this is done by Indian women, who
149 Do make their Constancy immortal too,
150 As is their Fame: We find India yeilds
151 More glorious Phoenix than the Arabian fields.
152 The German women Constancy did shew
153 When Wensberg was besieg'd, beg'd they might go
154 Out of the City, with no bigger Packs
155 Than each of them could carry on their Backs.
156 The wond'ring world expected they'd have gone
157 Laded with treasures from their native home,
158 But crossing expectation each did take
159 Her Husband as her burden on her back.
160 So saved him from intended death, and she
161 At once gave him both life and liberty.
[Page 7]
162 How many loving wives have often dy'd:
163 Drownded in tears by their cold husbands side.
164 And when a Sword was Executioner,
165 the very same hath executed her,
166 With her own hands; eagerly meeting death,
167 And scorn'd to live when he was void of breath.
168 If this isn't Constancy, why then the Sun
169 With Constant Motion don't his progress run.
170 There's thousands of examples that will prove,
171 Woman is alwayes Constant in chast Love.
172 But when she's courted only to some Lust,
173 She well may change, I think the reason's just.
174 Change did I say, that word I must forbear,
175 No, she bright Star wont wander from her sphere
176 Of Virtue (in which Female Souls do move)
177 Nor will she joyn with an insatiate love.
178 For she whose first espoused to vertue must
179 Be most inconstant, when she yields to lust.
180 But now the scene is alter'd, and those who
181 were esteemed modest by a blush or two,
182 Are represented quite another way,
183 Worse than mock-verse doth the most solid Play.
184 She that takes pious Precepts for her Rule,
185 Is thought by some a kind of ill-bred fool;
186 They would have all bred up in Venus School.
187 And when that by her speech or carriage, she
188 Doth seem to have sence of a Deity,
189 She straight is taxt with ungentility.
190 Unless it be the little blinded Boy,
191 That Childish god, Cupid, that trifling toy,
[Page 8]
192 That certain nothing, whom they feign to be
193 The Son of Venus daughter to the Sea.
194 But were he true, none serve him as they shoud,
195 For commonly those who adore this god,
196 Do't only in a melancholy mood;
197 Or else a sort of hypocrites they are,
198 Who do invocate him only as a snare.
199 And by him they do sacred love pretend,
200 When as heaven knows, they have a baser end.
201 Nor is he god of love; but if I must
202 Give him a title, then he is god of lust.
203 And surely Woman impious must be
204 When e're she doth become his votary,
205 Unless she will believe without controul,
206 Those that did hold a Woman had no Soul:
207 And then doth think no obligation lyes
208 On her to act what may be just or wise.
209 And only strive to please her Appetite,
210 And to embrace that which doth most delight.
211 And when she doth this paradox believe,
212 Whatever faith doth please she may receive.
213 She may be Turk, Jew, Atheist, Infidel,
214 Or any thing, cause she need ne'er fear Hell,
215 For if she hath no Soul what need she fear
216 Something she knows not what or when or where.
217 But hold I think I should be silent now,
218 Because a Womans Soul you do allow.
219 But had we none you'd say we had, else you
220 Could never damn us at the rate you do.
[Page 9]
221 What dost thou think thou hast priviledge given,
222 That those whom thou dost bless shall mount to heaven,
223 And those thou cursest unto hell must go.
224 And so dost think to fill the Abiss below
225 Quite full of Females, hoping there may be
226 No room for souls big with Vice as thee.
227 But if that thou with such vain hopes should'st dye
228 I'th fluid Air, thou must not think to fly,
229 Or enter into heaven, thy weight of Sin
230 Would crush the damn'd, and so thoud'st enter in.
231 But hold, I am uncharitable here,
232 Thou may'st repent, tho' that's a thing I fear.
233 But if thou should'st repent, why then again
234 It would at best but mitigate thy pain,
235 Because thou hast been vile to that degree,
236 That thy repentance must eternal be.
237 For wert thou guilty of no other crime
238 Than what thou lately puttest into Rhime,
239 Why that without other offences given,
240 Were enough to shut the gate of Heaven.
241 But when together's put all thou do,
242 It will not only shut but bar it too.
243 For when Heaven made woman it design'd
244 Her for the charming object of Mankind.
245 Nor is alter'd only with those who
246 Set Bewly, Stratford, nay and Chreswell too,
247 Or other Bawds, chase their acquaintance out,
248 And then what they must be we make no doubt.
249 'Tis to make heaven mistaken when you say
[Page 10]
250 It meant one and it proves another way.
251 For when heaven with its last and greatest care,
252 Had form'd a female charming bright and fair,
253 Why then immediately it did decree,
254 That unto man she should a blessing be,
255 And so should prove to all posterity.
256 And surely there is nothing can be worse
257 Than for to turn a blessing to a curse.
258 And when the greatest blessing heaven ere gave,
259 And certainly the best that man could have.
260 When that's scorn'd and contemn'd sure it must be
261 A great affront unto heaven's Majesty.
262 But I hope Heaven will punish the offence,
263 And with it justifie our Innocence.
264 I must confess there are some bad, and they
265 Lead by an Ignis fatus, go astray:
266 All are not forc'd to wander in false way.
267 Only some few whose dark benighted sence,
268 For want of light han't power to make defence
269 Against those many tempting pleasures, which
270 Not only theirs but Masculine Souls bewitch.
271 But you'd persuade us, that 'tis we alone
272 Are guilty of all crimes and you have none,
273 Unless some few, which you call fools, (who be
274 Espous'd to wives, and live in chastity.)
275 But the most rational, without which we
276 Doubtless shou'd question your Humanity.
277 And I would praise them more only I fear
278 If I should do't it would make me appear
[Page 11]
279 Unto the World much fonder than I be
280 Of that same State, for I love Liberty,
281 Nor do I think there's a necessity
282 For all to enter Beds, like Noah's beast
283 Into his Ark; I would have some releast
284 From the dear cares of that lawful State:
285 Hold I'll not dictate, I'll leave all Fate.
286 Nor would I have the World to think that I
287 Through a despair do Nuptial Ioys defy.
288 For in the World so little I have been
289 That I've but half a revolution seen
290 Of Saturn, only I do think it best
291 For those who love to contemplate at rest,
292 For to live single too, and then they may
293 Uninterupted, Natures Work survey.
294 And had my Antagonist spent his time
295 Making true Verse instead of spiteful Rhime,
296 As a Female Poet, he had gain'd some praise,
297 But now his malice blasts his twig of Bays.
298 I do not wish you had, for I believe
299 It is impossible for to deceive
300 Any with what you write, because that you
301 May insert things supposed true.
302 And if by supposition I may go,
303 Then I'll suppose all men are wicked too,
304 Because I'm sure there's many that are so.
305 And 'cause you have made Whores of all you could,
306 So if you durst, you'd say all Women would.
307 Which words do only argue guilt and spite:
308 All makes you cheap in ev'ry mortals sight.
[Page 12]
309 And it doth shew that you have alwaies been
310 Only with Women guilty of that Sin.
311 You nere desired nor were you fit for those
312 Whose modest carriage doth their minds disclose.
313 And Sir, methinks you do describe so well
314 The way and manner Bewley enter'd Hell,
315 As if your love for her had made you go
316 Down to the black infernal shades below.
317 But I suppose you never was so near,
318 For if you had, you scarce would have been here,
319 For had they seen, they'd kept you there.
320 Unless they thought when ere it was you came,
321 Your hot entrance might encrease the flame.
322 If burning Hell add to their extreme pain,
323 And so were glad to turn you off again.
324 And likewise, also I believe beside,
325 That one thing more might be their haughty pride.
326 They knew you Rival'd them in all their Crimes,
327 Wherewith they could debauch the willing times.
328 And as fond mortals hate a rival, they
329 Loving through Pride, were loath to let you stay,
330 For fear that you might their black deeds excel,
331 Usurp their Seat and be the Prince of Hell.
332 But I believe that you will let your hate
333 Ore rule your bride, and you'll not wish the State
334 Of Coverning, because your deceived mind,
335 Persuades your Subjects will be Women kind.
336 But I believe when it comes the tryal,
337 Ask but for ten and you'll have the denial.
[Page 13]
338 You'd think your self far happier than you be,
339 Were you but half so sure of heaven as we.
340 But when you are in hell if you should find
341 More then I speak of, think heaven design'd
342 Them for a part of your Eternal Fate,
343 Because they're things which you so much do hate.
344 But why you should do so I cannot tell,
345 Unless 'tis what makes you in love with hell:
346 And having fallen-out with Goodness, you
347 Must have Antipathy 'gainst Woman too.
348 For virtue and they are so near ally'd
349 That none can their mutual tyes divide.
350 Like Light and Heat, incorporate they are,
351 And interwove with providential care,
352 But I'm too dull to give my Sex due praise,
353 The task befits a Laureat Crown'd with Bays:
354 And yet all he can say, will be but small,
355 A Copy differs from the original.
356 For should he sleep under Parnassus Hill,
357 Implore the Muses for to guide his Quill.
358 And shou'd they help him, yet his praise would seem
359 At best but undervalluing disesteem.
360 For he would come so short of what they are
361 His lines won't with one single Act compare.
362 But to say truest, is to say that she
363 Is Good and Virtuous unto that degree
364 As you pretend she's Bad, and that's beyond
365 Imagination, 'cause you set no bound,
366 And then one certain definition is
367 To say that she doth comprehend all Bliss.
[Page 14]
368 And that she's all that's pious, chaft and true,
369 Heroick, constant, nay, and modest too:
370 The later Virtue is a thing you doubt,
371 But 'tis 'cause you nere sought to find it out.
372 You question where there's such a thing or no,
373 'Tis only 'cause you hope you've lost a foe,
374 A hated object, yet a stranger too.
375 I'll speak like you, if such a thing there be,
376 I'm certain that she doth not dwell with thee.
377 Thou art Antipodes to that and unto all
378 That's Good, or that we simply civil call.
379 From yokes of Goodness, thou'st thy self releast,
380 Turn'd Bully Hector, and a humane Beast.
381 That Beasts do speak it rarely comes to pass,
382 Yet you may paralell with Balaam's Ass.
383 You do describe a woman so that one
384 Would almost think she had the Fiends outdone:
385 As if at her strange birth did shine no star,
386 Or Planet, but Furies in conjunction were;
387 And did conspire what mischief they should do,
388 Each act his part and her with plagues pursue,
389 'Tis false in her, yet 'tis sum'd up in you.
390 You almost would perswade one that you thought
391 That providence to a low ebb was brought;
392 And that to Eve and Iezabell was given
393 Souls of so great extent that heaven was driven
394 Into a Straight, and liberality
395 Had made her void of wanting, to supply
396 These later bodies, she was forc'd to take
397 Their souls asunder, and so numbers make,
[Page 15]
398 And transmigrate them into others, and
399 Still shift them as she finds the matters stand.
400 'Tis 'cause they are the worst makes me believe
401 You must imagine Iezabel and Eve.
402 But I'm no Pythagorean to conclude
403 One Soul could serve for Abraham and Iude.
404 Or think that heaven so bankrupt or so poor,
405 But that each body has one soul or more.
406 I do not find our Sex so near ally'd,
407 Either in disobedience or in pride,
408 Unto the 'bovenamed Females (for I'm sure
409 They are refin'd, or else were alwaies pure)
410 That I must needs conceit their souls the same,
411 Tho' I confess there's some that merit blame:
412 But yet their faults only thus much infer,
413 That we're not made so perfect but may err;
414 Which adds much lustre to a virtuous mind,
415 And 'tis her prudence makes her soul confin'd
416 Within the bounds of Goodness, for if she
417 Was all perfection, unto that degree
418 That 'twas impossible to do amiss,
419 Why heaven not she must have the praise of this.
420 But she's in such a state as she may fall,
421 And without care her freedom may enthrall.
422 But to keep pure and free in such a case,
423 Argues each virtue with its proper grace.
424 And as a womans composition is
425 Most soft and gentle, she has happiness
426 In that her soul is of that nature too,
427 And yeilds to any thing that heaven will do,
[Page 16]
428 Takes an impression when 'tis seal'd in heaven,
429 Turns to a cold refusal, when 'tis given
430 By any other hand: She's all divine,
431 And by a splendid lustre doth outshine
432 All masculine souls, who only seem to be
433 Made up of pride and their lov'd luxury.
434 So great's mans ambition that he would
435 Have all the wealth and power if he could,
436 That is bestowed on the several Thrones
437 Of the worlds Monarchs, covets all their Crowns.
438 And by experience it hath been found
439 The word Ambition's not an empty sound.
440 There's not an History which doth not shew
441 Man's pride, ambition and his falshood too.
442 For if at any time th'ambitious have
443 Least shew of honour, then their souls grow brave,
444 Grow big and restless, they are not at ease,
445 'Till they have a more fatal way to please,
446 Look fair and true, when falsely they intend;
447 So from low Subject, grow a Monarch's Friend.
448 And by grave Councels they their good pretend,
449 When 'tis guilt poyson and oft works their end.
450 The Son who must succeed, is too much loved,
451 Must be pull'd down (his Councel is approved)
452 For fear he willingly should grow too great,
453 Desire to rule, should mount his father's Seat.
454 So he's dispatch'd, and then all those that be
455 Next in the way are his adherency.
456 And then the better to secure the State,
457 It is but just they should receive his fate.
[Page 17]
458 So by degrees he for himself makes room,
459 His Prince is straightway shut up in his Tomb,
460 And then the false usurper mounts the Throne.
461 Or would do so at least but commonly
462 He nere sits firm, but with revenge doth dy,
463 But thank heaven there's but few that reach so high,
464 For the known crimes makes a wise Prince take care.
465 Thus what I've said doth plainly shew there are
466 Men more impious than a woman far.
467 So those who by their abject fortune are
468 Remote from Courts no less their pride declare,
469 In being uneasie and envying all who be
470 Above them, in State, or Priority.
471 But 'tis impossible for to relate
472 Their boundless Pride, or their prodigious hate,
473 To all that fortune hath but smil'd upon,
474 In a degree that is above their own.
475 And thou proud fool, that virtue would'st subdue,
476 Envying all good, dost towre ore woman too,
477 Which doth betray a base ignoble mind,
478 Speaks thee nothing but a blustring wind.
479 But in so great a lab'rinth as man's pride,
480 I should not enter, nor won't be imply'd,
481 For to search out their strange and unknown crimes,
482 There's so many apparent in these times,
483 That my dull Arithmetick cannot tell
484 Half the sins that commonly do dwell
485 In one sordid Rustick, then how can I
486 Define the Courts or Towns Debauchery.
[Page 18]
487 Their pride in some small measure I have shown.
488 But theirs is running over and prest down;
489 And 'tis impossible I should repeat
490 The Crimes of men extravagantly great,
491 I would not name them, but to let them see
492 I know they'r bad and odious unto me:
493 'Tis true, pride makes men great in their own eyes,
494 But them proportionable I despise;
495 And tho' Ambition still aims to be high,
496 Yet Lust at best is but beastiality;
497 A Sin with which there's none can compare,
498 Not Pride nor Envy, &c. for this doth insnare,
499 Not only those whom it at first inflam'd,
500 This Sin must have a partner to be sham'd,
501 And punish'd like himself. Hold, one wont do,
502 He must have more, for he doth still pursue
503 The Agents of his Passion; 'tis not Wife,
504 That Mutual Name can regulate his Life:
505 And tho' he for his Lust might have a shrowd,
506 And there might be Poligamy allow'd,
507 Yet all his Wives would surely be abhorr'd,
508 And some common Lais be ador'd.
509 Most mortally the Name of Wife they hate,
510 Yet they will take one as their proper fate,
511 That they may have a Child legitimate,
512 To be their Heir, if they have an Estate,
513 Or else to bear their Names: So, for by ends,
514 They take a Wife, and satisfie their friends,
515 Who are desirous that it should be so,
516 And for that end, perhaps, Estates bestow;
[Page 19]
517 Which, when possess'd, is spent another way;
518 The Spurious Issue do the right betray,
519 And with their Mother-Strumpets are maintain'd;
520 The Wife and Children by neglect disdain'd,
521 Wretched and poor unto their Friends return,
522 Having got nothing, unless cause to mourn.
523 The Dire Effects of Lust I cannot tell,
524 For I suppose its Catalogue's in Hell;
525 And he perhaps at last may read it there,
526 Written in flames, fierce as his own whilst here.
527 I could say more, but yet not half that's done
528 By these strange Creatures, nor is there scarce one
529 Of these inhumane Beasts that do not die
530 As bad as Bewley's Pox turns Leprosie,
531 And Men do catch it by meer phantasie.
532 Tho' they are chast and honest, yet it doth
533 Pursue them, and some company on oath
534 They have been in, and their infected breath
535 Gave them that Plague, which hast'neth their death,
536 Or else 'tis Scurvy, or some new disease,
537 As the base wretch or vain Physician please,
538 And then a sum of Money must be gave
539 For to keep corruption from the grave;
540 And then 'tis doubled, for to hide the cheat:
541 (O the sad Horrour of debaucht deceit!)
542 The Body and Estate together go.
543 And then the only Objects here below,
544 On which he doth his charity bestow,
545 Are Whores and Quacks, and perhaps Pages too
546 Must have a share, or else they will reveal
547 That which Money doth make them conceal.
[Page 20]
548 Sure trusty Stewards of extensive heaven,
549 When what's for common good is only given
550 Unto peculiar friends of theirs, who be
551 Slaves to their lust, friending debauchery;
552 These are partakers of as great a fate
553 As those whose boldness turns them reprobate,
554 And tho' a Hypocrite doth seem to be
555 A greater sharer of Morality,
556 Yet methinks they almost seem all one,
557 One hides, and t'other tells what he hath done;
558 But if one Devil's better than another,
559 Than one of these is better than the t'other:
560 Hypocrisie preheminence should have,
561 (Tho' it ha'nt got the priviledge to save)
562 Because the Reprobate's example may,
563 By open Custom, make the rugged way
564 Seem more smooth, and a common sin
565 Look more pardonable, and so by him
566 More take example, 'tis he strives to win.
567 Mad Souls, to fill up Hell! But should there be
568 Nothing e're acted but Hypocrisie,
569 Yet Man would be as wicked as he is,
570 And be no nearer to eternal bliss;
571 For he who's so unsteady, as to take
572 Example by such Men, should never make
573 Me to believe, that he was really chast,
574 And, without pattern, never had imbrac't:
575 Such kind of sins at best such virtues weak,
576 That with such a slender stress will break,
577 And that's no virtue which cannot withstand
578 A slight temptation at the second hand:
[Page 21]
579 But I believe one might as narrowly pry
580 For't, as the Grecian did for honesty,
581 And yet find none; and then if Women be
582 Averse to't too, sure all's iniquity
583 On this side Heaven, and it with Justice went
584 Up thither, 'cause here is found no content,
585 But did regardless and neglected ly,
586 And with an awful distance was past by.
587 Instead of hiding their prodigious Acts,
588 They do reveal, brag of their horrid Facts;
589 Unless it be some few who hide them, 'cause
590 They would not seem to violate those laws
591 Which with their tongues they'r forc'd for to maintain,
592 Being grave Counsellers or Aldermen,
593 Or else the Wives Relations are alive,
594 And then, if known, some other way they'l drive
595 Their golden wheels, that way doth seem uneven,
596 Then the Estate most certainly is given
597 Some other way, or else 'tis setled so
598 As he may never have it to bestow,
599 Upon his Lusts, therefore he doth seem
600 For to have a very great esteem
601 For his pretended Joy; but when her friends
602 Are dead, then he his cursed life defends,
603 With what they leave; then the unhappy wife,
604 With her dear children, lead an horrid life,
605 And the Estate's put to another use,
606 And their great kindness turn'd an abuse;
607 And should I strive their falshood to relate,
608 Then I should have but Sisiphus his fate,
[Page 22]
609 For Man is so inconstant and untrue,
610 He's like a shadow which one doth pursue,
611 Still flies from's word, nay and perfidious too.
612 An Instance too of Infidelity
613 We have in Egypt's false King Ptolomy,
614 Who, tho' he under obligations were,
615 For to protect Pompey from the snare,
616 Who fled to him for succour, yet base he
617 Did command his death most treacherously;
618 He was inconstant too, or else design'd
619 The same at first, so alter'd words not mind,
620 Which is much worse, for when that one doth speak
621 With a full resolution, for to break
622 One's word and oath, surely it must be
623 A greater crime than an inconstancy,
624 Which is as great failing in the soul
625 As any sin that reason doth controul,
626 But I designed for to be short, so must
627 Be sure for to keep firm unto the first
628 That I resolved, or else should reprove
629 These faults which first I ought for to remove;
630 Therefore, with Brutus, I this point will end,
631 Who, tho' he ought to have been Caesar's friend,
632 By being declared his Heir, yet it was he
633 Was the first actor in his tragedy:
634 Perfidious and ungrateful and untrue
635 He was at once, nay and disloyal too:
636 A thousand Instances there might be brought,
637 (Not far fetch'd, tho' they were dearly bought)
[Page 23]
638 To prove that Man more false than Woman is,
639 More unconstant, nay and more perfidious:
640 But these are Crimes which hell, (I'm sure not heaven)
641 As they pretend, hath peculiar given
642 Unto our Sex, but 'tis as false as they,
643 And that's more false than any one can say.
644 All Pride and Lust too to our charge they lay,
645 As if in sin we all were so sublime
646 As to monopolize each hainous crime;
647 Nay, Woman now is made the Scape-goat, and
648 'Tis she must bear sins of all the land:
649 But I believe there's not a Priest that can
650 Make an atonement for one single man,
651 Nay, it is well if he himself can bring
652 An humble, pious heart for th' offering;
653 A thing which ought to be inseparable
654 To men o'th' Gown and of the Sacred Table;
655 Yet it is sometimes wanting, and they be
656 Too often sharers of Impiety:
657 But howsoever the strange World now thrives,
658 I must not look in my Teachers lives,
659 But methinks the World doth seem to be
660 Nought but confusion and degeneracy,
661 Each Man's so eager of each fatal sin,
662 As if he fear'd he should not do't again;
663 Yet still his soul is black, he is the same
664 At all times, tho' he doth not act all flame,
665 Because he opportunity doth want,
666 And to him always there's not a grant
[Page 24]
667 Of Objects for to exercise his will,
668 And for to shew his great and mighty skill
669 In all Sciences diabolical,
670 But when he meets with those which we do call
671 Base and unjust, why then his part he acts
672 Most willingly, and then with hell contracts
673 To do the next thing that they should require;
674 And being thus inflamed with hellish fire,
675 He doth to any thing it doth desire,
676 Unless 'twere possible for hell to say,
677 They should be good, for then they'd disobey.
678 I am not sorry you do Females hate,
679 But rather reckon we're more fortunate,
680 Because I find, when you'r right understood,
681 You are at enmity with all that's good,
682 And should you love them, I should think they were
683 A growing bad, but still keep as you are:
684 I need not bid you, for you must I'm sure,
685 And in your present wretched state indure;
686 'Tis an impossible you should be true,
687 As for a Woman to act like to you,
688 Which I am sure will not accomplish'd be,
689 Till heaven's turn'd hell, and that's repugnancy;
690 And when vice is virtue you shall have
691 A share of that which makes most Females brave,
692 Which transmutations I am sure can't be;
693 So thou must lie in vast eternity,
694 With prospect of thy endless misery,
695 When Woman, your imagin'd Fiend, shall live
696 Bless'd with the Joys that Heaven can always give.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): THE Female Advocate, OR, An Answer to a late Satyr against the Pride, Lust and Inconstancy, &c. of Woman.
Themes: relations between the sexes
Genres: heroic couplet; essay

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Source edition

Egerton, Sarah Fyge. The Female advocate, or, An answer to a late satyr against the pride, lust and inconstancy, &c. of woman written by a lady in vindication of her sex. London: Printed by H. C. for John Taylor, at the Globe in St. Paul's-Church-Yard, 1686, pp. []-24. [4],24p. (ESTC R16722; OTA A40992)

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The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Sarah Fyge Egerton