[Page 23]


1 BE hush'd as Death, Moneses sings,
2 Moneses strikes the sounding Strings;
3 Let sacred Silence dwell around,
4 And nought disturb the Magick Sound;
[Page 24]
5 Let not the softly whisp'ring Breeze
6 Sob amidst the rustling Trees;
7 Murmur, ye plaintive Streams, no more,
8 But glide in Silence to the Shore:
9 Even Philomel thy Note suspend,
10 And to a sweeter Song attend;
11 Ah! soft, ah! dang'rous, pow'rful Charm,
12 An Angel's Voice, an Angel's Form;
13 Attentive to the heav'nly Lay,
14 I hear and gaze my Soul away;
15 Now tender Wishes, melting Fires,
16 Infant Pains, and young Desires,
17 Steal into my softned Soul,
18 And bend it to the sweet Controul;
19 Yet, let me fly, e'er 'tis too late,
20 The sweet Disease, and shun my Fate.
21 But ah! that softly, dying Strain
22 Arrests my Steps, I strive in vain.
23 Again I to the Syren turn,
24 Again with gentle Fires I burn;
[Page 25]
25 Cease lovely Youth th' inchanting Sound,
26 Too deep already is the Wound;
27 Thro' all my Veins the Poison steals,
28 My Heart the dear Infection feels:
29 I faint, I die, by love opprest,
30 The Sigh scarce heaves my panting Breast;
31 Before my View dim Shadows rise,
32 And hides Thee from my ravish'd Eyes:
33 Thy Voice, like distant Sounds, I hear,
34 It dies in murmurs on my Ear:
35 In the too pow'rful Transport tost,
36 Ev'n Thought, and ev'ry Sense is lost.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): TO MONESES Singing.
Genres: address

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Source edition

Lennox, Charlotte, ca. 1729-1804. Poems on Several Occasions. Written by a Young Lady. London: printed for, and sold by S. Paterson, 1747, pp. 23-25. [8],88p.; 8⁰. (ESTC T139692; OTA K110146.000) (Page images digitized from microfilm of a copy in the Bodleian Library [G.Pamph. 1289 (14)].)

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The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.