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1 A LADY sent lately to one Doctor Drug,
2 To come in an instant, and clyster poor Pug
3 As the fair one commanded he came at the word,
4 And did the grand office in tie-wig and sword.
5 The affair being ended, so sweet and so nice!
6 He held out his hand with "You know, ma'am, my price."
7 "Your price," says the lady "Why, Sir, he's your brother,
8 " And doctors must never take fees of each other. "


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): The PHYSICIAN and the MONKEY. An EPIGRAM.
Genres: epigram; satire

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Source edition

Smart, Christopher, 1722-1771. Poems on several occasions: By Christopher Smart, A. M. Fellow of Pembroke-Hall, Cambridge. London: printed for the author, by W. Strahan; and sold by J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun, in St. Paul’s Church-Yard, MDCCLII., 1752, p. 210. [16],230p.,plates; 4⁰. (ESTC T42626; OTA K041581.000) (Page images digitized from microfilm of a copy in the Bodleian Library [2799 d 134].)

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The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Christopher Smart