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1 TO you my fair, the empress of my heart,
2 I'm urg'd to vent my pure, untainted flame;
3 Tho' language faintly can my thoughts impart,
4 My swelling sighs, your kind attention claim.
5 See Venus self outrival'd by your charms:
6 Vain my attempt thy virtues to portray
7 O come my darling hasten to my arms
8 Within my bosom still you bear the sway.
9 Life without thee no pleasure can bestow;
10 O might my suit thy tender pity move!
11 No muse can paint the ills I undergo;
12 And nought can cure them but my Delia's love.
[Page 185]
13 No bold ambitious views inspire my breast:
14 And what is honour but an empty name?
15 While Delia scorns, I never can be blest,
16 Though sounding heralds did my praise proclaim.
17 Know, lovely charmer, that our ancient fire
18 Did languish, tho' in Eden's fragrant bow'rs;
19 Till the first nymph bade love his breast inspire,
20 And by her presence cheer'd the ling'ring hours.
21 But Adam's love could never equal mine,
22 Nor did bright Eve such radient beauty share.
23 O come, my darling, heart and hand resign,
24 And ev'ry muse shall hail the happy pair.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): FROM ALONZO TO DELIA.
Genres: heroic quatrain; epistle

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Source edition

Little, Janet, 1759-1813. The Poetical Works of Janet Little, the Scotch Milkmaid. Air: Printed by John & Peter Wilson, 1792, pp. [184]-185.  (ESTC T126549) (Page images digitized from a copy in the Library of the University of California, Los Angeles.)

Editorial principles

Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Janet Little (later Richmond)