[Page 111]



1 HARK, the raven flaps his wings,
2 The owlet leaves her oaken bower,
3 Now we dance in airy ring,
4 On mossy banks at ev'ning hour:
5 And lightly beat the dewy ground
6 With our tiny feet around.
[Page 112]
7 Vapours dark, or sprites impure,
8 Our fairy revels ne'er invade,
9 In the hawthorn brake secure
10 The glow-worm lights us thro' the shade.
11 We lightly beat the dewy ground
12 With our tiny feet around.


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(Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [280 e.4058].)



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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): FAIRY REVELS, A SONG.
Genres: song

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Source edition

Hunter, Anne Home (Mrs. John), 1742-1821. Poems, by Mrs. John Hunter. London: Printed for T. Payne, Mews Gate, by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, 1802, pp. 111-112.  (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [280 e.4058].)

Editorial principles

Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Anne Hunter (née Home)