

1 RAASA, by thy rocky shore,
2 Vocal to the Ocean's roar,
3 Cliffs, that have for ages stood
4 Barriers to the briny Flood,
5 Beneath your dark, your dismal shade,
6 Wandering wept a woe-worn Maid,
7 Whilst the pauses of the gale
8 Each she fill'd with sorrow's tale.
9 Bursting from the sable sky,
10 See the forked Lightnings fly,
[Page 2]
11 Whilst their sad destructive light
12 Gilds awhile the gloom of Night!
13 Trembling to the blasts that blow,
14 Gazing on the gulph below,
15 Yielding to the ruthless storm,
16 Drooping mark yon Angel Form,
17 Round whose face divinely fair
18 Loosely streams her golden hair!
19 To the rock's sublimest seat
20 Fate has led her wandering feet;
21 Yawning wide the greedy Deep
22 Woos her to eternal sleep.
23 By the Lightning's vivid glare
24 Saw you not yon frantic stare?
25 By the Tempest's lurid light,
26 Mark her plunge to endless Night!
27 Struggling mid the boiling wave,
28 Nature, frighted at the Grave,
[Page 3]
29 To the rude, the rocky strand
30 Faintly points her languid hand.
31 Cease, ye blasts, awhile to blow,
32 Drown not now the wail of woe!
33 Heard ye not yon piercing groan
34 That proclaim'd her spirit flown?
35 Whilst it soars on seraph wing,
36 Roaring waves her Requiem sing.
37 Still, by Raasa's sea-girt shore,
38 Blue-ey'd Maids her fate deplore;
39 From the cliffs sublime and steep
40 Cast thy Garlands in the Deep,
41 Marking thus the day's return,
42 Still Rumora's fate they mourn.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): RUMORA; OR, THE MAID OF RAASA.
Genres: narrative verse

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Source edition

Berkeley, George Monck, 1763-1793. Poems: by the late George-Monck Berkeley, Esq. ... With a preface by the editor, consisting of some anecdotes of Mr. Monck Berkeley and several of his friends. London: printed by J. Nichols; and sold by Messrs. Leigh and Sotheby; Mr. Edwards; Mr. Cooke, Oxford; Mr. Todd, York; Messrs. Simmons and Co.; Messrs. Flackton, Marrable, and Claris; and Mr. Bristow, Canterbury, 1797, pp. []-3. viii,DCXXXII,212p.,plate: port.; 4⁰. (ESTC T142950; OTA K111746.000) (Page images digitized by the University of California Libraries.)

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The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by George Monck Berkeley