

1 AS yet 'twas fancied woes alone I sung,
2 But now by real grief my lyre is strung.
3 'Tis HARRIET's gentle shade demands the lay;
4 Do thou MELPOMENE the tribute pay.
[Page 14]
5 Dear to the Muses, to the Graces dear,
6 They all shall weep o'er HARRIET's honour'd bier.
7 HARRIET who from wisdom's hallowed page
8 Had snatch'd the spoil of every distant age.
9 Pardon, thou honour'd shade, these untaught lays
10 In which I vainly 'tempt to sing thy praise.
11 Alas! no rude, no untaught verse like mine
12 Is incense worthy of a HARRIET's shrine.
13 An abler bard thy many virtues claim,
14 An abler bard shall celebrate thy name.
[Page 15]
15 Now shall the lyre again by him be strung,
16 Who in the down of life
Vide a Collection of Poems, entitled Euphrosyne (vol. i. p. 38) written by Mr. Graves, the classical author of the Spiritual Quixote, Columella, and Anecdotes of the Golden Vale.
thy praises sung.
17 GRAVES shall the sad, the mournful tribute pay,
18 And hail thy spirit in the realms of day.
19 Each female charm, each human virtue thine,
20 By MANLIUS, by me, by all esteem'd divine.
21 Long may we gaze on beauty's varied throng,
22 And give to them the gently flowing song;
23 But when, ah! when, shall we thy equal see?
24 When look on her we may compare with thee?
[Page 16]
25 IN yonder shade whilst Harriet's urn we place,
26 (That shade which once her charms were wont to grace)
27 Behold you lovely, weeping, woe-worn train,
28 The boasted pride of this our village plain;
29 Who at this awful hour by sorrow led,
30 Seek the drear mansions of the silent dead,
31 And at a much lov'd sister's hallow'd bier,
32 Pay the sad tribute of a hopeless tear;
33 Whilst MANLIUS, whose generous breast is fraught
34 With all the virtue Grecian sages taught,
[Page 17]
35 Midst midnight horror and funereal gloom
36 Resign'd beholds a much lov'd daughter's tomb.
37 Yet deem not ye that he no sorrow feels,
38 'Tis true philosophy his grief conceals.
39 Know on his peace this dire misfortune preys,
40 And will, we dread, cut short his valu'd days.
41 BUT mark yon aged venerable band
42 Who round their HARRIET's grave, in sorrow stand!
43 Those are the sons of poverty and woe,
44 Whose tears at her command had ceas'd to flow:
[Page 18]
45 But by her death alas! their woes revive,
46 Again with penury they're doom'd to strive.
47 Ah! say who now shall all their grief assuage?
48 Ah! say who now shall cheer their drooping age?
49 MANLIUS in whose breast each virtue reigns,
50 'Tis HE shall now support these aged swains,
51 Shall bid their cruel fears 'their sorrows cease,
52 And smooth their passage to the realms of peace.
53 BUT say what form majestic now appears,
54 Oppress'd by sorrow and dissolv'd[ in] tears?
[Page 19]
55 Her sighs, her groans, her wild distracted air,
56 All, all proclaim a wretched MOTHER's care.
57 Now o'er the yawning grave she wildly bends,
58 And now to heaven unnumber'd sighs she sends;
59 Whilst both her sons sad partners of her woe,
60 In silent grief their heartfelt sorrow shew.
61 IN slow procession o'er the gloomy plain,
62 See the sad father lead the wretched train,
63 Who now in solemn silence homeward turn,
64 And quit, reluctant quit, their HARRIET's urn.
[Page 20]
65 But mark! tho' chang'd the spot, not chang'd the scene,
66 Nor yet their bosoms know a grief serene.
67 For lo! the sight of yonder dreary walls
68 Her lov'd idea and their grief recals.
69 Their grief may heaven in pity soon bid cease,
70 Soon may their tortur'd souls be hush'd to peace.
71 May heaven-born hope direct their streaming eyes
72 To those bless'd realms beyond the azure skies,
73 Where HARRIET's virtues meet a bright reward
75 TRAV'LER! who e'er thou art, that seek'st this tomb,
76 And view'st with pleasure the surrounding gloom,
77 Stay, nor to beauty's urn thy tears refuse,
78 But let them fall like summer's sweetest dews.
79 O long uninjur'd may this willow wave,
80 And long protect this ever honour'd grave.
81 For know, beneath its sadly drooping shade
82 There rest the ashes of a lovely maid,
[Page 22]
83 If virtuous worth be heaven's peculiar care,
84 She does its brightest, noblest pleasures share.
85 Do thou, by Harriet's bright example led,
86 The unfrequented paths of virtue tread.
87 So shalt thou dauntless meet the power of death,
88 And so shall hope receive thy latest breath.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): AN ELEGY ON THE DEATH of MISS M—s.
Themes: grief; sadness; death
Genres: heroic couplet; elegy

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Source edition

Berkeley, George Monck, 1763-1793. An elegy on the death of Miss M----s. Eldest daughter of D---- M----, Esq. of the F---- H----, C----, Berkshire. Who died the 8th of July, 1785. By a gentleman of the Inner Temple. London: printed for H. D. Symonds, 1786, pp. []-22. 22p.; 4⁰. (ESTC T32526; OTA K035592.000)

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The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by George Monck Berkeley