[Page 47]
ELEGY III. To the Right Honourable George Simon Harcourt, Visc. Newnham. Written at ROME, 1756.
1 YES, noble Youth, 'tis true; the softer arts,
2 The sweetly-sounding string, and pencil's pow'r,
3 Have warm'd to rapture even heroic hearts,
4 And taught the rude to wonder, and adore.
5 For Beauty charms us, whether she appears
6 In blended colours; or to soothing sound
7 Attunes her voice; or fair proportion wears
8 In yonder swelling dome's harmonious round.
[Page 48]
9 All, all she charms; but not alike to all
10 'Tis given to revel in her blissful bower;
11 Coercive ties, and Reason's powerful call
12 Bid some but taste the sweets, which some devour.
13 When Nature govern'd, and when Man was young,
14 Perhaps at will th' untutor'd Savage rov'd,
15 Where waters murmur'd, and where clusters hung
16 He fed, and slept beneath the shade he lov'd.
17 But since the Sage's more sagacious mind,
18 By Heaven's permission, or by Heaven's command,
19 To polish'd states has social laws assign'd,
20 And general good on partial duties plann'd,
21 Not for ourselves our vagrant steps we bend
22 As heedless Chance, or wanton Choice ordain;
23 On various stations various tasks attend,
24 And Men are born to trifle or to reign.
25 As chaunts the woodman whilst the Dryads weep,
26 And falling forests fear th' uplifted blow,
27 As chaunts the shepherd, while he tends his sheep,
28 Or weaves to pliant forms the osier bough,
29 To me 'tis given, whom Fortune loves to lead
30 Thro' humbler toils to life's sequester'd bowers,
31 To me 'tis given to wake th' amusive reed,
32 And sooth with song the solitary hours.
[Page 49]
33 But Thee superior soberer toils demand,
34 Severer paths are thine of patriot fame;
35 Thy birth, thy friends, thy king, thy native land,
36 Have given thee honors, and have each their claim.
37 Then nerve with fortitude thy feeling breast
38 Each, wish to combat, and each pain to bear;
39 Spurn with disdain th' inglorious love of rest,
40 Nor let the syren Ease approach thine ear.
41 Beneath yon cypress shade's eternal green
42 See prostrate Rome her wond'rous story tell,
43 Mark how she rose the world's imperial queen,
44 And tremble at the prospect how she fell!
45 Not that my rigid precepts would require
46 A painful strugling with each adverse gale,
47 Forbid thee listen to th' enchanting Lyre,
48 Or turn thy steps from Fancy's flowery vale.
49 Whate'er of Greece in sculptur'd brass survives,
50 Whate'er of Rome in mould'ring arcs remains,
51 Whate'er of Genius on the canvass lives,
52 Or flows in polish'd verse, or airy strains,
53 Be these thy leisure; to the chosen few,
54 Who dare excel, thy fost'ring aid afford;
55 Their arts, their magic powers with honors due
56 Exalt; but be thyself what they record.
About this text
Title (in Source Edition): ELEGY III. To the Right Honourable George Simon Harcourt, Visc. Newnham. Written at ROME, 1756.
Author: William Whitehead
poetry; literature; writing; virtue; vice; beauty
heroic couplet; elegy
DMI 27813
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Source edition
Dodsley, Robert, 1703-1764. A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes. By Several Hands. Vol. VI. London: printed by J. Hughs, for R. and J. Dodsley, 1763 [1st ed. 1758], pp. 47-49. 6v.: music; 8⁰. (ESTC T131163; OTA K104099.006) (Page images digitized by the Eighteenth-Century Poetry Archive from a copy in the archive's library.)
Editorial principles
The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.
Other works by William Whitehead
- The DANGER of Writing VERSE. An EPISTLE. ()
- ELEGY I. Written at the CONVENT of HAUT VILLERS in CHAMPAGNE, 1754. ()
- ELEGY II. On the MAUSOLEUM of AUGUSTUS. To the Right Honourable George Bussy Villiers, Viscount Villiers. Written at ROME, 1756. ()
- ELEGY IV. To an OFFICER. Written at Rome, 1756. ()
- ELEGY V. To a FRIEND Sick. Written at Rome, 1756. ()
- ELEGY VI. To another FRIEND. Written at Rome, 1756. ()
- The Je ne scai Quoi. A SONG. ()
- The LYRIC MUSE to Mr. MASON. On the Recovery of the Right Honourable the Earl of HOLDERNESSE from a dangerous Illness. ()
- NATURE to Dr. HOADLY. On his Comedy of the SUSPICIOUS HUSBAND. ()
- An ODE to a GENTLEMAN, On his pitching a Tent in his GARDEN. ()
- On a MESSAGE-CARD in Verse. Sent by a LADY. ()
- To Mr. GARRICK. ()
- To Mr. MASON. ()
- To the Honourable *** ()
- VERSES to the People of ENGLAND 1758. ()