Dodsley, Robert, 1703-1764. A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes. By Several Hands. Vol. II. London: printed by J. Hughs, for R. and J. Dodsley, 1763 [1st ed. 1758]. 6v.: music; 8⁰. (ESTC T131163; OTA K104099.002)
- halftitle
- THE PROGRESS of LOVE. IN Four ECLOGUES. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- SOLILOQUY Of a BEAUTY in the Country. Written at Eton School. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- BLENHEIM. Written at the University of Oxford in the Year 1727. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- TO THE Reverend Dr. AYSCOUGH at Oxford. Written from Paris in the Year 1728. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- To Mr. POYNTZ, Ambassador at the Congress of Soissons, in the Year 1728. Written at Paris. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- VERSES to be written under a Picture of Mr. POYNTZ. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- An Epistle to Mr. POPE. From Rome, 1730. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- To my Lord — In the Year 1730. From Worcestershire. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- ADVICE to a LADY. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- SONG. Written in the Year 1732. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- SONG. Written in the Year 1733. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- DAMON and DELIA. In Imitation of Horace and Lydia. Written in the Year 1732. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- ODE, in Imitation of Pastor Fido. (O Primavera Gioventu del Anno.) Written Abroad in 1729. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- Part of an Elegy of Tibullus, translated. (Divitias alius fulvo sibi congerat Auro.) 1729-30. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- SONG. Written in the Year 1732. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- Written at Mr. Pope's House at Twickenham, which he had lent to Mrs. G—lle. In August 1735. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- EPIGRAM. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- To Mr. West at Wickham. Written in the Year 1740. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- To Miss LUCY F— / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- To the Same, with Hammond's Elegies. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- To the Same. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- To the Same. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- A Prayer to Venus in her Temple at Stowe. To the Same. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- To the Same. On her pleading want of Time. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- To the Same. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- To the Same. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- To the same with a New Watch. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- An Irregular ODE written at Wickham, in 1746. To the Same. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- To the Memory of the same LADY, A MONODY. A. D. 1747. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- VERSES Making Part of an EPITAPH on the same LADY. / George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
- ON THE ABUSE of TRAVELLING. A CANTO, In Imitation of SPENSER. / Gilbert West
- An Epistle to the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount CORNBURY. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- An EPISTLE. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- An EPISTLE to a LADY. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- An EPISTLE to Mr. POPE. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPISTLE to POLLIO, from the Hills of HOWTH in IRELAND. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- An ODE to WILLIAM PULTNEY, Esq; / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- An Ode to the Right Honourable the Lord LONSDALE. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- An ODE. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- An ODE. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- An ODE. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- An ODE to MANKIND. Address'd to the Prince. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- VERSES to CAMILLA. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- To CLARISSA. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- An INSCRIPTION on the TOMB, Raised to the memory of the author's father, and of others his ancestors. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM I. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM II. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM III. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM IV. Upon the Bust of English worthies, at Stow. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM V. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM VI. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM VII. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM VIII. On Mrs. PENELOPE. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM IX. On one who first abused, and then made love to a LADY. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM X. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM XI. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM XII. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM XIII. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM XIV. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM XV. To CLARISSA. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM XVI. / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- EPIGRAM [XVII.] / Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl Nugent
- The DANGER of Writing VERSE. An EPISTLE. / William Whitehead
- To the Honourable *** / William Whitehead
- To Mr. GARRICK. / William Whitehead
- NATURE to Dr. HOADLY. On his Comedy of the SUSPICIOUS HUSBAND. / William Whitehead
- The YOUTH and the PHILOSOPHER. A FABLE. / William Whitehead
- An ODE to a GENTLEMAN, On his pitching a Tent in his GARDEN. / William Whitehead
- On a MESSAGE-CARD in Verse. Sent by a LADY. / William Whitehead
- The Je ne scai Quoi. A SONG. / William Whitehead
- An ODE On a distant Prospect of ETON COLLEGE. / Thomas Gray
- ODE. / Thomas Gray
- ODE on the Death of a Favourite CAT, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes. / Thomas Gray
- A MONODY On the DEATH of Queen CAROLINE. / Richard West
- A PIPE of TOBACCO In Imitation of Six Several AUTHORS. / Isaac Hawkins Browne
- ODE to the Hon. C. Y. / Isaac Hawkins Browne
- From CAELIA to CLOE. / Isaac Hawkins Browne
- ON A FIT of the GOUT. / Isaac Hawkins Browne
- HORACE, Ode 14. Book I. imitated in 1746. / Isaac Hawkins Browne
- The Female Right to LITERATURE, in a Letter to a young Lady from FLORENCE. / Thomas Seward
- On SHAKESPEAR'S Monument at Stratford upon Avon. / Thomas Seward
- A SONG. / Thomas Seward
- CHISWICK. / Thomas Seward
- The INDIFFERENT. From the Italian of Metastasio. / Thomas Seward
- The TRIUMPH of INDIFFERENCE. Being the same ODE, / Anonymous
- The SHEPHERD'S FAREWEL to his LOVE. Being the same ODE. / Richard Roderick
- RIDDLE. / Richard Roderick
- RIDDLE. / Richard Roderick
- RIDDLE. / Richard Roderick
- Audivere, Lyce, &c. HOR. Book 4. Ode 13. IMITATED. / Richard Roderick
- A SONNET. Imitated from the Spanish of LOPEZ DE VEGA. Menagiana tom. iv. p. 176. / Richard Roderick
- SONNET I. / Thomas Edwards
- SONNET II. / Thomas Edwards
- SONNET III. To F. K. Esq / Thomas Edwards
- SONNET IV. / Thomas Edwards
- SONNET V. On a FAMILY-PICTURE. / Thomas Edwards
- SONNET VI. / Thomas Edwards
- SONNET VII. / Thomas Edwards
- SONNET VIII. On the CANTOS of SPENSER'S Fairy Queen, lost in the Passage from Ireland. / Thomas Edwards
- SONNET IX. / Thomas Edwards
- SONNET X. To the Author of Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of St. PAUL. / Thomas Edwards
- SONNET XI. / Thomas Edwards
- SONNET XII. / Thomas Edwards
- SONNET XIII. To the Right Hon. Mr. —, with the foregoing SONNETS. / Thomas Edwards
- INDEX to the Second Volume.
- THE Progress of Love. In four Eclogues Page 1
- Soliloquy of a Beauty Page 16
- Blenheim Page 19
- Epistle to Dr. Ayscough Page 25
- Epistle to Mr. Poyntz Page 31
- Verses under Mr. Poyntz's Picture Page 34
- Epistle to Mr. Pope Page 35
- Epistle to my Lord *** Page 38
- Advice to a Lady Page 41
- Song Page 46
- Song Page 47
- Damon and Delia Page 49
- Ode in Imitation of Pastor Fido Page 51
- Part of an Elegy of Tibullus Page 52
- Song Page 55
- Verses written at Mr. Pope's Page 56
- Epigram Page 57
- To Mr. West at Wickham ibid.
- To Miss Lucy F— Page 58
- To the same, with Hammond's Elegies ibid.
- To the Same Page 59
- To the Same ibid.
- A Prayer to Venus in her Temple at Stowe Page 60
- To the Same. On her pleading want of Time Page 61
- To the Same Page 63
- To the Same ibid.
- To the Same with a new Watch Page 64
- An Irregular Ode writ at Wickham in 1746 Page 65
- To the Memory of the same Lady. A Monody Page 67
- Verses, making Part of an Epitaph on the same Lady Page 79
- On the Abuse of Travelling. A Canto in Imitation of Spenser. By Mr. West Page 80
- The Institution of the Order of the Garter. By the Same Page 105
- Epistle to Lord Cornbury Page 166
- An Epistle Page 185
- Epistle to a Lady Page 198
- Epistle to Mr. Pope Page 205
- Epistle to Pollio Page 207
- [Page 336]Ode to William Pultney, Esq Page 210
- Ode to Lord Lonsdale Page 213
- Ode Page 215
- Ode Page 217
- Ode Page 218
- Ode to Mankind Page 220
- Verses to Camilla Page 228
- To Clarissa Page 230
- An Inscription on a Tomb Page 234
- Epigrams ibid.
- The Danger of Writing Verse. By W. Whitehead, Esq Page 240
- To the Honourable *** Page 251
- To Mr. Garrick Page 253
- Nature, to Dr. Hoadly Page 257
- The Youth and the Philosopher Page 259
- Ode to a Gentleman on his pitching his Tent, &c. Page 261
- On a Message Card Page 263
- The Je ne scai Quoi Page 265
- Ode on a distant Prospect of Eton College. By Mr. Gray Page 266
- Ode Page 270
- Ode on the Death of a favourite Cat Page 272
- Monody on the Death of Q. Caroline, By R. West, Esq Page 274
- A Pipe of Tobacco, in Imitation of six several Authors Page 280
- Ode to the Hon. C. Y. Page 287
- From Caelia to Cloe Page 289
- On a Fit of the Gout Page 291
- An Ode of Horace Page 293
- The Female Right to Literature Page 294
- On Shakespear's Monument at Stratford upon Avon Page 300
- A Song Page 301
- Chiswick Page 302
- The Indifferent, from the Italian of Metastasio ibid.
- The Triumph of Indifference, an Ode Page 306
- The Shepherd's Farewel to his Love Page 309
- Riddles 312, 314, Page 317
- Audivere, Lyce, &c. Page 318
- A Sonnet, imitated from the Spanish of Lopez de Vega Page 321
- Sonnets Page 322
- The END of VOL. II.
LONDON: Printed by J. HUGHS, For R. and J. DODSLEY, at Tully's-Head in Pall-Mall. M DCC LXIII.
INDEX to the Second Volume.
The END of VOL. II.