[Page 182]


1 LOW hung the dark clouds on Plinlimmon's tall peak,
2 And slowly, yet surely, the winter drew near;
3 When Ellen, sweet Ellen, a tear on her cheek,
4 Exclaimed as we parted, "In May I'll be here."
5 How swiftly I ran up the mountain's steep height,
6 To catch the last glimpse of an object so dear!
7 And, when I no longer could keep her in sight,
8 I thought on her promise, .... " In May I'll be here."
[Page 183]
9 Now gladly I mark from Plinlimmon's tall peak
10 The low-hanging vapours and clouds disappear,
11 And climb the rough mountain, thence Ellen to seek,
12 Repeating her promise .... " In May I'll be here."
13 But vainly I gaze the wide prospect around,
14 'T is May, yet no Ellen returning is near:
15 Oh, when shall I see her! when feel my heart bound,
16 As sweetly she cries, "It is May, and I'm here!"


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): [SONG.]
Genres: lyric; song

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Source edition

Opie, Amelia Alderson, 1769-1853. The Warrior's Return, and Other Poems. By Mrs. Opie. 2d. ed. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster-row, 1808, pp. 182-183.  (Page images digitized by Library of Congress Research Institute.)

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