[Page 65]


1 Wou'd Heav'n indulgent grant my Wish
2 For future Life, it shou'd be this;
3 Health, Peace, and Friendship I wou'd share
4 A Mind from Bus'ness free, and Care;
5 A Soil that's dry in temp'rate Air;
6 A Fortune from Incumbrance clear,
7 About a Hundred Pounds a Year;
8 A House not small, built warm and neat,
9 Above a Hut, below a Seat;
10 With Groops of Trees beset around,
11 In Prospect of the lower Ground,
12 Beneath the Summit of a Hill,
13 From whence the gushing Waters trill,
[Page 66]
14 In various Streams and Windings flow
15 To aid a River just below;
16 At a small Distance from a Wood,
17 And near some Neighbours wise and good;
18 There would I spend my remnant Days,
19 Review my Life, and mend my Ways.
20 I'd be some honest Farmer's Guest,
21 That with a cleanly Wife is blest;
22 A friendly Cleric shou'd be near,
23 Whose Flock and Office were his Care;
24 My Thoughts my own, my Time I'd spend
25 In writing to some faithful Friend:
26 Or on a Bank, by purling Brook,
27 Delight me with some useful Book;
28 Some Sage, or Bard, as Fancy led;
29 Then ruminate on what I'd read.
30 Some moral Thoughts shou'd be my Theme,
31 Or verdant Field, or gliding Stream;
32 Or Flocks, or Herds, that Shepherds love;
33 The Shepherds wou'd my Song approve.
[Page 67]
34 No Flatt'ry base, nor baser Spite,
35 Nor one loose Thought my Muse shou'd write;
36 Nor vainly try unequal Flight.
37 Great George's Name let Poets sing,
38 That rise on a sublimer Wing:
39 I'd keep my Passions quite serene;
40 My Person and Apartment clean;
41 My Dress not slovenly, but mean.
42 Some Money still I'd keep in Store,
43 That I might have to give the Poor;
44 To help a Neighbour in Distress,
45 I'd save from Pleasure, Food, and Dress.
46 I'd feed on Herbs, the limpid Spring
47 Shou'd be my Helicon. I'd sing;
48 And be much happier than a King.
49 Thus calmly see my Sun decline;
50 My Life and Manners thus refine.
51 And acting in my narrow Sphere,
52 In chearful Hope, without one Care,
53 I'd quit the World, nor wish a Tear.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): My WISH.
Author: Mary Chandler
Genres: wish poem

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Source edition

Chandler, Mary, 1687-1745. The Description Of Bath. A Poem. Humbly Inscribed To Her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia. By Mrs. Mary Chandler. The Third Edition. To which are added, Several Poems by the same Author [poems only]. London: Printed for James Leake, Bookseller in Bath, 1736, pp. 65-67. 77p. (ESTC T63103) (Page images digitized from a copy at Princeton University.)

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Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.