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A Gentleman's Request to the Author on Reading The Happy Husband and the Old Batchelor:
1 Great Soul! and good! Unequal'd Poetrix!
2 The Phoenix of your Age, Station and Sex!
3 Resume the Quill; And let us see display'd
4 The Happy Wife — And discontented Maid.
5 So by your Strong persuasives you may win
6 Virgins to fix their love on Virtuous Men.
7 Your Compliments return'd, for I protest
8 I truly think that you deserve them best,
9 And to Obey Shou'd be my Humble aim,
10 Only I fear 'twill prove a barren Theme:
11 Most Men are now so viciously inclin'd
12 That happy Wives are very hard to find;
13 And as for discontented Maids I own,
14 Any Such persons are to me*
* Observe the Author is herself an Old Maid.
unknown,15 Nor can persuasives be of any use,
16 Virgins I think for Virtuous Men would chuse,
17 Only there are so very few of late,
18 Maids will grow old, if they for Such should wait.
19 So Rev'rend Sir, I hope you will excuse
20 The ignorance, And freedom of the Muse.
About this text
Title (in Source Edition): A Gentleman's Request to the Author on Reading The Happy Husband and the Old Batchelor:
Author: Mary Collier
heroic couplet; answer/reply
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Source edition
Collier, Mary, c.1690-c.1762. Poems, on Several Occasions, by Mary Collier, Author of the Washerwoman's Labour, with some remarks on Her Life. Winchester: Printed by Mary Ayres; for the Author. MDCCLXII., 1762, p. 41. 68p. (ESTC T125590) (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [Vet. A5 e.305].)
Editorial principles
Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.
Other works by Mary Collier
- AN ELEGY, On the much lamented Death of NORTON POWLETT Esq; Who departed this life at Petersfield June the 4th 1741. ()
- AN EPISTOLARY ANSWER To an Exciseman, Who doubted her being the Author of the Washerwoman's Labour. ()
- The First and Second Chapters of the First Book of Samuel Versified. ()
- The HAPPY HUSBAND, And The OLD BATCHELOR. A Dialogue. ()
- ON The Marriage of GEORGE the Third. Wrote in the Seventy-Second Year of her Age. ()
- Spectator VOL. the Fifth. Numb. 375. VERSIFIED. ()
- THE THREE WISE SENTENCES, From the First Book of ESDRAS Chap. III. and IV. ()
- THE Woman's Labour: TO Mr. STEPHEN DUCK. ()