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Lines on the Late Partition of Poland.

1 DARK brow'd Nemesis descend,
2 Grasp thy sharp avenging steel:
3 Freedom's holy cause defend,
4 Let her foes thy terrors feel.
5 See, o'er yon devoted land,
6 Stern Oppression's banners wave!
7 Mercenary Squadrons stand,
8 Helpless Millions to enslave!
9 Tyrant of the frozen North!
10 Cannot slow declining age
11 Call a late Repentance forth,
12 And thy thirst of power assuage?
[Page 107]
13 Plac'd on an Imperial throne
14 Crimson'd with thy Consort's blood,
15 Wherefore seek not to atone
16 Evils past, by present good?
17 Why with restless ardour haste
18 New dominions to obtain,
19 While 'mid chill Siberia's waste
20 Trackless solitudes remain?
21 Monarch, on whose haughty brows
22 Shines immortal Frederick's crown,
23 Thou who seek'st with broken vows
24 Frederick's power, but not renown:
25 Mark with what indignant eyes
26 Europe views thy lawless deed!
27 Hark what secret curses rise!
28 Yet avert them, and recede!
29 Nor the golden meed so bright,
30 Nor the laurel-wreath, impart,
31 Half that exquisite delight,
32 One good action yields the heart.
[Page 108]
33 But if conquest charms thy soul,
34 Lo! the common Foes of Peace
35 Gallia's frantic bands controul;
36 Make her crimes, her sorrows cease!
37 Join with real ardour join,
38 In the Universal Cause!
39 Shield Religion's sacred shrine,
40 Private safety, public laws!
41 To the generous zeal aspire
42 All in England's Monarch praise;
43 Emulate with kindred fire
44 York's and Cobourg's well-earn'd bays.
45 So shall Justice point thy sword,
46 And direct thy road to fame;
47 So shall white-rob'd Peace restor'd
48 'Mid her heroes grave thy name.
49 Idle hopes! nor just remorse,
50 Nor surrounding nations hate,
51 Check the Despots tyrant force
52 Seals already Poland's fate.
[Page 109]
53 Injur'd Realm, yet cease to pine,
54 Let reflection sooth thy woes:
55 Transient servitude is thine,
56 Everlasting shame thy foes.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): Lines on the Late Partition of Poland.
Genres: narrative verse

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Source edition

Manners, Catherine Rebecca, Lady, 1766 or 1767-1852. Poems by Lady Manners. Second edition. London: John Bell, 1793, pp. [106]-109. 126p. (ESTC T173070)

Editorial principles

Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.