[Page 28]

Wrote some Months after the Accounts of my Brother's Death, who was killed in Action, July 1st 1763, near to Patna in Bengal.

1 WHen unobserv'd and all around seem gay,
2 In mournful thought o'er Patna's field I stray;
3 His dear Remains, which unentomb'd lie there,
4 Collect each atom with a sister's care.
5 No spot unhallow'd by my silent grief,
6 And this alone can give my mind relief;
7 When rais'd to him where blest in God above,
8 Does only truth and virtue still approve;
9 But back to Earth distracted do I flie,
10 Pale, lifeless, mangl'd, there I see him lie!
11 His streaming Blood! O Heaven avert the stroke,
12 Nor to a Parent
* His death was concealed from his Father for six months.
let the sight be brought,
13 Enough to discord
13 May an impartial hand
14 Trace every virtue that I might commend.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): Wrote some Months after the Accounts of my Brother's Death, who was killed in Action, July 1st 1763, near to Patna in Bengal.
Genres: lament

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Source edition

Carstairs, Christian. Original Poems. By a Lady, Dedicated to Miss Ann Henderson. A Tribute to Gratitude and Friendships. Edinburgh: Andrew Shortrede, 1786, p. 28.  (ESTC T76883) (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [Harding C 680].)

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