[Page 118]

Epilogue to a Comedy acted at Bath, where the Dutchess of Ormond
[ed.] "Lady Mary Somerset married in 1685 as his second wife James Butler second Duke of Ormond. She died in November 1733." (Tucker [1992], 217) (AH)
was present.

1 Ladies, this Entertainment we have shown,
2 Has not been rightly suited, I must own.
3 Heroic Virtue should have been display'd,
4 And Homage to heroic Virtue paid.
5 Low Comedy supplies but mean Delight;
6 Some Heroine should have grac'd our Scenes Tonight,
7 First Fortune's Favours, then her Frowns to feel,
8 Unmov'd, unshaken, on her tott'ring Wheel;
9 With Wisdom blest by Heav'n's peculiar Care,
10 Too great to be elated, or despair;
11 A lovely Form, and an excelling Mind,
12 To all that Providence ordains, resign'd;
13 Rever'd by All, Delight of ev'ry Eye,
14 Humane and humble, when exalted high;
[Page 119]
15 From Princes sprung, and gloriously ally'd,
16 At once her Sex's, and her Country's Pride;
17 Whose Soul, superior to all earthly State,
18 Shines with new Lustre 'midst the Storms of Fate.
19 Then had the Audience wept her Woes anew,
20 And own'd the Poet was prophetic too;
21 Foresaw Plantagenet's imperial Race
22 Would such a Heroine give us, in Your Grace.


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(Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [Harding C 3644].)



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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): Epilogue to a Comedy acted at Bath, where the Dutchess of Ormond was present.
Author: Mary Barber
Themes: virtue; vice
Genres: heroic couplet; epilogue
References: DMI 11549

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Source edition

Barber, Mary, ca. 1690-1757. Poems on Several Occasions [poems only]. London: Printed for C. Rivington, at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1734, pp. 118-119. xlviii,283,[7]p.; 8⁰. (ESTC T42622; DMI 519; Foxon p. 45) (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [Harding C 3644].)

Editorial principles

Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Mary Barber