[Page 142]


1 THE eve descends with radiant streaks,
2 Sweetly serene and grandly gay,
3 While western tinges flush the cheeks,
4 And insects 'mid the zephyrs play.
5 Young CYMON, with a rapt'rous heart,
6 Whom woodland scenes and pleasures drew,
7 Rov'd while his sweet poetic art
8 From Nature stole its noblest hue.
9 On wild-thyme banks the poet sung,
10 Harmonious thither call'd his fair,
11 Where blooming roses clustering hung,
12 And every sweet perfum'd the air.
13 Attentive to the well-known song
14 Whose warbled sounds pervade the grove,
[Page 143]
15 Blushing she heard, and sped along,
16 Her thrilling bosom fir'd with love.
17 As on the odorous bank he pours
18 A lover's song, a lover's sighs,
19 He saw her glowing, deck'd with flowers,
20 Affection beaming from her eyes.
21 As summer suns unfold the rose,
22 Or heightening sweets embalm the grove,
23 So as he gaz'd she deeper glows,
24 And every look was fraught with love.
25 While o'er her face the zephyrs play,
26 A thousand charms delight each sense,
27 Join'd to the blushing bloom of May
28 The sweeter hue of innocence.
29 Her lovely hands a garland bound,
30 Then on his head she plac'd the wreath,
[Page 144]
31 His locks with flowering myrtles crown'd,
32 Laurels and roses wav'd beneath.
33 The vivid fires thrill'd through his breast
34 As energetic strains he sung;
35 Her artless eyes still more express'd
36 Than the wild fervour of his tongue.
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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): SONG.
Genres: song

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Source edition

Cristall, Ann Batten. Poetical Sketches by Ann Batten Cristall. London: Printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church Yard, 1795, pp. 142-145. [14],187,[1]p.; 8⁰. (ESTC T126557)

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