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1 FROM yon fair hill, whose woody crest
2 The mantling hand of spring has dress'd,
3 Where gales imbibe the May-perfume,
4 And strew the blushing almond's bloom,
5 I view the verdant plains below,
6 And lucid streams which gently flow;
7 The opening foliage, drench'd with showers,
8 Weeps o'er the odorous vernal flowers;
9 And while before my temper'd eye
10 From glancing clouds swift shadows fly,
11 While nature seems serene and bless'd,
12 And inward concord tunes my breast,
13 I sigh for those by fortune cross'd,
14 Whose souls to Nature's charms are lost.
[Page 60]
15 Whether by love of wealth betray'd,
16 Absorb'd in all the arts of trade,
17 Or deep engross'd in mighty schemes,
18 Toss'd in ambition's empty dreams,
19 Or proud amid the learned schools,
20 Stiffen'd by dull pedantic rules,
21 Or those who ne'er from forms depart,
22 The slaves of fashion and of art.
23 O! lost to bliss! the pregnant air,
24 The rising sun, the ripening year,
25 The embrios that on every bush
26 'Midst the wild notes of songsters blush;
27 The violet's scent, the varying hues
28 Which morn's light ray strikes 'mid the dews,
29 To them are lost Involv'd in care,
30 They cannot feel, they cannot share.
31 I grieve, when round I cast my eyes,
32 And feel a thousand pleasures rise,
[Page 61]
33 That this fair earth, by Heaven bestow'd,
34 (Which human fury stains with blood)
35 Should teem with joys which reach the heart,
36 And man be thus absorb'd in art.
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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): VERSES WRITTEN IN THE SPRING.
Genres: occasional poem

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Source edition

Cristall, Ann Batten. Poetical Sketches by Ann Batten Cristall. London: Printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church Yard, 1795, pp. 59-62. [14],187,[1]p.; 8⁰. (ESTC T126557)

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Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.