[Page 23]


1 Hail meek-eyed daughter of the sky,
2 Celestial, heaven-born, Charity;
3 To thee my lays are due,
4 To thee for ever will I sing,
5 And soar on contemplations wing,
6 To peace, to joy, and you.
[Page 24]
7 Thou greatest virtue man can boast,
8 Fair offspring of the heavenly host,
9 Accept my humble pray'r;
10 Thou source of bliss for ever new,
11 May I thy impulse still pursue,
12 With energy sincere.
13 Thy precepts dignify the heart,
14 And banish each anxious smart,
15 With influence divine,
16 Then steal, O steal, into my breast,
17 Where every feeling stands confess'd,
18 Before thy sacred shrine.
[Page 25]
19 Conduct me to that calm retreat,
20 Where thou hast fix'd thy peaceful seat,
21 Where charms supreme abound,
22 Where bliss extatick deigns to roam,
23 Where sweet content has fixt her throne,
24 And glories shine around.
25 O lead me to that sacred shrine,
26 Where piety and grace divine,
27 Alternately do reign,
28 Where love, and friendship, join to please,
29 With strict sincerity and ease,
30 Without one anxious pain.
[Page 26]
31 There calumny's destructive dart,
32 No more invades the honest heart,
33 Or wounds the gentle breast,
34 But peace seraphick sooths the mind,
35 And every bliss in thee combin'd,
36 Transports the soul to rest.
37 Thither retir'd from grief and pain,
38 From envy and ambition's train,
39 My future days I'd spend,
40 And in thy pure society,
41 From pride, deceit, and folly free,
42 This life of sorrow end.
[Page 27]
43 Gladly I'd quit this wretched state,
44 And willing yield my breath to fate,
45 Without one pang, one sigh,
46 Well pleas'd with heaven's all just decree,
47 Sustain'd by Faith, by Hope, and Thee,
48 Content to live or die.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): An ODE to CHARITY.
Themes: charity
Genres: ode

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Source edition

Robinson, Mary, 1758-1800. Poems by Mrs. Robinson [poems only]. London: Printed for C. Parker, the Upper Part of New Bond-Street, 1775, pp. 23-27. [8],134p.,plate; 8⁰. (ESTC T100118)

Editorial principles

Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.