[Page 12]


1 Blest under that domestic roof
2 I once contemptuous view'd,
3 When gay and thoughtless like thyself
4 I varied bliss pursued.
5 The modest mansion, woods, and streams.
6 Could then no peace afford
7 To that lost heart which borrow'd hope
8 From "seven's the main, my Lord."
9 Reflection then was death to me,
10 In vain I sigh'd for rest;
11 It fled the dissipated scene,
12 And the polluted breast;
13 Deep sunk in fashion's giddy round,
14 Far lost in folly's maze,
15 When a kind parent's anxious care
16 Reform'd my erring ways;
17 The silent tear of fond regret
18 Stood trembling in his eye;
19 His meek, his unreproving voice
20 Sunk in the pitying sigh,
[Page 13]
21 Awoke that dormant filial spark
22 Which still inform'd my soul,
23 Soften'd that proud, ungovern'd heart
24 Which never brook'd controul;
25 Led by his kind directing hand,
26 I turn'd from error's way,
27 And sought those guiltless, happy scenes,
28 From which I ne'er can stray;
29 For charming Anna met my glance,
30 Confess'd a mutual flame,
31 Accepted vows which blest a heart
32 With all a heart could claim.
33 In her soft breast, where virtue dwelt,
34 Where conscious honour shone,
35 I view'd the blessings of a life,
36 The constrast to my own.
37 So pure her life, so fair her truth,
38 To think, her sweet employ;
39 To view the past, brought smiling peace,
40 The future, hope and joy:
41 And now reflection chears my soul,
42 And at the close of day,
[Page 14]
43 When conscience ev'ry deed approves,
44 Emits a brighter ray. "
45 Come then, my friend, and kindly share
46 Our peaceful, frugal fare;
47 'Twill soothe thy sorrowing heart to view
48 The pleasures dwelling here
49 Meek mercy keeps our humble gate,
50 The welcome's modest want;
51 The poor and friendless bless the mite
52 Our little store can grant.
53 Far from ambition's shrine we live,
54 Remote from pride and state;
55 Our harmless wishes Heaven grants,
56 And chears our humble fate.
57 From happiness then who would rove,
58 Possess'd of all that's fair?
59 For I can call my home an heav'n,
60 An angel dwelling there;
61 A little smiling, prattling race,
62 Just opening into day;
63 Their mother's purity and worth
64 Their infant charms display;
[Page 15]
65 To deck their minds with modest worth,
66 Which time and death defies,
67 To guide the slippery paths of youth,
68 And train them for the skies.
69 This is my Anna's chief delight,
70 This is my glad employ;
71 Her lovely daughters claim her care,
72 And mine my blooming boy.
73 Our hours by bounteous Heaven thus blest,
74 We, at the close of day,
75 With love, with gratitude, and truth,
76 United homage pay.


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About this text

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Source edition

Kelly, Isabella, 1759-1857. Collection of Poems and Fables on Several Occasions. London: W. Richardson, 1794, pp. 12-15. 72p. (ESTC T122123) (Page images digitized from a copy at the British Library.)

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Typography, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been cautiously modernized. The source of the text is given and all significant editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. This ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Isabella Kelly (née Fordyce)