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ODE VII. To a FRIEND, on the hazard of falling in LOVE.
1 NO, foolish boy — To virtuous fame
2 If now thy early hopes be vow'd,
3 If true ambition's nobler flame
4 Command thy footsteps from the croud,
5 Lean not to Love's inchanting snare;
6 His dances, his delights beware,
7 Nor mingle in the band of young and fair.
8 By thought, by dangers, and by toils,
9 The wreath of just renown is worn;
10 Nor will ambition's awful spoils
11 The flowry pomp of ease adorn:
[Page 35]12 But Love dissolves the nerve of thought;
13 By Love unmanly fears are taught;
14 And Love's reward with slothful arts is bought.
15 True, where the Muses, where the pow'rs
16 Of softer wisdom, easier wit,
17 Assist the Graces and the Hours
18 To render beanty's praise compleat,
19 The fair may then perhaps impart
20 Each finer sense, each winning art,
21 And more than schools adorn the manly heart.
22 If then, from Love's deceit secure,
23 Such bliss be all thy heart intends,
24 Go, where the white-wing'd evening-hour
25 On DELIA'S vernal walk descends:
26 Go, while the pleasing, peaceful scene
27 Becomes her voice, becomes her mien.
28 Sweet as her smiles, and as her brow serene.
29 Attend, while that harmonious tongue
30 Each bosom, each desire commands;
31 Apollo's lute by Hermes strung
32 And touch'd by chaste Minerva's hands.
33 Attend. I feel a force divine,
34 O DELIA, win my thoughts to thine,
35 That half thy graces seem already mine.
36 Yet conscious of the dang'rous charm,
37 Soon would I turn my steps away;
38 Nor oft provoke the lovely harm,
39 Nor once relax my reason's sway.
40 But thou, my friend — What sudden sighs?
41 What means the blush that comes and flies?
42 Why stop? why silent? why avert thy eyes?
43 So soon again to meet the fair?
44 So pensive all this absent hour?
45 — O yet, unlucky youth, beware,
46 While yet to think is in thy pow'r
[Page 37]47 In vain with friendship's flatt'ring name
48 Thy passion masks its inward shame;
49 Friendship, the treach'rous fuel of thy flame!
50 Once, I remember, tir'd of Love,
51 I spurn'd his hard, tyrannic chain,
52 Yet won the haughty fair to prove
53 What sober joys in friendship reign.
54 No more I sigh'd, complain'd, or swore;
55 The nymph's coy arts appear'd no more.
56 But each could laugh at what we felt before.
57 Well-pleas'd we pass'd the chearful day,
58 To unreserv'd discourse resign'd,
59 And I inchanted to survey
60 One gen'rous woman's real mind:
61 But soon I wonder'd what possess'd
62 Each wakeful night my anxious breast;
63 No other friendship e'er had broke my rest!
64 Fool that I was — And now, ev'n now
65 While thus I preach the Stoic strain,
66 Unless I shun DIONE'S view,
67 An hour unsays it all again.
68 O friend! — when Love directs her eyes
69 To pierce where every passion lies,
70 Where is the firm, the cautious, or the wise?
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Source edition
Akenside, Mark, 1721-1770. Odes on several subjects. London: printed for R. Dodsley. And sold by M. Cooper. M.DCC.XLV., 1745, pp. 34-38. 54p.; 4⁰. (ESTC T42068; OTA K027268.000) (Page images digitized by University of California Libraries.)
Editorial principles
The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.
Other works by Mark Akenside
- [Inscription] I. For a GROTTO. ()
- [Inscription] II. For a Statue of CHAUCER at WOODSTOCK. ()
- [Inscription] III. ()
- [Inscription] IV. ()
- [Inscription] VI. For a Column at RUNNYMEDE. ()
- ODE I. Allusion to HORACE. ()
- ODE III. Against SUSPICION. ()
- ODE IV. To a GENTLEMAN whose MISTRESS had married an old Man. ()
- ODE To the Right Honourable FRANCIS Earl of HUNTINGDON. MDCCXLVII. ()
- ODE To the Right Reverend BENJAMIN Lord Bishop of WINCHESTER. ()
- ODE V. Hymn to CHEARFULNESS. The Author Sick. ()
- ODE VI. On the Absence of the Poetic Inclination. ()
- ODE VIII. On leaving HOLLAND. ()
- ODE IX. To SLEEP. ()
- ODE X. On LYRIC Poetry. ()
- ODE. ()