Pomfret, John, 1667-1702. Poems upon Several Occasions. By the Reverend Mr. John Pomfret [poems only]. The Sixth Edition, Corrected. With some Account Of his Life and Writings. To which are added, His Remains. London: printed for D. Brown without Temple Bar, J. Walthoe in the Temple Cloysters, A. Bettesworth, and E. Taylor, in Pater-Noster-Row, and J. Hooke in Fleetstreet, 1724. [12], 132, vi, 17p. (ESTC N21233)
- The Choice.
- LOVE Triumphant over REASON. A Vision.
- The Fortunate Complaint.
- Strephon's Love for Delia justified: In an Epistle to Celadon.
- An Epistle to Delia.
- A Pastoral Essay on the Death of Queen Mary, Anno, 1694.
- To his Friend under Affliction.
- To another Friend under Affliction.
- To his Friend inclin'd to Marry.
- To a Painter, drawing Dorinda's Picture.
- To the Painter, after he had finish'd Dorinda's Picture.
- Cruelty and Lust. An Epistolary Essay.
- On the Marriage of the Earl of A— with the Countess of S—
- An Inscription for the Monument of Diana Countess of Oxford and Elgin.
- Upon the Divine Attributes. A Pindaric Essay.
- Eleazer's Lamentation over Jerusalem; paraphrased out of Josephus.
- A Prospect of Death. A Pindaric Essay.
- On the General Conflagration, and ensuing Judgment. A Pindaric Essay.
- Dies Novissima: OR, THE LAST EPIPHANY. A Pindarick Ode, on Christ's Second Appearance to Judge the World.