[Page 239]

To the Memory of a GENTLEMAN, who died on his Travels to ROME.

Written in 1738.

1 LANGTON, dear partner of my soul,
2 Accept what pious passion meditates
3 To grace thy fate. Sad memory
4 And grateful love, and impotent regret
5 Shall wake to paint thy gentle mind,
6 Thy wise good-nature, friendship delicate
7 In secret converse, native mirth
8 And sprightly fancy; sweet artificer
9 Of social pleasure; nor forgot
10 The noble thirst of knowledge and fair fame
11 That led thee far thro' foreign climes
12 Inquisitive: but chief the pleasant banks
13 Of Tiber, ever-honour'd stream,
14 Detain'd thee visiting the last remains
15 Of ancient art; fair forms exact.
16 In sculpture, columns, and the mould'ring bulk
17 Of theatres. In deep thought rapt
18 Of old renown, thy mind survey'd the scenes
[Page 240]
19 Delighted, where the first of men
20 Once dwelt, familiar: Scipio, virtuous chief,
21 Stern Cato, and the patriot mind
22 Of faithful Brutus, best philosopher.
23 Well did the generous search employ
24 Thy blooming years by virtue crown'd, tho' death
25 Unseen oppress'd thee, far from home,
26 A helpless stranger. No familiar voice,
27 No pitying eye cheer'd thy last pangs.
28 O worthy longest days! for thee shall flow
29 The pious solitary tear,
30 And thoughtful friendship sadden o'er thine urn.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): To the Memory of a GENTLEMAN, who died on his Travels to ROME. Written in 1738.
Themes: grief; sadness; melancholy; death
Genres: blank verse; eulogy
References: DMI 27726

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Source edition

Dodsley, Robert, 1703-1764. A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes. By Several Hands. Vol. V. London: printed by J. Hughs, for R. and J. Dodsley, 1763 [1st ed. 1758], pp. 239-240. 6v.: music; 8⁰. (ESTC T131163; OTA K104099.005) (Page images digitized by the Eighteenth-Century Poetry Archive from a copy in the archive's library.)

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The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.