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1 NOW genial Spring o'er lawn and grove
2 Extends her vivid power,
3 Now Phoebus shines with mildest beams,
4 And wakes each sleeping flower.
5 Soft breezes fan the smiling mead,
6 Kind dews refresh the plain;
7 While Beauty, Harmony, and Love,
8 Renew their chearful reign.
9 Now far from business let me fly,
10 Far from the crouded seat
11 Of Envy, Pageantry, and Power,
12 To some obscure retreat:
13 Where Plenty sheds with liberal hand
14 Her various blessings round;
15 Where laughing Joy delighted roves,
16 And roseate Health is found.
17 Give me to climb the mountain's brow,
18 When morn's first blushes rise;
19 And view the fair extensive scene
20 With Contemplation's eyes.
21 And while the raptur'd woodland choir
22 Pour forth their love-taught lays;
23 I'll tune the grateful matin song
24 To my Creator's praise.
25 He bade the solar orb advance
26 To cheer the gloomy sky;
27 And at the gentle voice of Spring
28 Made hoary Winter fly.
29 He dress'd the groves in smiling green,
30 Unlock'd the ice-bound rill;
31 Bade Flora's pride adorn the vale,
32 And herbage crown the hill.
33 To that all-gracious source of light,
34 Let early incense rise,
35 While on Devotion's wing the soul
36 Ascends her native skies.
37 And when the rapid car of day
38 Illumes the farthest west,
39 When sleep dissolves the captives chains,
40 And anguish sinks to rest;
41 Then let me range the shadowy lawns
42 When Vesper's silver light
43 Plays on the trembling streams, and gilds
44 The sable veil of night.
45 When every earthly care's at rest,
46 And musing Silence reigns;
47 Then active Fancy takes her flight
48 Wide o'er th' etherial plains;
49 Soars thro' the trackless realms of space,
50 Sees endless systems roll;
51 Whilst all harmoniously combine,
52 To form one beauteous whole.
53 All hail! sweet Solitude! to thee,
54 In thy sequester'd bower,
55 Let me invoke the Pastoral Muse,
56 And every Sylvan power.
57 Dear pensive Nymph, the tender thought
58 And deep research is thine;
59 'Tis thine to heal the tortur'd breast,
60 And form the great design.
61 On thy still bosom let me rest,
62 Far from the clang of war;
63 Where stern Oppression's bloody chains
64 Precede the victor's car:
65 Here fold me in thy sacred arms,
66 Where Albion's happy plains
67 Exulting tell the nations round,
68 A British Brunswick reigns.
69 Here let me hail each rising sun,
70 Here view each day's decline;
71 Be Fame and Sway my Sovereign's lot,
72 Be Peace and Freedom mine.
About this text
Author: Mary Darwall (née Whateley)
DMI 32572
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Source edition
Pearch, G. A collection of poems in four volumes. By several hands. Vol. III. [The second edition]. London: printed for G. Pearch, 1770, pp. 126-129. 4v. ; 8⁰. (ESTC T116245; DMI 1136; OTA K093079.003) (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [(OC) 280 o.790].)
Editorial principles
The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.