[Page 5]

ON THE DEATH of Queen ANNE, And the ACCESSION of KING GEORGE TO THE Crowns of Great Britain, &c.

WITH AN Exhortation to all BRITONS to Unity.

1 THOSE British Bards appear to me to have sunk
2 Below the Majesty of British Verse,
3 Who mortal Painters have vouchsaf'd t' invoke
4 T' assist them in their great Designs, to paint
[Page 6]
5 Britannia's Woe, when Royal ANNE expir'd,
6 What mortal Painter can suffice? Descend,
7 Urania, Child of Memory and Jove!
8 O Goddess of Celestial Imag'ry,
9 Queen of immortal Colours, Deathless Strokes,
10 And Graces that can charm the rudest Minds.
11 Speaking, thou paint'st with so Divine a Skill,
12 That Gods and Men are ravish'd with the Draught.
13 And when thou dictate'st to thy Godlike Sons;
14 Thy Influence makes the Pen's immortal Draught
15 Victorious o'er the Pencil's dying Toil.
16 Goddess, descend then, and inspire my Song,
17 That it with native Majesty may rise
18 High, as the sacred Spring from which it flows,
19 That I may, painting, sing Britannia's Woe,
20 In such a moving, such a melting Strain,
21 That with Concern the list'ning World may hear,
22 And in the doleful, deathless Chorus join:
23 And for the greater Pomp of piercing Woe,
24 Muse, shew Britannia to her mournful Lyre,
[Page 7]
25 Lamenting all the Virtues of her QUEEN,
26 All the great Actions of her wond'rous Reign,
27 In which the Terrour of the British Arms
28 Was carry'd to Germania's horrid Alps;
29 Their Fame beyond the Ocean's farthest Waves.
30 Then let her wring her late victorious Arms,
31 And rend the Laurels from her sacred Hair;
32 Muse, paint her Woe, accompany'd with Care,
33 And black Mistrust, and with tormenting Fear,
34 Fear of false Friends, Fear of her Factious Sons,
35 Paint her in direful'st Consternations, Muse,
36 In dismal'st Expectation of th' Approach
37 Of vile and murderous Idolatry,
38 Of shameful Slavery and endless Woe.
39 But short, O Goddess, be the mournful Draught,
40 And short the Lamentation of the Song:
41 For lo! the wond'rous Hand of God appears.
42 Now, Muse, begin a new and nobler Strain,
43 Thy Colours vary, and thy Shadows change,
[Page 8]
44 Or let thy Draught, like Holbin's, be all Light!
45 Draw what no mortal Painter e'er could draw,
46 And shew Britannia passing in an Hour,
47 From Fear to Hope, to Joy, to Extasy,
48 T' immortal Extasy, from killing Woe.
49 For lo! the wond'rous Hand of God appears,
50 Britannia's noblest Sons, that had, 'till now,
51 Been for whole Ages into Factions rent,
52 All in a Moment, by a secret Force,
53 Resistless seek their Common Country's Good:
54 Unanimously Hearts and Hands they join,
55 Unanimously, with a noble Fire
56 Their rightful King, the Royal GEORGE, proclaim.
57 Heark how the Air with Shouts of Joy resounds,
58 With Acclamations of bless'd Multitudes!
59 Heark how aloud with one Accord they cry,
60 In Imitation of their God-like Chiefs,
61 Long live the Royal GEORGE, long may he live,
62 And happy may he reign! Bless him, ye Pow'rs,
63 Show'r down your choicest Blessings on his Head,
[Page 9]
64 Blessings as numberless as those he brings
65 To happy Britain's Isle! Waft him, ye Winds;
66 Ye Billows, gently in his Passage rise,
67 And gently, in Obeisance to him, fall.
68 Let the calm Ocean recognize it's Lord,
69 And land him safely on the longing Shore.
70 But who can e'er th' impatient Longings paint
71 Of Britons, all on Fire to see their King!
72 See how, at his Approach, their Eyes, Voice, Hands,
73 Th' unruly Transport of their Joy declare!
74 An Entertainment worthier Majesty,
75 And far more pleasing to the Monarch's Soul,
76 Than all the pompous Pageantry of State,
77 And vain Magnificence of dying Show.
78 The low Obeisance, and the prostrate Bows,
79 That, on all Hands, obsequiously are paid;
80 For these may flow from Traytors and from Focs;
81 But these the Loyal Subjects humble Love,
82 And cordial Joy declare. And, lo! he comes,
83 And with him brings Britannia's other Hope,
[Page 10]
84 Britannia's other Hope, the other Dread of Gaul.
85 Britannia seems to see, with ravish'd Eyes,
86 Her Godlike Edward, and his conq'ring Son,
87 After three Centuries, return from Heav'n,
88 To execute the vast Designs of Fate.
89 Heark how the Air sounds with redoubl'd Shouts,
90 And all the Welkin rings with vast Acclaim!
91 While the shrill Trumpets, with their Silver Sounds,
92 Inspire a martial and heroick Joy;
93 And our deep Cannons formidable Roar,
94 The Ruler of the World's Vicegerent Thunder,
95 Bears the transporting Tidings to the Skies,
96 Where Angels louder Hallelujah's sing,
97 And all the Spirits of the blest rejoyce;
98 Chiefly the Souls of the triumphant Slain,
99 Who dy'd to compass this Auspicious Day,
100 In Blenheim and Ramellia's deathless Fields;
101 With Godlike William at their Head once more;
102 For he, who dying, to great Marlborough's Care,
103 Consign'd themhere, Himself commands them there
[Page 11]
104 He Men and Angels in transporting Joy,
105 Surpasses to behold this sacred Day,
106 William's each Action, and his ev'ry Thought.
107 All the long Labours of his anxious Days,
108 And all the restless Slumbers of his Nights,
109 Were destin'd to secure this Sacred Day,
110 His daily Image, and his nightly Dream:
111 For this Great William liv'd, and reign'd, and dy'd.
112 But whither, Muse, do'st thou transported rove?
113 Immortal Child of Memory and Jove,
114 Return to his Vicegerent here below,
115 And to the King thy Eyes and Thoughts confine,
116 On whom the Eyes of Gods and Men are fix'd:
117 Behold him well with thy immortal Eyes,
118 That thou may'st paint him to the gazing World,
119 Paint him with native Majesty adorn'd,
120 But heightned with a thousand great Exploits,
121 Perform'd upon Pannonia's wondring Plains,
122 Where he for twenty Years victorious fought
123 Against the Foe of all the Christian World:
[Page 12]
124 E'en then the Great Defender of the Faith,
125 And Champion of th' Almighty, under him
126 Spotless Religion will be still secure,
127 In Spite of all the Attacks of Rome and Hell.
128 Muse, Paint no Terrour on his Regal Brow;
129 But Love and Majesty together blend;
130 And let him look a King resolv'd to rule
131 Over his Subject's Hearts: Ev'n God himself,
132 The Almighty Ruler of the Universe,
133 Remains unsatisfy'd with all his Pow'r,
134 Unless he has the Hearts of those he rules.
135 Terrestrial Rulers, his Vicegerents call'd,
136 If they o'er senseless Matter only reign,
137 Are but Dramatick Kings; to rule o'er Souls,
138 Over intelligent, immortal Beings,
139 Is true Dominion, true Imperial Sway.
140 Muse, paint the King, a Monarch, not by Halves,
141 But let him reign o'er all his Subjects Hearts.
142 A King who reigns by Parties, is a King
143 Only of half his Subjects; and the Lord,
[Page 13]
144 Who has th' Affections of the other half,
145 Is truly King of that. Let Royal GEORGE
146 Possess them all; let him deserve them all
147 By his just, gentle, and impartial Sway.
148 And that the King may rule o'er all our Hearts,
149 Grant him, Thou God of Concord and of Love,
150 Grant him the Glory to unite those Hearts,
151 Heal our Divisions, and our Factions calm.
152 And as thy great creating Pow'r at first,
153 From warring Elements compos'd the World;
154 So from our jarring Factions, may the King
155 Form an harmonious and a glorious State,
156 That Britain, like thy Heav'n, serene within,
157 May send its Light'ning and its Thunder forth,
158 T'affright and punish an offending World.
159 Daughter of Jove, Mother of Harmony,
160 Exhort thy Britains to fraternal Love;
161 'Tis our Divisions that have made us weak,
162 And to the Nations scandalously vile:
163 But mutual Love will make us once more strong,
[Page 14]
164 With neighbouring Nations will retrieve our Fame,
165 And place the Ballance of the Christian Pow'r
166 In Royal GEORGE's formidable Arm.
167 Unite then, Britains, join both Hearts and Hands;
168 The barbarous Distinction of vile Names
169 For ever be remov'd; be Britons all,
170 And look with Indignation and Disdain
171 On the vile Artifices, that had Pow'r
172 To divide those whom Heaven and Nature meant,
173 When it disjoin'd us from the rest of Men,
174 Should be within our selves for ever one.
175 The true Britannick Tory, and Church Whig,
176 Names that debase the Majesty of Verse,
177 Odious Distinctions, mean but the same Thing.
178 A King by Law from doing Harm restrain'd,
179 But boundless in his Pow'r of doing Good;
180 Over all Persons, o'er all Things supream,
181 Except Superior and Imperial Law.
182 A People free, and rul'd by Laws they make,
183 Proud to be Subjects, scorning to be Slaves.
[Page 15]
184 A Church in its own Excellence secure,
185 Abhorring Violence, abhorring Blood,
186 And mean Mistrusts, and vain fantastick Fears,
187 Relying firmly on establish'd Law,
188 And Promises Divine, which have decreed,
189 That all the Rage of Earth, and Rage of Hell,
190 Against its Sacred Pow'r shall ne'er prevail.
191 The true Britannick Tory, and Church Whig,
192 Mean nought but this, and therefore should be Friends.
193 And the Dissenter from establish'd Rites,
194 The sober, scrupulous, conscientious Man,
195 In Principles political's the same:
196 With both the other, since they then all three
197 In Interest and Principle are one,
198 Let them be three by barbarous Terms no more,
199 But by Asfection one, and one by Name:
200 Let them all three be to each other true,
201 As to the original Compact they are just,
202 And to their Country's Constitution true.
203 Let the Dissenter venerate the Church,
[Page 16]
204 And let the Church breathe nought but Heav'nly Love
205 Towards those who differ from her Sacred Rites,
206 As surely knowing nothing can create
207 Danger to her, but Want of Love Divine.
208 For those who quarrel with our Country's Laws,
209 And with our Frame of Government; for those
210 Who would be too much bound, or too much free;
211 Those let us now endeavour to reclaim,
212 Since they were born our Brethren and our Friends.
213 Then let the few, of old Republicks fond,
214 Know, that our Manners profligately vile,
215 Can ne'er consist with Democratick Sway;
216 That they require the Curb of Regal Pow'r,
217 Tho' justly we tyrannick Rule disdain.
218 Ye Wretches who desire unbounded Sway,
219 Would ye be govern'd well, or govern'd ill?
220 What Fool, what Brute, would not be govern'd well?
[Page 17]
221 Th' Aesopian Frogs, when they desir'd a King,
222 One active and benificent requir'd;
223 And all the sounding Bog, whom Instinct taught
224 The Right which Nature gave, with one Accord
225 Depos'd the lumpish, useless, lifeless Log,
226 And croak'd to Heav'n for Help from the devouring Crane.
227 Now view the Earth from London to Japan,
228 Take a Survey of its most boundless Lords,
229 Let it be Sultan, Sophy, Czar, Mogul:
230 Whoever governs well, he rules by Law,
231 By written or eternal Law he rules;
232 The Law promulgated in human Hearts.
233 Ev'n the great Ruler of the Universe,
234 Governs by written or eternal Law;
235 And none he favours, and chastises none,
236 But for observing or transgressing Law;
237 But in hereditary Realms, how few
238 Are qualify'd to rule by Reason's Law?
239 Perhaps not four in ten successive Kings,
[Page 18]
240 The rest must govern then by stated Rule,
241 Or they must govern ill.
242 Whoe'er in Realms hereditary then,
243 Declare for boundless Pow'r and boundless Kings,
244 They for ill Government in Terms declare,
245 And are to all their Fellow Subjects Foes,
246 And Traytors to their Kings; for stated Law,
247 Which alone makes the Safety of the Rul'd,
248 Makes the sole firm Security of Kings;
249 And never Prince, in Kingdoms rul'd by Law,
250 While Law prevail'd, by free-born Subjects fell.
251 But thousands, where unbounded Pow'r prevail'd,
252 Have fall'n by their own nonresisting Slaves;
253 While feeble Principle, to Nature's Pow'r
254 Gave Way, and passive canting Doctrines fail'd,
255 As Roman and as Turkish Records tell;
256 Where Slaves upon unbounded Lords depend,
257 Upon those Slaves th' unbounded Lords depend,
258 Let him then, who for boundless Pow'r declares,
259 Either recant, or own himself a Foe
[Page 19]
260 To Prince, to People, and to human Kind;
261 And if he dares to own himself that Foe,
262 Let him by Prince, by People, and Mankind,
263 An universal Out-law be proclaim'd,
264 And like devoted noxious Creatures us'd.
265 But if, repenting, he desires a King,
266 A King the just Executor of Law,
267 Instead of an unjust and baleful Tyrant,
268 The bloody Executioner of Will;
269 By that Desire he Royal GEORGE demands:
270 For none of all our Regal Race, but he,
271 Dares rule by written or eternal Law,
272 For one in Romish Superstition bred,
273 And disciplin'd to barbarous Tyranny,
274 Will scorn all Bounds, and make his Pow'r his Law.
275 But Royal GEORGE, ev'n in his native Realm,
276 Where he was less restrain'd by written Law;
277 Yet there with Justice and with Mercy rul'd;
278 His comprehensive Reason was his Law.
[Page 20]
279 To his hereditary Subjects dear,
280 The common tender Father of them all,
281 Who his Departure for Britannia saw,
282 With the same Grief, and the same Horror struck,
283 That Wretches, left on Greenland's horrid Strand,
284 See the Departure of the Lord of Day,
285 Th' exhaustless Source of Warmth, and Life, and Light.
286 With Joy, ye Britons, under such a King.
287 Unite and grow indissolubly firm
288 To the two ancient Kingdoms of our Isle.
* James I.
James gave one Monarch, Anna gave one Law;
290 For GEORGE the happier Union is reserv'd,
291 The Union of Affections and of Hearts;
292 That Union makes both King and People blest,
293 Makes him the greatest, most renown'd of Kings,
294 And us a People worthy such a King.
295 Goddess, to whom 'tis giv'n by Fate and Jove,
296 To bring back what is past, the present to record,
297 The future to foresee, and to unite
[Page 21]
298 Whate'er has been, and is, and what shall be.
299 Let thy loud Britons, see with ravish'd Souls,
300 What wond'rous Blessings will on Britain flow,
301 Under the King united to itself,
302 While he with Justice and with Mercy rules,
303 With Plenty we and Liberty obey.
304 That Union in the King will place a Pow'r,
305 A formidable but a legal Pow'r,
306 On which our Western Tyrants will look pale,
307 And all his Subjects look with chearful Hue:
308 For he with the same awful, bounteous Voice,
309 With which he sets, to each proud Tyrant, Bars,
310 And says, as God does to the Ocean's Waves,
311 Here fix thy Bounds, here stop thy aspiring Course;
312 Will make fair Liberty immortal here,
313 Will make his Subjects blest, secure, renown'd.
314 Woe to that guilty Tyrant, who shall then
315 Provoke him to resume the dreadful Sword,
316 To lead his Britons and his Germans forth
[Page 22]
317 To meet bright Victory on Belgian Plains,
318 Where they have oft the radiant Goddess met,
319 Where oft the radiant Goddess has been pleas'd
320 To bless and crown the Union of their Arms.
321 What Vengeance will that impious Tyrant urge?
322 What hideous and amazing Ruin draw
323 On his accursed and devoted Head?
324 In vain he shall new Fortresses erect,
325 (As Gyants Mountains upon Mountains hurl'd)
326 To threat Religion and assail the Skies:
327 The King, like Jove, shall crumble them to Dust
328 With his avenging Thunder; and his Son,
329 As once he did on Audenard's wond'ring Plains,
330 Shall, like the God of War, among them rush,
331 While Dread before him and Amazement march,
332 And Slaughter and Destruction stalk behind.
333 What numerous Triumphs shall we then behold
334 Upon the Land, upon th' astonish'd Main?
335 Again Great Marlborough to the German Alps,
336 With old victorious Squadrons shall be sent;
[Page 23]
337 The German Alps shall tremble at his March,
338 And from their Summits shake th' eternal Snow.
339 Another deathless Blenheim shall be fought,
340 And in its Field another Emperor sav'd;
341 Another glorious Ramellies succeed,
342 And fifty Forts and Provinces entire,
343 Which Perfidy, and Fraud, and impious Gold,
344 Could scarce in fifty guilty Years acquire,
345 Shall in one Hour before the Conqueror fall.
346 Orford once more Great Neptune shall affright,
347 And make him apprehend, as at La Hogue,
348 That Jove's descended in Celestial Fire,
349 T' exhaust and to devour his watry Realm.
350 Our impious Foes shall from all Seas be driv'n;
351 Nor shall the Ocean, which confines the World,
352 Britannia's Fame and Victories confine.
353 Both shall to new astonish'd Worlds extend,
354 T' Imperial
* Mexico.
Montezuma's Golden Coast,
355 And
Atabalipa's more precious Shore:
[Page 24]
356 And both th' Aetherial Andes shall ascend,
357 Where on the Skies th' ambitious Earth confines;
358 Britannia's Victories, and Fame, like them,
359 Shall reach the Stars, and terminate in Heav'n.
360 Our Ships shall o'er the Atlantick Ocean range,
361 From Florida to the far Southern Cape,
362 Where the two Seas their Names and Waves confound
363 In Triumph the pacifick Billows plough,
364 From California to rich Chili's Shore;
365 Shall captivate the Vessels of both Floods,
366 Their Forts demolish, and their Towns destroy,
367 Ravage their Carthagene and Porto Bell,
368 And Panama, and Royal Lima spoil;
369 Confound the Hope of the aspiring Gaul,
370 And teach the proud Castilian humbler Thoughts;
371 Return with the vast Treasure of the West,
372 And bring home Riches to amaze the World.
373 Dreadful, alas! shall spread that War, and wide,
374 Infecting Sea and Land with Purple Die.
[Page 25]
375 But short shall be its transitory Rage,
376 And it shall end in Victory and Fame,
377 Eternal Fame to Britain and her King.
378 And then a glorious everlasting Peace,
379 Crown'd with domestick Quiet shall succeed,
380 And brood o'er Britain with her downy Wings,
381 To hatch Felicity and Plenty here.
382 Then the wise Conduct of the best of Kings
383 Will shine, and then his Godlike Bounty flow.
384 The Rich with flowing Plenty will o'erwhelm,
385 Employ and nourish our yet num'rous Poor;
386 Our Manufactures will encrease and raise;
387 Our Commerce will improve, and will extend,
388 And to our Side incline the pond'rous Scale;
389 While he, the Ocean's undisputed Lord,
390 Will call Divine Astrea from the Skies,
391 And causeher Sacred Laws to be observ'd
392 As strictly on the rude, tempestuous Main,
393 As they're observ'd on calm Britannia's Shore,
394 As they're observ'd in her own native Heav'n.
[Page 26]
395 The Numbers of his Subjects he'll augment,
396 Diminish'd much by three devouring Wars;
397 Extend our Culture, and improve our Soil;
398 Will make the Ocean, now the World's great Wast,
399 It self a fertile and a bounteous Soil,
400 While his bold Britons plough the furrow'd Deep,
401 And reap a plentiful and living Harvest.
402 At Home the Rich shall jocundly sit down
403 In the cool Shade of his own branching Vine,
404 And with its Juice make his poor Brethren glad.
405 But when this glorious long continu'd Peace
406 Shall advance Commerce to its utmost Height,
407 Base Poverty, and baser Passions then
408 For ever shall be banish'd from our Isle.
409 The Riches of the Earth, the Joys of Heav'n
410 Shall overflow Britannia's blissful Plains;
411 The Eastern and the Western World shall vie
412 Which shall add most to our encreasing Store.
[Page 27]
413 The Merchant shall in sparkling Ruby drink,
414 And under Golden Canopies shall sleep,
415 And balmy shall his Slumbers be and long;
416 The happy Shepherd, with his rural Crook,
417 Shall the dumb Kingdom under him survey,
418 And while his Heart distends with Pride and Joy,
419 Shall see his wanton and his fat'ning Flock,
420 The Source of all his Country's Wealth and Pow'r.
421 Under their pond'rous Fleeces proudly pant,
422 While numberless, and cov'ring all the Plain,
423 To the shrill Musick of his jocund Pipe,
424 Under his ravish'd Eye they still encrease,
425 And hourly multiply. The whistling Hind
426 Shall sow the faithful Glebe with sanguine Hope,
427 Large Interest to extort for what he lends,
428 And for mild Seasons and a gentle Reign,
429 Shall praise aloud the Goodness of the King,
430 And the indulgent Clemency of Heav'n.
431 Fair Liberty shall, like the British Oak,
432 The long liv'd Oak, grow tall, and branching spread,
[Page 28]
433 And Virtue under Liberty grow strong.
434 For ever Property shall be secure,
435 The Publick Credit be for-ever fix'd.
436 The buisy Britons, like industrious Bees,
437 Shall drive the idle Drones from forth their Hives,
438 And Idleness be deem'd the Source of ev'ry Vice.
439 Pernicious Luxury shall be restrain'd
440 By wholesom and by sumptuary Laws,
441 That none his Patrimonial Lands may waste,
442 And so by dire Necessity be urg'd
443 To sell his Country, and his King betray.
444 Unmanly Customs and contagious Vice,
445 And Fraud beyond the Ocean shall be driv'n;
446 And Faith, and ev'ry Virtue dwell secure.
447 Devotion to the Heav'n of Heav'ns shall soar
448 Upon the flaming Wings of Charity,
449 And fall again in Blessings on Mankind.
450 While vile Mistrust, and vain fantastick Fear,
451 And Envy, Hatred, Malice, Rage, Revenge,
452 Shall take their Flight to Tyrants Courts Abroad,
[Page 29]
453 Or take their Flight to Hell, and plague the Damn'd.
454 No Passion but the Heav'n-born Passion Love,
455 Among Britannia's happy Sons shall reign.
456 No Passion here but Love shall reign and Joy,
457 The lawful and the charming Child of Love.
458 Each noble Art shall flourish, as in Days
459 Of Great Augustus, or Great Alexander.
460 Goddess, to Thee a Temple we'll erect,
461 And annual Honours shall be paid: To thee
462 Peace owes its noblest Ornaments: To thee
463 Distinguish'd Merit owes its chief Reward,
464 And Vertues self its Immortality.
465 Thy tuneful Sons their Raptures shall employ
466 To celebrate the Blessings, and the Joys,
467 Of this renown'd and everlasting Peace.
468 Thy noblest Sons their Transports shall employ,
469 Vertue and publick Spirit to advance;
470 And great and publick Actions to record,
[Page 30]
471 And to reward with everlasting Fame;
472 T' extol the God-like Patriot to the Skies;
473 To fix on Traytors an eternal Brand;
474 And on the venal, vile, accursed Pens,
475 That with their Lies intoxicate the Crowd,
476 And make the Beasts run dangerously mad;
477 While from immortal Merit they detract
478 Heroick Victories, heroick Deeds,
479 To which its Happiness, their Country owes
480 Its Safety, Spirit, Strength, and high Renown.
481 On these a Brand eternal shall be fix'd,
482 Eternal Lawrels on our Heroes Heads.
483 A different Hero to each God-like Bard,
484 And a peculiar Province shall be given;
485 But their heroick Transports all shall join,
486 Redouble all their Raptures and their Flames,
487 To celebrate the King's auspicious Reign,
488 And his immortal Name t' extend as far,
489 As his high Conduct brave, and just, and wise,
490 Will fair Britannia's Happiness extend.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): ON THE DEATH of Queen ANNE, And the ACCESSION of KING GEORGE TO THE Crowns of Great Britain, &c. WITH AN Exhortation to all BRITONS to Unity.
Author: John Dennis
Themes: politics; monarchy (heads of state); glory of the British nation
Genres: blank verse; eulogy

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Source edition

Dennis, John, 1657-1734. A poem upon the death of her late sacred majesty Queen Anne, and the most happy and most auspicious accession of his sacred majesty King George. To the imperial crowns of Great Britain, France and Ireland. ... By Mr. Dennis. London: printed by H. Meere, and sold by J. Baker, 1714, pp. 5-30. 30p.; 8⁰. (ESTC T42571; Foxon D226; OTA K041537.000)

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The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.