Thomson, James, 1700-1748. Antient and modern Italy compared: being the first part of Liberty, a poem. By Mr. Thomson. London: printed for A. Millar, over-against St. Clement’s Church in the Strand, M.DCC.XXXV., 1735. 37,[3]p.; 4⁰. (ESTC T22178; Foxon T186; OTA K030889.000)


    By Mr. THOMSON.

    LONDON: printed for A. MILLAR, over-against St. Clement's Church in the Strand. M.DCC.XXXV. (Price One Shilling.)



    WHEN I reflect upon that ready Condescension, that preventing Generosity, with which YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS received the following Poem under your Protection; I can alone ascribe it to the Recommendation, and Influence of the Subject. In you the Cause and Concerns of Liberty have so[Page vi] zealous a Patron, as entitles whatever may have the least Tendency to promote them, to the Distinction of your Favour. And who can entertain this delightful Reflection, without feeling a Pleasure far superior to that of the fondest Author; and of which all true Lovers of their Country must participate? To behold the noblest Dispositions of the Prince, and of the Patriot, united: an overflowing Benevolence, Generosity, and Candour of Heart, joined to an enlightened Zeal for Liberty, an intimate Persuasion that on it depends the Happiness and Glory both of Kings and People: to see these shining out in Public Virtues, as they have hitherto smiled in all the Social Lights and Private Accomplishments of Life, is a Prospect that cannot but inspire a general Sentiment of Satisfaction and Gladness, more easy to be felt than expressed.

    IF the following Attempt to trace Liberty, from the first Ages down to her excellent Establishment in GREAT BRITAIN, can at all merit your Approbation,[Page vii] and prove an Entertainment to YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS; if it can in any Degree answer the Dignity of the Subject, and of the Name under which I presume to shelter it; I have my best Reward: particularly, as it affords me an Opportunity of declaring that I am, with the greatest Zeal and Respect,

    YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS'S Most Obedient And most Devoted Servant, James Thomson.
  • BOOKS Printed for, and Sold by A. Millar.

    • I. THE History of the Union of Great-Britain, done from the Publick Records; containing, I. A General History of Unions in Britain. II. Of Affairs of both Kingdoms introductory to the Treaty. III. Of the last Treaty properly called the Union. IV. Of the carrying on of the Treaty in England, next in Scotland. V. The Proceedings and Minutes of the Parliament of Scotland, with Observations thereon, as finish'd there, and exemplified in England; in which is contain'd the Right and Method of electing the Peers and Commons; and all the Articles relating to both Kingdoms, as confirm'd by the Parliament of Great-Britain: To which is added an Appendix of Original Vouchers.
    • II. Georgii Buchanani Scoti, Poetarum sui seculi facile principis, Opera omnia, ad optimorum codicum fidem summo studio recognita, & castigata: nunc primum in unum collecta, ab innumeris fere mendis, quibus plerique omnes editiones antea scatebant, repurgata; ac variis insuper notis aliisque utilissimis accessionibus illustrata & aucta, folio, curante Tho. Ruddimanno, A. M. 2 Tom.
    • III. Collections relating to the History of Mary Queen of Scotland, containing a great number of original Papers, never before printed: Also a few scarce Pieces reprinted, taken from the best Copies, by the Learned and Judicious James Anderson Esq late Postmaster-General and Antiquary of Scotland. With an explanatory Index of the obsolete Words; and Preface, shewing the Importance of these Collections. In 4 Vol. on a fine imperial Paper, and a most beautiful Letter. 4to.

    N. B. There is a Second Edition, printed on a smaller Paper.

    • IV. The Seasons. A Hymn. A Poem to the Memory of Sir Isaac Newton. And Britannia, a Poem. By Mr. Thomson. With Cuts; both in 4to and 8vo.
    • V. The Tragedy of Sophonisba. Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by his Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. Thomson. Both in 4to and 8vo.
    • VI. Poems, 2 vol. in 12mo.
    • VII. The Ever-Green; being a Collection of Scots Poems wrote by the Ingenious before 1600. 2 vol. 12mo.
    • VIII. The Tea-Table Miscellany, or a Collection of Scots Songs. 3 vol.
    • IX. The Gentle Shepherd; a Scots Pastoral Comedy.

    N. B. The last four published by Allan Ramsay.

    • X. Eurydice, a Tragedy. Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by his Majesty's Servants.