[Page 43]


1 INGRATITUDE, how deadly is thy smart,
2 Proceeding from the Form we fondly love!
3 How light, compar'd, all other sorrows prove!
4 Thou shed'st a night of woe, from whence depart
5 The gentle beams of patience, that the heart
6 'Mid lesser ills illume. Thy Victims rove
7 Unquiet as the Ghost that haunts the grove
8 Where MURDER spilt the life-blood. O! thy dart
9 Kills more than life, e'en all that makes it dear;
10 Till we the "sensible of pain" wou'd change
11 For Phrenzy, that defies the bitter tear,
12 Or wish, in kindred callousness, to range
13 Where moon-ey'd IDIOCY, with fallen lip,
14 Drags the loose knee, and intermitting step.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): SONNET.
Author: Anna Seward
Genres: sonnet

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Source edition

Seward, Anna, 1742-1809. Llangollen Vale, with Other Poems. London: Printed for G. Sael, No. 192, Strand, 1796, p. 43.  (ESTC T96723) (Page images digitized by University of California Libraries.)

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