ON THE RIGHT HONORABLE GENERAL C——Y LOSING HIS ELECTION FOR BURY ST. EDMUND'S. An humble muse presumes thy worth to boast, Says D——'s conquer'd, and that C——y lost; Still thou dost triumph in the noblest part, Still doth preserve the generous patriot's heart; Thy principles, great Chief, exalt thy fame, And ever shall immortalize thy name; For ever lov'd, distinguish'd must thou be, For brightest virtues ever shone in thee; Thy noble acts are well in Britain known, And generous friendship marks thee for her own; Then glory, C——y in this seeming fall, Thou risest still superior over all: The day will dawn when Britain's sons shall see Their noblest privileges prized by thee; Thou like the sun in yonder western skies, Only declin'st, more gloriously to rise.